But new. Saying that WoW has 10 million active subscribers in the last 30 days is insane. This means that Blizzard has raised WoW's revenue over the past year by 2.6 billion dollars to come to a total of 3.6 billion dollars of total sales per year. Just in subscriptions..
* @Supernuker mounts Ryoma1337
<+Ryoma1337> oh god.
* Aerocow mounts Supernuker.
* @Supernuker moans
* Aerocow mounts Ryoma's face.
* +Ryoma1337 slaps Aerocow around a bit with a large trout
Anonymous: What a powertripping cock knocker
Anonymous: He's a powertripping, cock-knocking, melodramatic, sexually confused twat with a chip on his shoulder, a dick in his ass, and his own ego's cock in his mouth.