Refer to topic. Ive made a lot of friends here at Nuke Silo, a lot of enemies, and turned some enemies into friends, and hope enemies turn atleast neutral. Since im moving, right now im taking all my models, sprites, everything (Among other personal files. Ie. Music, pictures), and zipping it into rar format. I'm going to come on later tonight and play TS with you guys, but Natural Selection wont work on my older computer. (What ill be using until i move) while getting ready for the move, ill be on a little less than often, and when I do move into my new home, and unpack, it may take (worst case scenario) 2 weeks or so for me to get back to playing TSRP on NukeSilo. Never the less, I WILL be back, and ill be on the forums from time to time at my friend's house. While on the subject, is it possible for me to keep my account with NukeSilo TSRP if im going to a whole new home, which means new IP adress? Blah, that was the worst grammatical idiosincrecy ive ever committed. Anyway, ill be on today around 4-6 Eastern time, from where i will play all night. Woot! I wont have ventrilo probobly.
_________________ Edward Greeves. MIA. ______________________________