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Author:  Donovan James [ 04 Mar 2007, 21:22 ]
Post subject:  GTASA - SAMP ( GTA ONLINE )

MickConrow wrote:
I think the new map will last a week in popularity, as just people coming to see it.

Then it'll go back to now.

I hear people have been moving to GTASA multiplayer.

Author:  deebz [ 04 Mar 2007, 21:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Yeah, I've played it some. Very awesome.

Author:  Eric [ 04 Mar 2007, 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Donovan James wrote:
MickConrow wrote:
I think the new map will last a week in popularity, as just people coming to see it.

Then it'll go back to now.

I hear people have been moving to GTASA multiplayer.

Rub it in why don't you?
Freaking ratings-whore parents.....

Just 2 more years just 2 more years just 2 more years.....

Author:  Supernuker [ 04 Mar 2007, 23:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

rp on that.. is a failure.

much harder to do s*it about dmers and stuff.

Author:  perlov0 [ 05 Mar 2007, 06:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Eric wrote:
Rub it in why don't you?
Freaking ratings-whore parents.....

Just 2 more years just 2 more years just 2 more years.....

I know the feeling....

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 05 Mar 2007, 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

RP on GTASA is awesome, its very old school.

Author:  Supernuker [ 05 Mar 2007, 16:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

If everyone actually Role plays I can see how it would be good, but you never get everyone who will roleplay.

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 05 Mar 2007, 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Not exactly, there are good rpers on it, but i see where your coming from, harder to deal with dmers (Just everyone gang up on said person haha), and such.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 05 Mar 2007, 17:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

There are really 3 types of RP servers on GTA:The public RP, which really is nothing like RP at all. The servers are chaos. There really isn't any real RP on it - its basically going around buying stuff and killing the person who bought your property.

Then there are servers with a crap load of plugins, were you have to 'level up' to do certain things, buy houses and cars, ect cetera. These servers ( really there is only one like this and it is the biggest RP server out there so its not hard to find ) can be pretty fun at times but really isn't the TSRP type.

The last server is the one I play on and many members from here are is the most enjoyable, and is really TSRP on another game. Its the servers where everyone there has played TS and know the rules and whatnot. These are passworded. These servers are fun and have a good player base ( best time is on the weekends and at night ).

Author:  BooX [ 05 Mar 2007, 18:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

I love you guys

Author:  brandon7219 [ 05 Mar 2007, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

May I ask how you go about getting GTA:SA Multiplayer?

I have the computer version of the single-player...I am now very interested in a multiplayer version.

ANy help would be greatly appreciated

Author:  Ryoma [ 05 Mar 2007, 19:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Go to and DL the multiplayer version. You might need to downgrade your SA to ver .1. But that's all on the help files and stuff

Author:  brandon7219 [ 05 Mar 2007, 19:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Cool, Cool. Thanks. ^.^

ANd i do to have my GTA SA installed, correct?

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 05 Mar 2007, 19:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: >.< IS TSRP..

Yes, you have to have SA install'd as far as I know.

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