NukeSilo Community

Question about the rules.
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Author:  arrow [ 27 Jan 2009, 23:34 ]
Post subject:  Question about the rules.

Now before I start arguing, I need to ask:

1. Is metagaming allowed?
2. Is powergaming allowed?

Author:  perlov0 [ 28 Jan 2009, 05:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.



Both of these are banable for "bad rp" however admins have to use their discretion on whether its bad enough to ban, or just to yell at the person and correct their ways.

Author:  arrow [ 28 Jan 2009, 11:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.


So I typed this last night. Tone may be harsh, since I was mildly irritated.

I regret to inform you that I refuse to bite the hand that feeds. And no, I am in no way on my knees to lift the ban which was probably placed on me - temporary or permanent, it interests me not. I would just like to express my opinion, and if you have a problem with it, please do suck on one and a half.

See, I used to have this "oh yeah, NukeSilo is awesome, and if you have a problem with their admins, you're probably unlucky" thought. Things have changed.

Thing is, I don't know if it's just me, but for now let's just differentiate me from the crap roleplayers who have a tendency to get kicked/banned for jaildodging, not that such an image reflects me effectively.

But first, let me point out this: I disconnected not because I intend to jaildodge, but it's because I refuse to get on my knees and open up for the appetizer.

So I came back just because NukeSilo seems to be populated. The action began when I noticed a "colleague" being held up by four cops, and I played the recon and report part well. As my team began to take action (or so it seemed on the radio), I emptied a diversion clip and laid motionless on a rather not-commonly-searched area on the roof. So cops came, passed by. Yet, I still laid motionless. So more cops came, and I did not see a flashlight pointed in my general direction. Instead, I saw a lasersight pointed in my general direction (which is probably when the cop's like "OHHH A NAME ON A ROOF"), and THEN swarmed me with flashlights.
The argument went, and no matter the lack of justification/validation their arguments lacked, my logical arguments would probably be insignificant, because obviously, I'm expected to suck a cock, but I refuse. Their arguments were easily argued back against. I said I was in the dark, and they found me with their lasersight. They said they found me because they saw my legs. There was no way they saw my legs from below, because I wasn't even at the edge. Even if they did see my silhouette, the background was dark, and it's just as easy as spotting a black square on a black board.
If they had given me an actual good argument as to how they spotted me, I would have co-operated, but nope, it's just the usual "oh s*it, I can't justify myself. I'll just keep the same arguments, then teleport him to jail." Had one cop pointed out that the lasersight could define the surface of the roof and my character, I would have gone. I waited for it, but nobody pointed it out.
So I get teleported to jail, and that's when I decided to leave, because I've had enough for today. Not because I'm a jaildodging f**k, but because I'm not getting on my knees just because I'm a guest and they're the admins.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 28 Jan 2009, 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

It's always a good idea to cooperate, even when you "know" you're right. I say "know" in quotes because nobody can ever truly know anything--but that's going into a subject we don't need to get into--and as you said, had one of the officers given you a valid argument, your own argument could have been bested. It is good that you recognized that. Now what I don't understand is where the admins came into this, besides banning you, obviously. Were they arguing with you, too? Did they ask for an explanation, and did you and the others offer one?

Being an administrator is difficult. You may or may not know this, but judging by your experience, I'd say you do. So I can only guess that it's possible that the admins responsible did not have the information you did, and they acted upon whatever information they had. My best advice is to just forgive and forget, and come back to the community.

Author:  perlov0 [ 28 Jan 2009, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

As Maxwell summed up:

Admining is difficult, its hard to be perfect. We, or at least I, apologize for any bad rp that takes place on the server that gets away unpunished while a good rper gets punished over minor technicalities.

Best thing to do is to think its bullshit ooc if you wish, but to cooperate ic..

Hope you change your mind about us and continue playing on the server.

Author:  Supernuker [ 28 Jan 2009, 17:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

Just a few comments I have in general, not related to your situation in particular:

Its always best ic to cooperate, whatever its a false arrest or not. Rules state that you have to go to jail, if there was a drag mod or something to allow the cops to force you to go to jail, then they could drag you there themselves, but there isn't, at least not yet (we may add support in the future), so you have to walk to jail according to the rules. Refusing to go to jail just makes the situation worse, even if the cop arrested for you no good reason at all. Therefore it is generally best to go to jail, then dispute the cop later to their superiors or report it on the forums. There is a pretty good record with bad cops getting fired for that type of thing once they are reported.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 28 Jan 2009, 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

Prime real-life example:

I was once stopped by the police for skateboarding. They took my information and my skateboard and told me I had to go to the station with my parents the next day to get it back. I knew I didn't do anything wrong. I was just skateboarding. But I didn't argue; I just did what they told me to do.

But they were still in the wrong, so the next day my parents went in with me and bitched them out, and the Mayor was informed. Moral: comply first, complain later.

Author:  Jameson [ 30 Jan 2009, 09:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

I was the one who teleported him, what I don't understand is how he gets off saying that we couldn't have seen him. If that was the case then we would have never found him....we obviously had to see something to be able to point him out. It doesn't matter if it was dark, (I don't know about you but I am able to make things out in the dark) we still saw you! Do you think we have some sort of admin-player locating system that tells us your exact location? And guess what, a laser is a light emitting device. How could that have NOT lit you up?

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 30 Jan 2009, 10:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

Supernuker wrote:
Just a few comments I have in general, not related to your situation in particular:

Its always best ic to cooperate, whatever its a false arrest or not. Rules state that you have to go to jail, if there was a drag mod or something to allow the cops to force you to go to jail, then they could drag you there themselves, but there isn't, at least not yet (we may add support in the future), so you have to walk to jail according to the rules. Refusing to go to jail just makes the situation worse, even if the cop arrested for you no good reason at all. Therefore it is generally best to go to jail, then dispute the cop later to their superiors or report it on the forums. There is a pretty good record with bad cops getting fired for that type of thing once they are reported.

That would be awesome, but it would require the person to be cuffed, or else people might abuse it.

Author:  arrow [ 08 Feb 2009, 00:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

Jameson wrote:
I was the one who teleported him, what I don't understand is how he gets off saying that we couldn't have seen him. If that was the case then we would have never found him....we obviously had to see something to be able to point him out. It doesn't matter if it was dark, (I don't know about you but I am able to make things out in the dark) we still saw you! Do you think we have some sort of admin-player locating system that tells us your exact location? And guess what, a laser is a light emitting device. How could that have NOT lit you up?

I was considering coming back to NukeSilo for some actual RP, despite the three admin-related turn-downs I've gone through in this server so far, until I saw this post.

Laser = Light-emitting device
Laser ≠ A f**king spotlight

You know what else locates me as a player on the game?
Names that appear when you scan over a dark area.

Author:  Eric [ 08 Feb 2009, 00:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

Jameson wrote:
I was the one who teleported him, what I don't understand is how he gets off saying that we couldn't have seen him. If that was the case then we would have never found him....we obviously had to see something to be able to point him out. It doesn't matter if it was dark, (I don't know about you but I am able to make things out in the dark) we still saw you! Do you think we have some sort of admin-player locating system that tells us your exact location? And guess what, a laser is a light emitting device. How could that have NOT lit you up?

Jameson I love you like a brother but Arrow's right, there's no way a laser could have lit him up.

Author:  arrow [ 08 Feb 2009, 02:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

i actually have no intention of continuing this argument. when the other admins replied about how i shouldn't blame the admin for that, i thought "fine," i'll go with that.

but Jameson, with you standing firm in that spot, it's hard for me to do that.

Author:  Wake [ 08 Feb 2009, 07:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.


Author:  arrow [ 08 Feb 2009, 07:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about the rules.

I'm not banned, I was just hoping to settle something.

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