NukeSilo Community

Fight Club
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Author:  Manikstor90 [ 10 Feb 2008, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Fight Club

OrgsName:The Fight Club

Ranks and Description:

FC Kingpin: - (60$) - Pretty obvious, this would be me. I would help recruit the people I see most fit for my jobs. I would promote the Fight Club as much as possible and bring in a lot more variety than just gangs and killers. I could stand in for any of the jobs below (possibly even fighter).

FC Assistant: - (50$) - Stand in for me if I'm not there. Second in command. Will help me make decisions, hire people, and other things. And if I'm not, he has the power to do everything that I can.

FC Bouncer: - (45$) - I would have a couple bouncers outside the door making sure everyone is paying for their tickets, etc. And have a couple bouncers inside where the fight is to make sure no one in the audience gets involved, the fighters use the right fighting style (depending on the match) etc.

FC Fighter: - (45$) - The people that the spectators would pay to see fight. Depending on the type of fight, they could do kick boxing, boxing, or just a UFC style of fighting.

FC Treasurer: - (45$) - The person/people that would handle the money and be the main promoters for the Fight Club. These would also be the people standing outside of the Club collecting the money from paying spectators.

General idea of how it would work: I would make sure I have enough fighters on to fight, then announce that a fight is going to occur at the fight club over CNN. I would give the price, whos fighting, fighting style and any other neccesary information. Then the people would come to the Club, pay the treasurers and then be allowed to go in and sit down. Lets say a man refused to pay for his ticket or wont leave and isnt paying, the bouncers can easily take care of the man, using as little force as neccesary. Then either I or a bouncer will yell "Begin" and the fight will start. The two men will fight until the other is knocked out (( Dead )). And then the people would leave and Id wait a little while until I do it again. And we'd mix it up a little each fight too so it doesnt get repetitive, like add in another fighter, have a fighter fight an audience member, etc.

Property Requested if any: Fight Club

Owners Name: Eric Turner

SteamID: 0:1:9657468

Author:  duckeh [ 11 Feb 2008, 15:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fight Club

This does seem rather reasonable. And, its not just another crime organization.

Author:  Toretto [ 11 Feb 2008, 17:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fight Club

I like the idea, and it seems it would be fun. Not alot of jobs so it would be easy to maintain, to. I've seen Eric roleplay and he's a good roleplayer so that's good to.

Author:  darkapples [ 11 Feb 2008, 20:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fight Club

If anything, I suggest this org... It's not crime based and seems like something fun to do.

Author:  Revven [ 12 Feb 2008, 01:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fight Club

I recommend this org. to be created. Eric is a solid RPer, and I feel he would go far with this.

Author:  KyonItsuki [ 13 Feb 2008, 19:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fight Club

The first rule of Fight Club: Never talk about Fight Club


Author:  Supernuker [ 13 Feb 2008, 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fight Club

Apply for this, it won't be gotten if you don't apply.

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