NukeSilo Community

United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)
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Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 06 Feb 2008, 18:47 ]
Post subject:  United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

I wrote this request for another server, so sorry if some of this is out of context. I'm not actually requesting this (though it may become a request if enough interest is sparked). This is set to be an example for organization ideas that are outside the idea of crime/law.

Bear with me, as it is late night/early morning right now and I am half asleep. I simply want to know if the people think that a non-criminal organization like this one is a good idea. I shall hopefully edit this application later on to work out whatever kinks I shall likely insert into it during this first draft. If the title explains it enough, you needn't read any further simply to give me your opinion on whether you are interested in seeing this or not. I'm also looking for a potential leader commitment if it gets started up.

In-Game Name: Maxwell Murdock.

Steam-ID: STEAM_0:1:0699257

E-Mail Address and/or IM Address: or MaxwellMrdr6 (AIM)

Organization Information: The United Fincancing Corporation (No, I did not try to achieve the acronym. And the name is subject to suggestion and change.) is a versatile, civil, supportive, humanitarian, visionary program aimed not simply to coexist in the vast city of Mecklenburg, but to be immersed in the thriving essence of the city, that is, its people, and on the more grandiose scale, the permeating current of business and commerce. Money is not simply the "root of all evil"; currency is everything. And in fact, United Financing Corporation maintains a more positive outlook on the old saying, emphasizing that proper use and distribution of commerce can be used to achieve astonishingly helpful results, for all citizens and businesses, not just a lucky half-dozen or so.

Just as it is the vast stream connection for all big businesses, it serves as a leveling device for people of all standings. The financially less-fortunate can accomplish the same as those who are already beneficial. In lamens terms, those who do not necessarily have money can have it, whether this occurs through loans, stipends, benefits, coverage, grants, jobs, or service projects. Those who do have money will find intelligent ways of using, manipulating, and augmenting it through this service. Investments, beneficial shopping opportunities, donations, and ideas for smarter saving--they all happen here. Think of the company not only as your bank, but as your most knowledgable financial advisor, and friend.

Name of the Organization: United Financing Corporation (Open to suggestion. Subject to change...and epic failure.)

Location of the Organization: This should be better determined later in the debate, but logical areas would be the bank or an office, I suppose. It's an upstart corporation, in reality, so truly no property need be given in its infancy. Role-playing its introduction through the ideas of a visionary individual would work wonders.

Organization Positions, Descriptions, Limit and Salaries: I have not taken the time to formulate these yet. Let's take this process one step at a time. Shall we?

Story--Describe what happens during a typical day in this organization:

I see that I was supposed to write an actual story, rather than a description here. I'll fix that when I'm feeling extra creative.

This organization is devoted to its customers, and in the grand scheme, all the inhabitants of the city, materialized or not, are said to be customers. So, as an employee and proponent of the corporation, one is, at the most basic level, dedicated to service toward all who come hither to embrace it. Depending on one's niche in the hierarchy, this might mean handling loans and grants for those worthy (and there are likely to be many) of them. Perhaps this person is offering financial advice. Maybe they are meeting with big business head honchos and settling deals for sponsoring an important project. Somebody needs to keep track of all of these incoming and outgoing transactions, too!

And for those who find this idea to be much too innocent and virginizingly good, ponder about what happens when a business transaction goes sour, when a loan is not paid back. Obviously, such a globally important business as this cannot afford such mishaps too often, so where, or who, does it turn to when the debt must be relinquished?

Recap: So what could UFC do?
Money lending, loans, grants, stipends, donations etc.
Insurance (on just about anything).
Business deals--like partnerships.
Job searches and career fairs.
Community service.


So what would make this experience "fun"?
Essentially, the functionality of anything from as basic a level as individual events and persons, to big business, government, and world relations, is an algorithm of money. Everything and everyone has a hand in money. Currency is directly linked to many incandescently valuable things, including freedom, power, opportunity--the list goes on. To possess this entity of finance is to harness and reap all the beneficial (and remarkably surplus) "quality of life" quotas thereof pertaining to it. And naturally, to be in the business of commerce is to have access to the green, in some way, shape or form; to have access to money is to have a vast array of outlets toward a greater status and more desirable goals. Think, generally, about the groups that run the world today: the government, the military, big business, and the banks. Now dig deeper. What fuels each of these pillars? Are you now seeing in a greenish hue?

Author:  Toretto [ 11 Feb 2008, 17:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

I've actually been thinking of making an organization, such as the Black Market. I've been picturing it lately and it'd be more of a illegal supplies organization but with minimal criminal actions. (such as robbery,murder,theft,vandalism,assault,etc.) The way ive been planning it is to be the source of drugs and firearms in NukeCity, I've told some people about my idea and they've all agree'd and thought it'd be a great addition to the server.

Author:  Aerocow4 [ 14 Feb 2008, 00:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

I'm making a credit union w/ bigger and better business attached. LLLL knows what I mean... :>

Author:  Supernuker [ 14 Feb 2008, 00:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

LLLL = one vote, won't convince many others.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 14 Feb 2008, 01:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

Aerocow4 wrote:
I'm making a credit union w/ bigger and better business attached. LLLL knows what I mean... :>

So basically you're doing what I just mentioned here, only restricting its capabilities more...

Author:  barda [ 14 Feb 2008, 02:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

Well, you did mention alot here lol.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 14 Feb 2008, 11:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: United Financing Corporation (a legit business example)

Yup, that was my intention. It's quite versatile and has the ability to deviate from the mainstream business alignment to more...questionable...activities. I figured people would like that. I'm probably going to make a request for this here and let somebody else run it if it gets approved.

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