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About people breaking glass.
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Author:  Shippo Fox [ 28 Jan 2008, 14:45 ]
Post subject:  About people breaking glass.

Is it just me, or does something have done about all the people breaking glass for fun? I know how it is, because I remember doing it last year for a bit and getting a kick out of it. Now that everyone here's a year more mature, I'd have thought that we wouldn't be having this problem anymore... I can't recall how many chases went on last night over people breaking glass, or how many times I've seen people dive through windows (head first) only to speed away. Do you think maybe we can do something about this? Like... A higher fine, stronger windows, stricter rules, or something? I don't want to be a party pooper, but it's just annoying when 75% of your time as a cop is spend chasing glass breakers rather then participating at robbery RP's, public chats, or just relaxing with friends. Anyone else agree?

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 28 Jan 2008, 15:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

Higher fines maybe. But that's a stretch. It's always been a problem, much like people shooting weapons out in public for sport. But it has to be treated like RP.

Author:  darkapples [ 28 Jan 2008, 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

I do agree that something has to be done, but I'm not entirely sure on what a good solution is.
In other servers, some things seem to breakable, while other things are not, and in others everything is entirely invulnerable. I'm not sure how this would do to things if put into effect.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 28 Jan 2008, 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

Boo to indestructible windows. That's not the route to go.

Author:  RedRose [ 28 Jan 2008, 22:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

What about if the window inflicted damage when broken, glass shards and all? Perhaps if it took out a good 30 health points, it would be a little bit less fun? Or perhaps if you break say, two windows within a 10 second period, you get kicked from the server?

Author:  barda [ 28 Jan 2008, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

Lolz, I don't think it is possible to code that s*it. It would make sense to make it an RP issue rather than a server rule thing. Perhaps just raise fines or increase jail time. These are the things that take place in RL when crimes are re-occuring in a specific area.

Author:  Ryoma [ 28 Jan 2008, 22:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

I think it's possible to do that, you never know...

Author:  darkapples [ 28 Jan 2008, 22:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

In my opinion, people have been breaking them just to either spite the law enforcement, because they know punishment exists for it, or because they see everyone else do it. I can bring up about 2 or 3 specific people that starting bashing in windows about half a minute after the mayor gave his speech about heavier fines and increased jail times.

Author:  Revven [ 28 Jan 2008, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

darkapples wrote:
In my opinion, people have been breaking them just to either spite the law enforcement, because they know punishment exists for it, or because they see everyone else do it. I can bring up about 2 or 3 specific people that starting bashing in windows about half a minute after the mayor gave his speech about heavier fines and increased jail times.

2 or 3? The whole server practically started doing it! But yes, I feel a coded 'Glass-shattering damage' thing would be a good idea.

Author:  Supernuker [ 28 Jan 2008, 23:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

I say we raise the prices, maybe $200 per window for repeat offenders

Author:  barda [ 29 Jan 2008, 01:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

I agree. Maybe even jail time. Considering it is vandalism. You can get locked up for breaking a window of a business in RL, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, destruction of private property. All of which can warrant jail time. The most common reason of breaking windows and doors is just pure boredom, and they like that sound :P. Those are my reasons anyways.

Author:  Shippo Fox [ 29 Jan 2008, 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

It's awesome to see that people agree with me on this. I really do like that damage idea, man. I mean... it makes a lot of sense. Never thought of that, but it would be pretty sweet.

Author:  RedRose [ 29 Jan 2008, 15:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: About people breaking glass.

Well thanks!

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