NukeSilo Community

Two or Three Item Requests
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Author:  Sweet Revenga [ 09 Aug 2006, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Two or Three Item Requests

Alright, as two of the three things I will be posting are not plugins but items, I thought it would be wiser to post here than in the Plugins section.

First, myself and Jameson have been discussing an in-game company of sorts for him to front. As Jameson is currently the propreitor of a Bar, it would be interesting for him to have his own liquor company, and seeing as that there is no Whiskey item in-game, it'd be a welcome addition for the many players whose characters would benefit from having a Whiskey item rp-wise (One example would be my Irish character prefering whiskey to, say, Vodka). Though his company could stretch beyond Whiskey, that was the one thing we discussed up-front. No coding would be necessary, just the addition of a few items:

1. Jameson's Whiskey Shot
Description: A shot of Jameson brand Whiskey.
Cost: 35

2. Jameson's Whiskey Bottle
Description: A bottle of Jameson brand Whiskey.
Cost: 110

3. Hipflask
Description: A hipflask filled with Jameson brand Whiskey.
Cost: 90 (Note: Could be bought from 7-11 or Bar)

Secondly, me and several other Mafia members have agreed that Cocaine, Crack, Joints, and Ecstasy aren't really enough drugs to RP around. The inclusion of Heroin, Methanphetamines (Speed), LSD, and Opium would be MUCH appreciated by myself and many other RPers; especially Heroin, a drug that opens up many venues in RP.

Finally, I'd like to see it so that if you drink Alcohol in-game, besides the Purple Glow, nothing happened; none of that stupid running around in circles stuff. Why? After drinking 1 beer, how many people are completely incapable of SITTING? It also makes an arresting officer's life difficult if the person they arrest is intoxicated, and they run in random directions on the way to the PD through no fault of their own (Well, not on purpose, anyway). Good RPers will be able to RP being drunk without the "aid" of a poorly made alcohol mod (( IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS WAS NOT A BASH AT NUKER, NOR DEST. I am aware the plugin is stock with Harbu's mod, and that is why I felt safe to criticize it here.)). That is one change that I assure you would be very welcome, and I know a large number of people offhand that would greatly appreciate it if you just deleted the code that made you run randomly when drunk.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and I hope you take it's points into consideration.

Author:  Supernuker [ 09 Aug 2006, 18:44 ]
Post subject: 

that was alerady requested by LLLL.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 09 Aug 2006, 18:51 ]
Post subject: 

Ya know, it would be cool if each org has 2 made items of their choice.

I have two very good ideas for the Borgata.

Author:  Supernuker [ 09 Aug 2006, 18:54 ]
Post subject: 

No gang items are being made.

The item tables are alerady a mess.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 09 Aug 2006, 19:26 ]
Post subject: 

So, this item is not being made?

Author:  Supernuker [ 09 Aug 2006, 19:44 ]
Post subject: 

Its not a gang item?

Author:  Sweet Revenga [ 24 Dec 2006, 10:10 ]
Post subject: 


Though I'm glad to see that the Whiskey was implemented, I'd very much like to see the other major point here considered; the removal of Alcohol Mod.

Having RP'd a bartender at various times, I can say that it is a major eyesore to be carrying on a conversation with a customer while he's falling off the barstool and over the counter.

I'm not sure how much work it would entail, so if it is a lot of work please, feel free to inform us, but if it is doable, I'd very much like to see it either removed or changed.

Thanks for reading.

Author:  Jameson [ 24 Dec 2006, 10:15 ]
Post subject: 

Or at least make it so that it doesn't turn you colors or effect your motor skills with only one drink..

Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 24 Dec 2006, 11:07 ]
Post subject: 

yea it seems that everyone in the city of mecklinberg has a very .. very low tolerance for alchohol and or drugs.

lol it's so fun to get high then drunk then go around trying to shoot people rofl

Author:  Jared Damare [ 25 Dec 2006, 01:36 ]
Post subject: 

No, it's not fun. It's just stupid, because the time in jail stacks up Confused

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