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[TSRP] Gang Items...
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Author:  USN SEAL [ 08 Jan 2006, 21:29 ]
Post subject:  [TSRP] Gang Items...

Ok I just thought of this while talking with Dudeman about the appropriate way to Light a Cigar. Well now lets get down to buisness. I was thinking that gangs should have some sort of item to show they are in that gang and the itme would do a certaint thing, For Example:

You are just joining the Mafia and they are Pledgeing the Omerta. Everything is going as followed and the Don steps to the young cugine and says to him face to face.

"Congratulations my son...You are now a "Made" man"

The Don then Graciously takes out A fine Cuban Cigar with the words "Mafioso" written down the side and hands it to the newly recruited Picciotto.

The Don then speaks to the man and says:

"Welcome to the family. The day you leave you will smoke this Cigar. This cigar is yours and is not to be givin to anyone other than you."

Now this would be a great Idea and work awsomely for any item and any gang.

If you examined the item it would say: "A Fine Rolled Cuban Cigar with the Words. "Mafioso" or "Picciotto" or "Omerta" scrolled down the Side.

You could set up Special matches that you are able to use at bars and such. For example.

You are working at the Italiano resturante as a Bartender and a customer comes in and sits down. He says the Following:

"Hello, can I get a Whiskey." You nod and hand him the Drink and he responds with.

"Thank you son. Mind handing me over one of those Cigars?"

You nod and hand him the Cuban cigar. he then Says:

"Thanks. Got a light?"

You pull out a Special bartender Lighter or some Matches and hand them to the customer and he thanks you. The customer then lights up his Cigar and the Matches are now gone from his inventory and back in yours.

All thease ideas would be awsome for Rp and I know people would love them.

Author:  Knare [ 09 Jan 2006, 14:15 ]
Post subject: 

Might as well put Mafiaoso on one side and Knare on the other Cool
And I would go more along the lines of an Italian cigar

Author:  USN SEAL [ 09 Jan 2006, 16:13 ]
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I dont Think They Make Italian Cigars. And Oh Yea having Knare on it wouldnt Be the Best Idea.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 09 Jan 2006, 17:11 ]
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USN SEAL wrote:
I dont Think They Make Italian Cigars.

They do, but there are rare.

Author:  FalconBK [ 09 Jan 2006, 17:13 ]
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This won't work...think of Fox Medallions and what happend.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 09 Jan 2006, 17:29 ]
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Yeah, I don't think we would want these items to have 'specail powers'. That would get a little crazy.

Author:  USN SEAL [ 09 Jan 2006, 17:31 ]
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Possibley Dudeman your so Omg negative and everything O-M-G .

Author:  Jared Damare [ 09 Jan 2006, 18:46 ]
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Author:  USN SEAL [ 09 Jan 2006, 19:05 ]
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Straight Blingin!

Author:  Knare [ 09 Jan 2006, 20:31 ]
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Jared Damare wrote:

They were uber op kits, healed full no matter what HP

Author:  brandon7219 [ 09 Jan 2006, 20:39 ]
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Knare wrote:
Jared Damare wrote:

They were uber op kits, healed full no matter what HP

wow, ghey,. but neways this sounds pretty cool, but yea no powers

Author:  Supernuker [ 09 Jan 2006, 21:01 ]
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It was a Item I made to test something and ended up not getting rid of for awhile.. but yeah it was a uber medkit.

Author:  Jameson [ 09 Jan 2006, 21:23 ]
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you told me they did nothing...ass Confused

Author:  Supernuker [ 09 Jan 2006, 21:33 ]
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LLLL wrote:
you told me they did nothing...ass Confused

Well at first they didn't. Then we got the idea to add healing powers to them to see if we could do it... and we did.

Author:  FalconBK [ 09 Jan 2006, 21:33 ]
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Wasn't there a problem with Nuke Icons that were removed too?

Author:  Supernuker [ 09 Jan 2006, 21:34 ]
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*cough* LLLL gave them out.

besides that no.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 10 Jan 2006, 09:23 ]
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hmmmmm ive smoked a few cigars in my day and I say cubans are overrated

I went to Costa Rica on some special school trip and me and my buddies went into town during the night and bought a pack of Costa Rican cigars

now those were the best da*n things I ever smoked, and I really dont smoke often...and I hate cigarettes with a passion...... anyways yes, we need Costa Rican cigars in TSRP for full flavor ^_^!

btw, an hour later after smoking an entire cigar in like 5 minutes I became a ghastly pale white and my stomach was wretching so I threw up in the hallway at the hotel we were staying at

Author:  Knare [ 10 Jan 2006, 15:13 ]
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Get in trouble?

Author:  USN SEAL [ 10 Jan 2006, 17:23 ]
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I think I will be the Same way. Im probably going to Smoke Cigars but Not often only on special Occasions. Vash that probably wasnt a Cigar lol More like some kind of Forigne Jungle Drug.

P.S. What School Trips Go to Costa Rica?

Author:  Knare [ 10 Jan 2006, 19:30 ]
Post subject: 

USN SEAL wrote:
I think I will be the Same way. Im probably going to Smoke Cigars but Not often only on special Occasions. Vash that probably wasnt a Cigar lol More like some kind of Forigne Jungle Drug.

P.S. What School Trips Go to Costa Rica?

You dont strike me as the kind to do so from I remember on teamspeak

Author:  Chupa [ 10 Jan 2006, 19:33 ]
Post subject: 

Cigars from cuba, deppending on what ones you get ROCK...
infact i just bought a 20 pack from a buddy who just got back from vacation.
My school trips go to europe n s*it, i went last year. It was crazy!

Author:  USN SEAL [ 10 Jan 2006, 20:17 ]
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That Would be awsome.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 10 Jan 2006, 23:10 ]
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Knare wrote:
Get in trouble?


and it was a special trip you had to actually pay big bucks for : /

it wasnt some free trip, it took up the entire spring break

still had lots of fun, in fact I swam in a lake that was heated by a volcano, and there were designated temperature zones and s*it, it was crazy

Author:  USN SEAL [ 10 Jan 2006, 23:19 ]
Post subject: 

I wana swim in a lake heated by a volcano.

At the new Zeland beaches they have areas where you can Dig out the ground and hot water fills the hole making your own hottub. Im going to new zeland in Febuary.

Author:  Knare [ 12 Jan 2006, 10:47 ]
Post subject: 

USN SEAL wrote:
I wana swim in a lake heated by a volcano.

At the new Zeland beaches they have areas where you can Dig out the ground and hot water fills the hole making your own hottub. Im going to new zeland in Febuary.

man now I wanna swim in that lake

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