NukeSilo Community

IRC Funnys
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Author:  Supernuker [ 06 Oct 2005, 22:48 ]
Post subject:  IRC Funnys

This is just some funny text I've seen over irc. Some of it IS my setinfos. Ingore the boxes, they are color codes for irc which amost everything else doesn't use.

[02:57:52] <LrDkOrN04> ok, /me and /part were in a bar, /me left who was still at the bar? 
[02:58:24] <@Supernuker|NFo> /part
[02:58:29] <LrDkOrN04> CORRECT
[02:58:43] <@Supernuker|NFo> why don't you say the answer :o
[02:58:48] * LrDkOrN04 ( has left #nukesilo

[03:22:52] <@Supernuker|NFo> kyonai pwns you 
[03:23:10] <LrDkOrN04> pwns me?
[03:23:31] <LrDkOrN04> pwn this
[03:23:40] <@Kyonai> !pwn lrdkorn04
[03:23:40] * LrDkOrN04 was kicked by ChanServ ((Kyonai) Bye.)
[03:26:08] * Kyonai was kicked by LrDkOrN04 (ass)
[03:26:08] * LrDkOrN04 was kicked by ChanServ (That user is protected.)

[18:03:31] <IEMC> !8ball is LrDkOrN04 gay?
[18:03:31] <ChanServ> IEMC: If the prophets will it
[18:03:44] <LrDkOrN04> !8ball shutup
[18:03:44] <ChanServ> LrDkOrN04: Not on your life.
[18:03:50] <Supernuker|NFo> you got owned.

[14:22:33] <@^Luke> im having some terrible speilling errors

[19:00:52] <Scorpion{Dh}> NICK SHOULD COME PUB IF HE HAS FREE even let him choose the map :) 
[19:01:22] <@Nick|NFo> ka_arena and give me godmode?

[23:44:09] <+LLLL> ircawp: does school suck ass?
[23:44:10] <+ircawp> LLLL: Suck my dick in the ass.

[20:36:48]  <@Snake-NFo> im getting a lot of wierd quote thing in the amxbans though 
[20:37:02] <@TimeX-NFo> like what?
[20:38:04] <@Snake-NFo> 17" "aimbot"
[20:38:09] <@Snake-NFo> maybe he has a 17 inch aimbot
[20:38:11] <@Snake-NFo> dunno

[21:33:21] <@LLLL> wow i was just changing channels on the tv while thinking about FTP and changed the channel to channel 21 -_-

[21:43:54] <@Sniper|oXi|> Tell him to go _________ himself in the _________ . Fill in the blanks however you wish.
[21:45:14] <@Supernuker|NFo> Tell him to Dirty himself in the Sniper|oXi|'s Bed

[23:06:28] <+LLLL> kick me 
[23:07:26] <+LLLL> do it
[23:08:32] * nick sets mode: -v LLLL
[23:08:46] <LLLL> not fair
[23:08:51] <LLLL> BOO!!!

[16:48:23] <@bOoya\NFo> that yamato guy demo is so blatant
[16:48:36] <@bOoya\NFo> he lined up to throw a grenade right at a guy
[16:48:40] <@bOoya\NFo> too bad there was a door in the way
[16:48:44] <@bOoya\NFo> he must not have seen it
[16:49:07] <@bOoya\NFo> s*it bounced back in his face

[15:31:37] <@l2ay-NFo> i'd say ban slo, but he sucks too much to be banned =x 
[15:31:51] <@Slofire`Sleep> your da*n right i do

Author:  Jameson [ 07 Oct 2005, 00:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: IRC Funnys

Supernuker wrote:
[16:48:23] <@bOoya\NFo> that yamato guy demo is so blatant
[16:48:36] <@bOoya\NFo> he lined up to throw a grenade right at a guy
[16:48:40] <@bOoya\NFo> too bad there was a door in the way
[16:48:44] <@bOoya\NFo> he must not have seen it
[16:49:07] <@bOoya\NFo> s/h/i/t bounced back in his face[/code]

best one ever

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 07 Oct 2005, 03:30 ]
Post subject: 

[14:22:33] <@^Luke> im having some terrible speilling errors

HAHAHHA that one made me actually laugh out loud

Author:  IEMC [ 07 Oct 2005, 14:15 ]
Post subject: 

lol, shut up Razz

I got a s*it load, heres some samples:

<Intellect-MystiC> i wish i had a bigger dick

[21:49] <LLLL> lol i got this chain bulliten from someone on myspace asking guys their dick size
[21:49] <LLLL> some guy put 10 inches
[21:49] <LLLL> idiot
[21:49] <Supernuker|NFo> mine is 10 inches
[21:49] <Supernuker|NFo> not.
[21:49] <LLLL> if you had a 10 inch dick that would be the suck
[21:49] <^Luke> mines 90 gagillion
[21:49] <^Luke> i gotta rap it around my leg many times
[21:50] <LLLL> lol
[21:50] <LLLL> nuker no i
[21:50] <Supernuker|NFo> too bad
[21:50] <Supernuker|NFo> that isn't a word
[21:50] <^Luke> haha
[21:50] <LLLL> it would be hard to have sex
[21:50] <LLLL> ..
[21:50] <^Luke> it would hurt to have a boner Surprised

[21:52] <Supernuker|NFo> I heard a rumor
[21:52] <Supernuker|NFo> that the seniors went out
[21:52] <FalconBK> :O
[21:52] <Supernuker|NFo> and had like a party
[21:52] <Supernuker|NFo> and like mastubated
[21:52] <^Luke> wtf
[21:52] <FalconBK> circle jerk.

[21:54] * FalconBK pulls out 25 inch dickzorz
[21:54] <FalconBK> :O
[21:54] <Supernuker|NFo> bye.
[21:54] <FalconBK> mine is betterzorz
[21:54] <Supernuker|NFo> dude
[21:54] <Supernuker|NFo> falcon
[21:54] <Supernuker|NFo> your body can't support a dick that big
[21:54] <Supernuker|NFo> you would fall over

That had to be the strangest conversation ever...

Thats just a littile bit. Ill post more later.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 07 Oct 2005, 15:07 ]
Post subject: 

Here is a funny one:


Author:  IEMC [ 07 Oct 2005, 15:24 ]
Post subject: 

Well... you were :\

Author:  FalconBK [ 07 Oct 2005, 17:04 ]
Post subject: 


Goood times.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 07 Oct 2005, 17:20 ]
Post subject: 

haha if someone had a 25 inch dick they would probably pass out whenever they had a boner due to blood loss Laughing

ohhh baby im soooooo harddddd *passes out*

Author:  IEMC [ 07 Oct 2005, 18:32 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  MrSoda [ 07 Oct 2005, 19:20 ]
Post subject: 

dick jokes always get me laughen, anyways...

"There once was a man from Mantuckit
His dick was so long he could suck it!
So he said with a grin, and some cum on his chin
My ear is so round, ill f**k it!"

my, probobly second best friend recited that while we were all hangin out at a holoween party a year or 2 back, lol.

Author:  IEMC [ 07 Oct 2005, 20:33 ]
Post subject: 



Author:  Riccio [ 07 Oct 2005, 23:16 ]
Post subject: 

view my sig

Author:  Jesse [ 08 Oct 2005, 00:11 ]
Post subject: 




Author:  MrSoda [ 08 Oct 2005, 00:50 ]
Post subject: 

IEMC wrote:


what if i were 2 say it over IRC, huh? lol

Author:  IEMC [ 08 Oct 2005, 19:33 ]
Post subject: 

The chanserv has spoken...

Author:  Jesse [ 08 Oct 2005, 21:05 ]
Post subject: 

Indeed sir, indeed.

Author:  IEMC [ 14 Oct 2005, 18:32 ]
Post subject: 

[19:22] <^Dest12> Btw I requested that you be unbanned luke
[19:23] <^Luke> :>
[19:23] <^Luke> i luv you dest
[19:23] <^Luke> lets make sweet luv
[19:24] <Supernuker|NFo> dest won't help you get unbanned
[19:24] <^Luke> lol
[19:24] <^Luke> so?
[19:24] <^Luke> LLLL said for me to be unbanned
[19:24] <^Luke> :\
[19:24] <Supernuker|NFo> partically thanks to me
[19:25] <^Luke> Surprised
[19:25] * ^Luke hugs nuker
[19:25] <^Luke> <3
[19:25] * TSRP-AEROOOOOOO licks luke in the arm
[19:25] <^Luke> eww
[19:25] <^Luke> i still hate you
[19:25] <^Luke> go away
[19:25] <TSRP-AEROOOOOOO> at least i dont buttrape people Razz
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> o sure
[19:26] <^Luke> at least i dont LIKE being buttraped
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> dest requsests to get you unbanned
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> and you want to make love to hi
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> but I review the demo
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> and render that you weren't dming
[19:26] <^Luke> cus dest is sexy.... your just...
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> and all I get is a hug
[19:26] <^Luke> your just nuker :\
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> fine
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> I won't help you again
[19:26] <^Luke> and why do you want to make luv? weirdo...
[19:26] <Supernuker|NFo> I don't
[19:27] <Supernuker|NFo> why do you want to make love with dest?
[19:27] <^Luke> hes sexy
[19:27] <^Luke> daaaaaamn
[19:27] <TSRP-AEROOOOOOO> website is setup :O
[19:27] <^Luke> kay
[19:28] <Supernuker|NFo> heh
[19:28] <Supernuker|NFo> I'm taken anyway
[19:28] <^Luke> you have another ghey lover? >:(
[19:28] <TSRP-AEROOOOOOO> yep luke
[19:28] <TSRP-AEROOOOOOO> me
[19:28] <^Luke> ZOMG
[19:28] <^Luke> BASTARD
[19:28] * ^Luke rapes TSRP-AEROOOOOOO
[19:29] <^Luke> YOU LIKE THAT BITCH!
[19:29] * TSRP-AEROOOOOOO shoves luke off and pulls out a .357 and blows lukes brains to the floor
[19:29] <^Luke> ow
[19:29] <^Luke> s*it
[19:29] * ^Luke falls over dead
[19:29] * TSRP-AEROOOOOOO cuts lukes throat and slices his head off
[19:29] * TSRP-AEROOOOOOO cuts lukes dick off and feeds it to lukes dog
[19:29] <^Luke> pssh
[19:29] <^Luke> what dick?
[19:29] <^Luke> Very Happy
[19:29] <^Luke> tee hee
[19:30] <^Luke> im the new falcon (no offense)

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 15 Oct 2005, 10:07 ]
Post subject: 

So glad I didn't see that until now.

Author:  TracerBullet [ 15 Oct 2005, 12:29 ]
Post subject: 

[19:30] <^Luke> im the new falcon (no offense)
[19:30] <TSRP-AEROOOOOOO> ROFLMAO[/quote][/quote]

Roffle Mayo!!!!!!

Author:  IEMC [ 15 Oct 2005, 12:32 ]
Post subject: 

nice crappy quote.

And i see nuker deleted my second quote Wink

Author:  blakeroberts88 [ 16 Oct 2005, 20:57 ]
Post subject: 

Yea a dew days ago.. Me, Nuker, and FalconBK were talking and I got curious and decided to see what would happen if I typed !cut blakeroberts88.. Well I kick banned myself from the nukesilo irc lol.. Nuker and Falcon wouldn't stop laughing at me.

[10:52:pm] <blakeroberts88> !cut blakeroberts88
[10:52:pm] * ChanServ sets mode: -o+b blakeroberts88 *!*
[10:52:pm] * You were kicked by ChanServ ((blakeroberts88) Bye.)
[10:52:pm] -ChanServ- Kickbanned blakeroberts88 from #nukesilo.
[10:52:pm] * Attempting to rejoin channel #nukesilo
[10:52:pm] * Unable to join channel (address is banned)

[10:55:pm] <Supernuker|NFo> that would be funny
[10:55:pm] <Supernuker|NFo> if that command
[10:55:pm] <Supernuker|NFo> did completely remove you from staff

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 27 Nov 2005, 22:02 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Somasu [ 27 Nov 2005, 23:48 ]
Post subject: 

funny xfire s*it...not really...

Pirogoeth: hey
bardaazreal: yo
bardaazreal: how goes it man
Pirogoeth: Vote somasu for mayor!!
Pirogoeth: here is my campaign for mayor
bardaazreal: da*n
bardaazreal: who else is running
Pirogoeth: dun know
Pirogoeth: i think jesse
bardaazreal: i thought i wuz
Pirogoeth: but that guy is so f**king corrupt
bardaazreal: lol
Pirogoeth: u r?
bardaazreal: i sent a pm to nuker a while back
bardaazreal: ...
bardaazreal: what all wuz supposed to be in it?
Pirogoeth: you gota mail it mn
Pirogoeth: im not gona help ya...
bardaazreal: wait i mailed it
bardaazreal: lol
bardaazreal: cuz u know id win
Pirogoeth: only because you have the mafia backing you
bardaazreal: meh
bardaazreal: wut mafia?
Pirogoeth: the mafia your in...
bardaazreal: ye we have like no members now though
bardaazreal: you know nick went pd for a while
bardaazreal: ?
Pirogoeth: because i was,and so kitty joined because i was going to
Pirogoeth: and then nick joined
Pirogoeth: and i heard a few others i cant think of their name mow
Pirogoeth: id me PD if i hadn't been banzord
bardaazreal: you got banned from teh serverh now?
Pirogoeth: yeah
bardaazreal: lol
bardaazreal: (his is his girlfriend)
bardaazreal: who are you ?
Pirogoeth: sum azn guy
bardaazreal: really
Pirogoeth: im sorry your man is a fatty
bardaazreal: he is NOT
Pirogoeth: hey man,he showed me this porno he was in
bardaazreal: you are!
Pirogoeth: and he had a beer gut
Pirogoeth: lol wana see my pic?
Pirogoeth: im not a fatty,sorry
bardaazreal: ok
Pirogoeth: viewtopic.php?t=3037
bardaazreal: I think after 5 years i would know if he was fat
Pirogoeth: hey man,iv known him for 3 months and i know for a fact he is fat
bardaazreal: bit me
bardaazreal: bite*
Pirogoeth: Neutral
Pirogoeth: look man,im not gona help you masterbate
Pirogoeth: yyour bbarda's gf
Pirogoeth: not mine
bardaazreal: I dont want to talk to you any more
bardaazreal: Sad
Pirogoeth: im sorry
Pirogoeth: your missing out
bardaazreal: bye
Pirogoeth: With my last words i curse zoidburg!!!

I hate it when people pretend to be their own girlfriend and talk s*it.When Ruan gets on my computer she doesnt talk to any1,she doesnt need to.So when i play with guys and suposidly their gf gets on,they suddenly decide to tell me "OMFG HI HI IM ----'s GF OMFG!!!!" i doubt they would have a gf they knew howto even use xfire or msn....its sad,really

Author:  IEMC [ 28 Nov 2005, 14:53 ]
Post subject: 

[15:49] <^Luke> !8 Do i have a huge dick?
[15:49] <ChanServ> ^Luke: Not on your life.
[15:49] <^Luke> ROFL
[15:49] <Sleep`Aerocow> rofl
[15:49] <^Luke> hahahahahah
[15:49] <Sleep`Aerocow> luke thinks 1millimeter is big
[15:50] <Sleep`Aerocow> =\
[15:50] <^Luke> !8 Do i have a regular dick?
[15:50] <ChanServ> ^Luke: Absolutely not.
[15:50] <^Luke> OMG
[15:50] <^Luke> f**k YOU
[15:50] <rachelkitty> LMAO
[15:50] <rachelkitty> ROFL
[15:50] <Sleep`Aerocow> ahahhaa
[15:50] <rachelkitty> lol luke
[15:50] <^Luke> :\
[15:50] <rachelkitty> =\

Sad it lies

Author:  FalconBK [ 28 Nov 2005, 17:03 ]
Post subject: 

Somasu,wrong forum.

Luke, I remember that. Hehehehe.

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