NukeSilo Community

Tax System
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Author:  Kee [ 22 Oct 2008, 02:23 ]
Post subject:  Tax System

Before you all get up in arms and try and kill me, hear me out.
I feel a Tax system will add some good rp to the server and in the end, it will help a lot of people.
The tax system should work as so:
- Every paycheck a certain amount of money should be deducted from your paycheck, so if you earn 50 dollars 3 of that should go towards your tax.
- For fairness the amount of money deducted should be relative to how much pay you recieve, fo example Someone with 20 pay should not be taxed but someone with 40 pay should have to pay 2 dollars tax, 50 pay pays 3 dollars, 60 pay pays 4 dollars and so forth. (Of course an acceptable rate can be determined by the admins)
- The mayors laptop would then receive this money and the mayor can go upto the laptop and use it to see the total amount of money collected and so forth.
- The mayor can then be approached by say, the Chief. The chief can then request an additional gun spawn for the PD.
- This gunspawn would need to be accepted by the mayor and then he can goto his laptop and hit 1 for "Purchase gunspawn (This should cost quite a lot, the money comes out of taxes)"
- This then sends some sort of confirmation message to an admin who then creates the gunspawn, which has been paid for by the city.

I know the PD may not need gunspawns but this can be applied to all sorts of requests such as increased pay for MD jobs, new jobs, funding organizations, anything really. and It really adds a good sense of rp as the town has a real economy. Of course this would be secure as the mayor cant personally withdraw money and people cant 'hack' the laptop. (that would be cool though :D) It can be tweaked so taxes are only collected when the mayor is active or all the time or the amount of money the economy laptop thing can take can be capped etc.
Thanks for trawling though all of that, again this is only a suggestion hence this section. :D

Author:  Mikhail Zhukov [ 22 Oct 2008, 06:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tax System

i liki your idea a taz system would bring an actual economy to the city, instead of just say, 7 people giving all of their money to one person to buy a hideout

Author:  Supernuker [ 24 Oct 2008, 11:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tax System

Something close to this has already been planned, but more so for like increasing the NCPD or NCMD salary or something similar to that as gun spawns are out of the question.

Author:  Jack Selvon [ 26 Oct 2008, 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tax System

That'd be weird if NCPD rookie salery was 5$ :o.

Author:  Mikhail Zhukov [ 26 Oct 2008, 09:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tax System


Author:  khatool [ 14 Nov 2008, 12:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tax System

Supernuker wrote:
Something close to this has already been planned, but more so for like increasing the NCPD or NCMD salary or something similar to that as gun spawns are out of the question.

No, I like the idea of a working economy better.

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