NukeSilo Community

1 Shot tazer BUT...
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Author:  Alize [ 02 Sep 2006, 12:01 ]
Post subject:  1 Shot tazer BUT...

I raise the idea to turn the tazer into a 1 shot gun, until it recharges.. since it would have to be rewound up or get a new clip.. so in order for the cops to accually get the one shot, you could create a pistol whip mod which allows them to throw or bash the criminal with the basic glock pistol. If not, you could create a dive, that throws your body at them, paralyzing them for a few seconds. The pistol whip would be cheap in both ways -cops- and -gangs- so thats why the cops should get that body throw, since they're trained physically to take down a robber.

Author:  khatool [ 10 Sep 2006, 11:08 ]
Post subject: 

I kind of like the tazer thing, but the rest is kind of hard to make.

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