NukeSilo Community

Signature/Avatar Request Thread
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Author:  Supernuker [ 04 Jun 2006, 11:38 ]
Post subject:  Signature/Avatar Request Thread

This Thread is going to be used to request New Signatures/Avatar.

This is going to be the only accetable thread for requesting a new signature/avatar. If anyone starts a new one, it will be deleted and the starter banned for at least 3 days.

Do not post on this thread unless you are requesting a new signature, telling someone you will take up the job, or posting the results.

If you like the picture then please put it in sig and show it off on the new signature/avatar thread. Thank you.

Author:  Supernuker [ 04 Jun 2006, 11:39 ]
Post subject: 

Old thread was purged and this one is a new one. Used to save space.

Author:  Fred Phox [ 27 Jul 2006, 15:50 ]
Post subject: 

Any tips on making a sig in MSPaint?... :\

I'm too cheap to go and get PhotoShop.

Author:  Jameson [ 27 Jul 2006, 16:04 ]
Post subject: 

Who said anything about buying PS?


Author:  Fred Phox [ 27 Jul 2006, 16:24 ]
Post subject: 

... And I'm too lazy to get PS otherwise. Rolling Eyes

Author:  Jared Damare [ 27 Jul 2006, 22:39 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
Who said anything about buying PS?


Well...Check your PMs.

Author:  perlov0 [ 23 Aug 2006, 21:55 ]
Post subject: 

Alright 50k in game money for this:


Needs to be a signature with a decent size.

Good quality.

Alright I would the main focus a cop car with several bullet holes in it, and a cop shoving a suspect into the back.

On the car I want lights flashing

Background, preferably an urban area. With several other cop cars with lights flashing.

Author:  BooX [ 26 Aug 2006, 17:12 ]
Post subject: 

Im taking requests...

Author:  perlov0 [ 26 Aug 2006, 19:28 ]
Post subject: 

Do mine!

Author:  Fred Phox [ 23 Nov 2006, 17:48 ]
Post subject: 

Alright, I'm puttin' out another request. I'm gettin' kind of sick lookin' at that blank spot under my posts. Neutral

Author:  Toretto [ 26 Dec 2008, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

I'm paying 70k tops (varying on the quality of the signature), 20k minimum for a quality signature with a picture representing me in some form + my name somewhere in the picture.

Also paying another 20-40k for a custom signature with a picture (preferabely a glock) on it with 'Ray' in the bottom right.

To clear any potentional confusion, it's TSRP money for a forum siggy.

Edit: Both requests have been fulfilled by Dr. Elf! He won 90k!

Author:  Wake [ 26 Dec 2008, 22:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

Toretto wrote:
I'm paying 70k tops (varying on the quality of the signature), 20k minimum for a quality signature with a picture representing me in some form + my name somewhere in the picture.

Also paying another 20-40k for a custom signature with a picture (preferabely a glock) on it with 'Ray' in the bottom right.

To clear any potentional confusion, it's TSRP money for a forum siggy.

Edit: Both requests have been fulfilled by Dr. Elf! He won 90k!

dayum he must be some rich mofo now.

Author:  Ryoma [ 27 Dec 2008, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread


Author:  Toretto [ 27 Dec 2008, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

Beautiful, is it not?

Author:  Slippy [ 10 Feb 2009, 14:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

I think I can take some requests. Nothing hard though! D:<

Author:  Gregor [ 26 Feb 2009, 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

Hmm, maybe a dude with a tophat with a wall splattered with blood behind him, his face partly in shadow due to the hat putting a gun back concealed in his suit (like part way in so its recogniseable, deagle preferred if possible).

if you can make it look like the "GambinoDon" model please. With Postal somewhere on it that seems suitable. Let me know how much you want for it.

Author:  Toretto [ 10 Jun 2009, 22:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread


It must not be homosexual.
It must have the bear that Dr. Dan (Rapist) has put on it the past two signatures.
It must be near the same size. (No idea what size it was)
It must be hobo-bear/unemployed.


The rewards shall vary upon the quality of the signature. Also, I shall give you secret pictures I intended to use on Nuker and Jameson if deemed worthy.
Also, I love your signature, Greg. It made me lol.

Author:  Supernuker [ 10 Jun 2009, 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

Toretto wrote:
The cash shall vary upon the quality of the signature. Also, I shall give you secret pictures I intended to use on Nuker and Jameson.

You mean the one of us making hawt, sweaty, animal style luv?

That was me and shadow, get it right!

Author:  Toretto [ 10 Jun 2009, 22:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

If you would have read correctly, nowhere did it say I was affiliated with the photos, besides me having them in my possession. All I stated is I have photos of things you and Jameson would both be ashamed of on seperate occassions, both of which I shall offer to the signature-creator for leverage for whatever they wish out of you two. Bahahaha. :D

Author:  Supernuker [ 10 Jun 2009, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

I have nothing to hide, I do run around the TSRP server naked after all =p

Author:  Toretto [ 10 Jun 2009, 22:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

It is far, far, -FAR- worse then running around naked. I run around naked before bed every night at Wal-Mart, that is nothing to be ashamed of.

Author:  Toretto [ 10 Jun 2009, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Signature/Avatar Request Thread

It has been done yet again by Dr. Dan.

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