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Some of my training...
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Author:  Karzac [ 17 Mar 2006, 04:43 ]
Post subject:  Some of my training...

Some of my training...


Canadian Army baby.

Author:  dead poetic [ 17 Mar 2006, 05:06 ]
Post subject: 

wow i didnt know canada had an army.

Author:  Karzac [ 17 Mar 2006, 06:43 ]
Post subject: 

Lol. Someones spent to much time gaming?

Author:  aerocow [ 17 Mar 2006, 08:12 ]
Post subject: 

Nah, Canada just doesnt have a famous army..(it aint that great)

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 17 Mar 2006, 12:31 ]
Post subject: 

Aren't the Canadians the ones that wear dark green camo in the desert?

Author:  dead poetic [ 17 Mar 2006, 13:33 ]
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Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 17 Mar 2006, 15:34 ]
Post subject: 

Whether they're famous and lethal now or not, I'll always remember their help in the Allied assault on D-Day.

Nice pics!

Author:  brandon7219 [ 17 Mar 2006, 16:14 ]
Post subject: 

aerocow wrote:
Nah, Canada just doesnt have a famous army..(it aint that great)

Why dont u ever keeps those kinds of negative comments to yourself? It is really annoying. I wish you would stop.

Author:  Karzac [ 17 Mar 2006, 16:27 ]
Post subject: 

Dr. Dre wrote:
Aren't the Canadians the ones that wear dark green camo in the desert?

Not the only ones...



BTW, aerocow, one of our reg force soldiers = 3 US Marine Corps soldiers. Whether you wan't to believe it or not, it's a proven fact. Our Joint Task Force 2 is also as elite as the Navy Seals in the US. I am offended when people say that our army sucks, when American soldiers come out to do wargames with us. And they beg to come out, because we are good to practice agaisnt.

So next time you wan't to critisise the Canadian Army, please, don't waste my time and get some of your facts straight then maybe we can have a debate. But don't post just saying that "It's not that good." That just pisses me off.

Author:  Karzac [ 17 Mar 2006, 16:31 ]
Post subject: 

Oh and just for the record, porportionally, we sent the most troops in WWI and WWII. 1 million soldiers out of a population of 11 million, half of which were women and another big part were either to young or to old to fight. So basically 1 out of every 3 young men were going, were in, or have gone to the war.

We have many battles honours as well.

So again, i'm offended when you say we don't have a famouse army. Next time you say something like that, bring some facts to the table.

Author:  joepicat [ 17 Mar 2006, 16:35 ]
Post subject: 

the canadian's army is actully really good,espically in wwII.i am for the canadian army and i am for them being neutral(i wish the us was somtimes).i have read alot of books about miltary stike forces talking about how canadians that were in the american armed forces were good.

Author:  [Vital]Genesis [ 18 Mar 2006, 11:55 ]
Post subject: 

Canadians Helped in WW1, Americans didnt.
Canadians Helped ALOT in WW2, Americans Came at the end of war "Trying to help"
Russia pwned America in Cold War.

Thats Proves enough.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 18 Mar 2006, 12:25 ]
Post subject: 

[Vital]Genesis wrote:
Canadians Helped in WW1, Americans didnt.
Canadians Helped ALOT in WW2, Americans Came at the end of war "Trying to help"
Russia pwned America in Cold War.

Thats Proves enough.

Uhh, Im not sure what your talking about.

WW1 Americans helped, but near the end of the war.

WW2 Amercians Helped.

Coldwar - its not a fact.

Author:  brandon7219 [ 18 Mar 2006, 21:05 ]
Post subject: 

[Vital]Genesis wrote:
Canadians Helped ALOT in WW2, Americans Came at the end of war "Trying to help out"

??? 1945 = End of WW2, we entered in 1941. After The attack on Pearl Harbor. Explain how that is the end please.

Author:  sanada yuki [ 18 Mar 2006, 21:24 ]
Post subject: 

Tommy's reply just caught my attention. I'm not flaming or anything, but Russians dont own the world. They dont own America always, they dont own China always, they dont own Germany always. Russia is just another country like all the others around it and far away from it.

Also, Americans and Canadians are kewl :T!

Author:  Jared Damare [ 18 Mar 2006, 21:29 ]
Post subject: 

Honestly, who cares?

All the small wars will be over in between a few weeks to a months.

All the big wars will be over in seconds.

Author:  Supernuker [ 18 Mar 2006, 22:11 ]
Post subject: 

yeah seriosuly, if there was a major war and any country decided to use nuclear warheads, then australia would be the only survivor.

Author:  Karzac [ 18 Mar 2006, 22:21 ]
Post subject: 

No matter how long any war is...people still die, thats all that really matters.

Author:  Jared Damare [ 19 Mar 2006, 12:50 ]
Post subject: 

That's just common sense. Of course people are going to die. There will always be dead people in wars. If you do not realize this, you are just simply an ignorant imbecile.

Author:  Karzac [ 19 Mar 2006, 19:18 ]
Post subject: 

Your calling me an ignorant imbecile?

Author:  Jared Damare [ 19 Mar 2006, 19:36 ]
Post subject: 

If you want, yes. If not, no.

Author:  Karzac [ 19 Mar 2006, 21:57 ]
Post subject: 

Because I pointed out that no matter how long a war is people die? Wow, and I'm an imbecile...

Author:  USN SEAL [ 19 Mar 2006, 22:05 ]
Post subject: 

Karzac wrote:
Our Joint Task Force 2 is also as elite as the Navy Seals in the US.

Navy Seals are the Toughest Guys in The Entire World BAR NONE. That is a Lie. Im Glad you wana fight for your Country and I respect you for that. Im glad you want to Die Or live with honor as Do I. But The U.S. Navy Seals Are the Most Elite In the World.

[Vital]Genesis wrote:
Canadians Helped in WW1, Americans didnt.
Canadians Helped ALOT in WW2, Americans Came at the end of war "Trying to help"
Russia pwned America in Cold War.

Thats Proves enough.

And you get Your Facts Right. It was a Cold war for reason Dumb ass There was No Fighting it was a stand still the whole war! So STFU! By Now Russia Is so poor and there weapons are so old That if they fought america the only way we would die is through Frost bite. So get your head Out of your Ass and Stop lying to the World.

Author:  Jared Damare [ 19 Mar 2006, 22:25 ]
Post subject: 

Jared Damare wrote:
If you do not realize this, you are just simply an ignorant imbecile.

'Nuff said. I never directed it towards you.

Author:  Karzac [ 19 Mar 2006, 23:11 ]
Post subject: 

Actuelly Navy Seals from the U.S. Come to Canada just to join the Navy Seals. I know because my uncle was one of them. Although, he was in the marines and got asked to join by the Navy Seals and JTF2 and chose JTF2 hands down.

JTF2 also trains Navy Seals in peace keeping and airborne missions.

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