NukeSilo Community

Johab Comics
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Author:  James Johab [ 27 Feb 2006, 13:47 ]
Post subject:  Johab Comics

Okay, here are the links to the first and second part of the first part of the comic, hehe, I had to split them up because the first part was 42 panels long and I hadn't taken the time or really thought about cutting the images or taking shots in manners which would suit a real comic, but for now let's just call this a comic. Very Happy ... ieces1.gif ... ieces2.gif

EDIT: Um, I think you have to actually type the entire url into a separate browser to see the comics, otherwise, if you just click on the link it'll bring up that "hosted by angelfire" pic thing; so I guess you could just copy and paste them in a separate browser url spot. Thanks.

EDIT: Also, as a sidenote, everything in there is just the characters and their mannerisms, any seemingly racist or sexist or otherwise non-pc comments are strictly opinions of the characters. I'm an extremely open and very understanding person, I'm not racist, sexist, etc. etc.

Anyway, I know there are things wrong with it, for instance, I guess the fact that it's a .gif makes the graphics less in quality, but I really couldn't do anything about that, all I had to work with was Adobe ImageReady CS2 Trial Version, and everytime I pieced the panels together it would only allow me to save it as a .gif, which is strange because I could save the panels, when I had added text, separately as .jpg's, oh well. Umm, ya know, I know there are things wrong with it, and I know I could've done better, but, I'll let you guys figure them out, I don't need to start this off negatively, although I guess I already have. Heh, oh well, I enjoyed doing it and I hope to do more and I hope you have fun reading it.

Author:  ssj4goku111 [ 27 Feb 2006, 15:44 ]
Post subject: 

Not horrible. not that bad. tell me if you need anymore help with it.

Author:  FalconBK [ 27 Feb 2006, 17:45 ]
Post subject: 

Don't take help from him...Also, host the images in

Author:  twitch42o [ 27 Feb 2006, 21:30 ]
Post subject: 

Johabs comics pwn... i can still help you with the detail tho Very Happy

Author:  James Johab [ 27 Feb 2006, 22:33 ]
Post subject: 

Oh, no doubt Jack, I'll hit you up with an invite soon enough, and the others who expressed interest too. And thanks Falcon for the site suggestion.

Author:  twitch42o [ 27 Feb 2006, 23:05 ]
Post subject: 

da*n ryte, i cant wait for chapter 3 Very Happy

Author:  Maverick [ 27 Feb 2006, 23:59 ]
Post subject: 

I seriously want a better graphic card and then half-life 2. So I could game with u guys.

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