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Peany has a new issue
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Author:  CPeanutG [ 08 Oct 2006, 13:08 ]
Post subject:  Peany has a new issue

Just restarted the PC and it still happens.

Just noticed this with The Specialists. Could be any HL mod for all I know.

I can't alt tab out, alt+tab brings up the scoreboard, like it is ignoring the alt key. The game is recognizing the alt key because I can strafe.

Only way to get to Windows is to use the Windows key to bring up the Start menu. When I get to Windows, my mouse only appears when I move it, and even then it is flashing very fast, like it only appears when it detects movement.

This goes away when I exit the game.

I didn't update any drivers. And the only things I recall installing around the time it started were demos for games.

Author:  The-fox [ 08 Oct 2006, 13:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Peany has a new issue

Have you scanned the computer for viruses? If not i believe you should try and do so. Also have you tried and reboot the computer after the problem occured?

Author:  CPeanutG [ 08 Oct 2006, 13:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Peany has a new issue

The-fox wrote:
Have you scanned the computer for viruses? If not i believe you should try and do so.


The-fox wrote:
Also have you tried and reboot the computer after the problem occured?

CPeanutG wrote:
Just restarted the PC and it still happens.

Author:  CPeanutG [ 08 Oct 2006, 14:45 ]
Post subject: 

From other boards:

Corporal Pibb wrote:
The thing that comes to mind is either something to do with the display driver or the display settings in the mod. There could also be a server script thing that might be going on but I'm not so sure about that one...

Happened on two different servers, and as far as I know I am the only one there that notices it.

Also didn't change any display settings or drivers.
Corporal Pibb wrote:
You could try resetting your binds.

All my binds are readonly, and each server has its own custom bind .cfg that gets executed.
Corporal Pibb wrote:
You should try it on other mods. For now I think it might be a half-life/steam problem. Oh yeah, are you using direct3d or opengl?

Does it with other HL mods. Running OpenGL. Doesn't do it with HL2 or any other games I noticed.

Author:  Supernuker [ 08 Oct 2006, 15:57 ]
Post subject: 

how recent has this been happening?

Author:  CPeanutG [ 08 Oct 2006, 16:56 ]
Post subject: 

Supernuker wrote:
how recent has this been happening?
Hasn't been happening for too long.

Author:  CPeanutG [ 08 Oct 2006, 21:09 ]
Post subject: 

Also in Battlefield 2142 demo, I can alt tab out as the intro movie is playing, but not in the menu screen, don't know about in-game.

And text input is really really slow. And Xfire is really slow when in game and the ingame window goes away after four seconds.

EDIT: In game I press forward key and it keeps on going, and I look around with the mouse and response is very very slow.

Reminds me, Second Life does the same thing.

Author:  Blade Vanspike [ 08 Oct 2006, 21:29 ]
Post subject: 

I've seen problems like this all the time, mostly from older computers. I can only throw darts at a board when I mention my advice, so don't take it as professional...

I'm guessing it could be a problem reading commands from your keyboard, caused by your operating system being altered by a download. Have you downloaded anything recently and had the problem begin?

Another guess could by your motherboard. I'm pretty sure that the only way to have the motherboard do this is to have a virus; so if you're clean, you're good...

As previously mentioned, I've seen software that causes these problems that simply removing them doesn't fix; usually from people who download often or have old computers. My only solution would be to completely wipe, then re-install the programs you want. Again, I'm not a professional.

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