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Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 18:51 ]
Post subject:  Lag

Sometimes I lag a lot more than anyone else on the server, take this picture as an example:


I don't download things while I play, but I still lag. If anyone could tell me how to fix it I would appreciate it.

Author:  IEMC [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:06 ]
Post subject: 

Your internet connection, of course.

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:06 ]
Post subject: 

3mb/256k, It's worked fine up till now.

Author:  barda [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:07 ]
Post subject: 

Check your settings for Steam...

Author:  IEMC [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:09 ]
Post subject: 

lol, you got a higher internet connection than me and i pwn your ping.

Are you sharing the internet?

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:11 ]
Post subject: 

Yes, but when all other things on the network are turned off it still lags.

Author:  IEMC [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:13 ]
Post subject: 

Then you just suck... or your internet suck... or something like that...

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:14 ]
Post subject: 

That's not really helpful Confused

Author:  II-Sniper [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:15 ]
Post subject: 

Cable? Sounds like it. Cable is shared, while DSL is dedicated line, or Digital Subscriber Line.

Cable is shared between your entire neighborhood, etc. For example, our block's cable box is in MY backyard. (It pwns cuz we have Dish Network and DSL, and they gotta ask to get in the backyard haha)

So anyways, point is. It's shared like a school's connection is shared, so at peak hours, or any time, it can get as slow as dial-up.

Don't believe me? Google it.

Mostly it depends on the neighborhood your in, and how many have cable internet. My uncle has money, but lives in the bad part of town, so he gets BLAZING fast speeds.

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:24 ]
Post subject: 

Yea, it's cable. Thing that doesn't make sense is that my cable provider has a bad rep so most people dont't have it. The cable provider was good for me up until now. I checked the speed a few weeks ago and I was getting 4mb dl speed, I checked today and I was gettin around 768k.

Author:  barda [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:30 ]
Post subject: 

Try removing the durrito's from the case, might help.

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:32 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  barda [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:33 ]
Post subject: 

I invented the pie. Didn't you hear?

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 20 Oct 2005, 19:34 ]
Post subject: 

barda wrote:
How That fu** do I spam? Check my posts...Often when it is just a small one it is to let that person know I've seen their post. You are mis-using the term entirely. Spam would be filling the whole forums with garbage, I make a few short replies and you are freaking out...

Don't post here if you don't have any real advice to fix it.

Author:  Supernuker [ 20 Oct 2005, 21:22 ]
Post subject: 

Do not post unless you are seeking help, are helping the user, or its fixed.

Otherwise you can be suspended / banned.

Dre, Its most likley routing, talk to me on irc about it so I can help you, it would be too hard to explain over forums.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 21 Oct 2005, 13:43 ]
Post subject: 

Also check your rate/upload/download settings in-game.

Author:  S34L [ 21 Oct 2005, 14:08 ]
Post subject: 

Well My Comp was really Slow So I defragmented it and Also Did a Disk Cleanup Runs Perfect now.

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 21 Oct 2005, 15:38 ]
Post subject: 

My rate is set at 20000, I've tested and found this works best for my connection.

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 06 Nov 2005, 21:57 ]
Post subject: 

It's gettin so bad I can hardly play now, I get about 100 - 200 more ping than everyone else on the server.

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 27 Nov 2005, 21:42 ]
Post subject: 

Laaaaaaaaaggggg. So can anyone think of anything else that could fix it?

Author:  kr3w [ 27 Nov 2005, 21:44 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Dr. Dre [ 27 Nov 2005, 21:47 ]
Post subject: 

I use ZoneAlarm Pro with anti-spyware on, spybot search and destroy, and I used to use the windows anti-spyware beta.

Author:  Jameson [ 28 Nov 2005, 00:09 ]
Post subject: 

most likely your connection, run a speed test here: the results.

Next run a tracert to the server start>run>type cmd>press enter> type tracert

Also post the results, i would think that it has somthing do with your host or maybe your modem or router, the tracert will tell us.

Author:  Somasu [ 28 Nov 2005, 00:24 ]
Post subject: 

i use adaware and norton anti virus ^^

Author:  Supernuker [ 28 Nov 2005, 00:28 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
most likely your connection, run a speed test here: the results.

Next run a tracert to the server start>run>type cmd>press enter> type tracert

Also post the results, i would think that it has somthing do with your host or maybe your modem or router, the tracert will tell us.

or do something eaiser. ... ervers.bat

Run that and will trace to our server as well as the css and vent for ya.

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