NukeSilo Community

Not Good...
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Author:  thegoku123 [ 18 Jan 2009, 11:57 ]
Post subject:  Not Good...

Apparently there are a lot of DM's going on in Nukesilo.Bettter check it out.The Phone,SMS and /Com Are,usualy not working.There might be a Bug. Sometimes,people are haveing trouble with the /Buy command.Also The /usedoor sometimes does not work.

Im just saying.You Might Want to check for Error's And Bugs.

Author:  SamXon [ 18 Jan 2009, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not Good...

Usually those are signs of sql problems. The server just needs to be restarted and everything should work fine. The Dmers I dont really know about. Ive been on recently and havent really seen any but you can use amx_page in console to page an admin and let them know that their are dmers in the server.

Author:  Supernuker [ 18 Jan 2009, 13:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not Good...

It is best to use amx_page for these issues, as it will alert admins live via irc so if someone is available they can respond instantly. Forums are delayed, unless an admin happens to be reading the forums at the time you post you moot likely won't get one on for awhile.

In the future please use amx_page or irc for both deathmatching issues and for sql issues that require the server to be restarted, thanks.

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