NukeSilo Community

Important for the entire Nukesilo Community
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Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 30 Dec 2006, 02:37 ]
Post subject:  Important for the entire Nukesilo Community

Hello. You all know me; I am just another regular here, another member of this community, another member of the family. And I have been so for some time now.

Nukesilo, everybody believes, is on the wane. Its tank is on "E". It is just about dead. Why? Well, there are many answers for that. We have lost some valuables members. We are tired of the "same-old". We need money. Et cetera. No matter what answer you choose, the notion is still the same: Nukesilo needs support.

What a barbaric question...Why give Nukesilo support? It is a gaming community and a gaming community only. It will be gone, my life will go on, nothing more. I do not need to donate my time, my money, or my good will to such an organization.

Well, this is not directed for those people. The overall focus here is simple. Nukesilo needs help. Nukesilo should have help. It does the same for us day in and day out. Who or what is more dependable than Nukesilo? For how long have you been entertained by Nukesilo. For how long has Nukesilo been dependable to you?

With these answers in mind, to make the solution seem more simple, here is what you can think about doing:

What are Nukesilo's main problems right now?
-Community moral

What can you do?

Well the most obvious way of helping right now is to donate to the server. There's no way around it; Nukesilo needs proper funding to stay alive. But this concept is a little too obvious, so outgoing, in fact, that we tend to overlook the other options.

Donating is tough and demanding. A lot of people do not have the means to accomplish this. We all know this. But not everyone has to donate money. Donate time! Time is money. People want new plug-ins, new maps, new ideas...Make them! Make up ideas. Use the time you have, make some up, and urge them to be implemented.

Community moral. This one is simple and should be done on an everyday basis. Be a good sport. Treat others with respect. Help one another. Treat each person as if they were your brother or sister. If you learn to appreciate this community for what it is, then others will see that, and they will appreciate you for who you are!

Alright, it's late. I cannot keep my eyes open. I am just doing what I can with what I have got. Think about all this.

Author:  Jared Damare [ 30 Dec 2006, 03:34 ]
Post subject: 

Umm...What about January 2nd? My birthday isn't until the day after the day the server gets shutdown. Confused

Author:  hraiser [ 30 Dec 2006, 09:36 ]
Post subject: 

"By posting my stupid ass ideas here, I'm just looking for trouble."

-Commentary by Maxwell

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 30 Dec 2006, 09:57 ]
Post subject: 

hraiser wrote:

ok Max one thing

no matter how many people put up ideas on the forums

Nuker's lazy ass wont make em

end of story

I'm pretty sure this is one of the things Max doesn't want, kinda ties into "Community Moral."

Author:  perlov0 [ 30 Dec 2006, 10:08 ]
Post subject: 

hraiser wrote:

ok Max one thing

no matter how many people put up ideas on the forums

Nuker's lazy ass wont make em

end of story

I'm sort of split on this, Nuker hasn't done some things, but he's busy.

But no matter what I think, don't put your thoughts on the forums in a flame.

Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 30 Dec 2006, 10:27 ]
Post subject: 

I've givin suggestions, I've treated everyone as a brother and sister. So have we all, it's not the community moral which is the problem and if it is, it's only a very small few individuals who don't give a flying fu** about Nukesilo. I care, but there is no, way, in hell, I can do anything about it. I've tried to donate but for some reason the banks out here won't let me convert money to USD and my parents have changed there mind about giving money away.

I would rather not disclose why. And yeah people suggest great ideas. I know of a guy who tries really hard each time to be shot down.

A Community never dies.

It's value does.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 30 Dec 2006, 11:41 ]
Post subject: 

I didn't put this up to yell at people. I'm just trying to offer some ideas here, make a little influence, and help the community out in my own way.

Hraiser, reading your post, I admit, I got extremely angry. All I'll say now is that you can leave if that is how you feel.

Author:  Supernuker [ 30 Dec 2006, 14:06 ]
Post subject: 

Actually I do take all community suggestions into consideration, but like perlov and others said, I'm just busy.

Sometimes it takes awhile before I actually get around to doing it but if its a good suggestion, I usually will do it.

Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 30 Dec 2006, 14:59 ]
Post subject: 

Well maybe you could agnoledge that you're going to put the idea to thought?

And how come you're the only one who works on plugins?

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 01 Jan 2007, 14:03 ]
Post subject: 

Well, I dont really have anything to say, but thank you Max, for puting it in broad view. (Non sarcastic)

Author:  BooX [ 03 Jan 2007, 21:11 ]
Post subject: 

I love you Max. You like one of mah' boys.

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