NukeSilo Community

Help setting up TSRP server...
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Author:  The-fox [ 06 Nov 2006, 00:41 ]
Post subject:  Help setting up TSRP server...

I attempted last night to get a TSRP server up and running after following a guide on the matter. Altho i am succesless seeing as how the server instantly shuts down when i try and start it. I dont get what i have done wrong tho seeing as how i followed the guide exactly. Anyways... I just wonderd if anyone who hosts a TSRP server or know the setup for it could post either their addons folder or their amxmodx folder. Ofcourse any help is appreciated.

Author:  killa3456 [ 06 Nov 2006, 14:18 ]
Post subject: 

Normally i would help, But we really dont need more tsrp servers. But to brag, I set up a tsrp server fully working without errors, operating on shaunsville within 5 min's. Because i am that skilled! But anyways, Maybe others can help.

Author:  The-fox [ 06 Nov 2006, 17:05 ]
Post subject: 

Aww come on... I have been hunting around for about 2-3 days on how to get the da*n thing to work propertly :/

Author:  Manikstor [ 06 Nov 2006, 17:59 ]
Post subject: 

i can probably help u and would if i remember how... last time i had a server was over the summer... and now i forgot what to do but whats wrong what do u get?

and are u using this server for ur own use or to test nukesilo map?

Author:  The-fox [ 07 Nov 2006, 02:29 ]
Post subject: 

If i get the server online it will be for my own use as a TSRP server. While im pretty sure it wont stay online more then a few hours a day id still like one seeing as how many TSRP servers beside NukeSilo have either been a Dm fest or a test center where the admins use their funny commands on everyone until they leave.

Author:  killa3456 [ 07 Nov 2006, 11:52 ]
Post subject: 

The-fox wrote:
If i get the server online it will be for my own use as a TSRP server. While im pretty sure it wont stay online more then a few hours a day id still like one seeing as how many TSRP servers beside NukeSilo have either been a Dm fest or a test center where the admins use their funny commands on everyone until they leave.

Not all servers are like those stupid dm ones, Unless they have shitty owners, The type of owner creates the type of rp the server has, I am a good rper and only rp with the same people. Therefore my server has Enforced Rules against metagaming/Powergaming. I am extremely strict on my players, Like right now im kicking so many people for not useing ooc tags even thou i tell them to.

Author:  The-fox [ 07 Nov 2006, 12:10 ]
Post subject: 

All servers i have been on and i can say its quite an bit all have had either Dmers abusive admins or people who dont RP at all. So... if i were to get my server up and running for a few hours a day i would be strict on the RP and be able to enforce that RPing goes well unlike some other servers.

Author:  Supernuker [ 07 Nov 2006, 16:22 ]
Post subject: 

Execpt you always cause dming on NukeSilo by threating people with gernades.

Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 08 Nov 2006, 10:17 ]
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Author:  Shippo Fox [ 08 Nov 2006, 13:17 ]
Post subject: 

Ryan Zipline Hayter wrote:


Author:  CPeanutG [ 08 Nov 2006, 15:30 ]
Post subject: 

Spam more plz.

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