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HALLOWEEN! What is your Worst Fear?
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Author:  Gordon Bortelli [ 24 Oct 2006, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  HALLOWEEN! What is your Worst Fear?

If there is one thing that REALLY scares you what is it? Be honest, don't say the BoogeyMan.

I am afraid of losing control of my body Confused I sometimes wake-up and cant move, and just stare at the ceiling for an hour before I wake up Crying or Very sad

Author:  Mr Zombo [ 24 Oct 2006, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: HALLOWEEN! What is your Worst Fear?

Gordon Bortelli wrote:
If there is one thing that REALLY scares you what is it? Be honest, don't say the BoogeyMan.

I am afraid of losing control of my body Confused I sometimes wake-up and cant move, and just stare at the ceiling for an hour before I wake up Crying or Very sad

Happened to me...annoying as hell lol well its not that i couldnt move...I'm just to lazy Razz as for me being stuck with a group of identical mask costumed people and having a person there a serial killer ya know like in the movie scream i think

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 24 Oct 2006, 22:02 ]
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My worst fear? Watching my friends get killed infront of me, nothing more nothing less.....

Author:  Supernuker [ 24 Oct 2006, 23:21 ]
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Shadow Jones wrote:
My worst fear? Watching my friends get killed infront of me, nothing more nothing less.....

replace friends with girlfriend and you have my greatest fear.

Author:  Mr Zombo [ 25 Oct 2006, 09:19 ]
Post subject: 

Ooof...10/10 Nuke that has gotta be scary..watching your girlfriend get tortured,beaten,then killed and you cant do anything at ALL...

Author:  Blackjackal [ 25 Oct 2006, 10:43 ]
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My worst nightmare...

I'd say the worst nightmare would be going up against something you couldn't kill with a gun. Usually thats pretty bad being as the only weapons we've got at our house are guns and blades...

Author:  killa3456 [ 25 Oct 2006, 11:01 ]
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Worst fear: Being in the middle of a gunfight IRL and getting killed before killing atleast one person.

Author:  ZzSephirothZZz [ 25 Oct 2006, 11:19 ]
Post subject: 

In all honesty Zombies I love watching zombie movies because there my worst fear just that whole everyone you know is dead but theres no time to mourn cause there trying to kill you and you held up with maybe a few friends senario.

Author:  Gordon Bortelli [ 25 Oct 2006, 14:21 ]
Post subject: 

ZzSephirothZZz wrote:
In all honesty Zombies I love watching zombie movies because there my worst fear just that whole everyone you know is dead but theres no time to mourn cause there trying to kill you and you held up with maybe a few friends senario.

QFT. Not only that, but being infected with a virus, that WILL kill you and you can't stop it.

Author:  Manikstor [ 25 Oct 2006, 15:04 ]
Post subject: 

biggest fear..

Im sorry but im really scared of ghost,spirits and all that s*it. Like the other day my tv just turned on by itself i got scared i was like wtf... so i go up to my mom and said why did the tv go on by itself.. and it ended up being like a timer tv when u set it when to go on...

but yea ghost,spirits scared the s*it out of me.

Author:  perlov0 [ 25 Oct 2006, 15:23 ]
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My worst fear, is being in the hospital

Needles and doctors scare the s*it outta me.

Author:  hraiser [ 25 Oct 2006, 16:29 ]
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hmmm...worst fear.......

parents taking away all my games n s*it.....meaning i'd have to kill them to get it all back.........

Author:  Jared Damare [ 25 Oct 2006, 16:36 ]
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ZzSephirothZZz wrote:
In all honesty Zombies I love watching zombie movies because there my worst fear just that whole everyone you know is dead but theres no time to mourn cause there trying to kill you and you held up with maybe a few friends senario.

I agree with you, on some of it. But mostly I couldn't bring myself to kill anyone who I've essentially taken for granted. Even worse is if I was a zombie myself, incapable of stopping myself from mauling on the flesh of others.

Author:  Mr Zombo [ 25 Oct 2006, 16:47 ]
Post subject: 

ZOMBIES YEH!!! Sure they move slow but one thing THEY'RE FREAKY AS HELL wasting a zombie is pretty easy aim in the head and oop i guess they will be dead....wrong crimson head zombies from RE remake can withstand 15handgun bullets in the head before falling.Also Ryman in Resident Evil Outbreak have you got Kevin's good/bad ending?Sad but really cool at the same time

Author:  Jared Damare [ 25 Oct 2006, 16:51 ]
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Mr Zombo wrote:
ZOMBIES YEH!!! Sure they move slow but one thing THEY'RE FREAKY AS HELL wasting a zombie is pretty easy aim in the head and oop i guess they will be dead....wrong crimson head zombies from RE remake can withstand 15handgun bullets in the head before falling.

Which RE?

The first ones up until Four did not allow manual aiming. So you never knew if you hit the brain exactly. To kill a zombie you'd have to either sever the spinal cord from the brain (Decapitation or the likes) or a shot through the head.

In RE: 4, the zombies weren't zombies. They were people who had a parasite inside of them. Are you saying that people with tapeworms inside of them are zombies? In that case, someone get me a rifle and a Shaolin Monk Spade.

The Zombie Survival Guide, lol. Pretty weird book.

Author:  Blade Vanspike [ 25 Oct 2006, 18:33 ]
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Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 26 Oct 2006, 11:21 ]
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Cops, my worst fear is anyone dressed in blue chasing me.


Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 26 Oct 2006, 15:07 ]
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Ryan Zipline Hayter wrote:
Cops, my worst fear is anyone dressed in blue chasing me.


Hahaha, they were my worst fear last year...

I was skating around town with a friend during our town's Halloween celebration, and these two guys in plain clothes with flashlights came up to us and started yelling at us. I thought they were messing with us or trying to start something, so I took it lightly. Then one of them flashed his badge, but my friend tried to run away, thinking they were not real cops. Etc. Etc., pointless communication (them yelling at us) and so all ended up with them taking our boards for "skating past dark." That was a pain...

Author:  perlov0 [ 26 Oct 2006, 15:18 ]
Post subject: 

Maxwell Murder wrote:
it all ended up with them taking our boards for "skating past dark." That was a pain...

Thats what I hate about this country, the national government set it up to be a free country, making the constitution allowing freedom, but then it gives the states the right to make their own laws

The states and local governments make bullshit laws like that which takes away our freedom.

I would have taken that as a lawsuit to the supreme court to have that law changed, its unconstitutional.

Also, flames removed.

Author:  twitch42o [ 27 Oct 2006, 12:16 ]
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I dont know what im afraid of... cant think if anything

Author:  deebz [ 27 Oct 2006, 15:10 ]
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Biggie Smalls...
Biggie Smalls...

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 27 Oct 2006, 15:27 ]
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Haha, Biggie Smalls XD

Author:  Mr Zombo [ 27 Oct 2006, 17:00 ]
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Biggie smalls?Hmm aint that from that show Yo Momma?

Author:  Manikstor [ 27 Oct 2006, 17:24 ]
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Mr Zombo wrote:
Biggie smalls?Hmm aint that from that show Yo Momma?



Author:  twitch42o [ 27 Oct 2006, 21:34 ]
Post subject: 


R.I.P Biggie

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