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Author:  BooX [ 22 Sep 2006, 17:18 ]
Post subject:  . . .

Someone else besides me finally said it. How many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab
Americans, Native Americans, ect. and then there are just Americans, but wait why aren't we called english americans, or irish american? Instead we are just white.....and thats ok cause one should not be refered to as an Irish american, if that person was not born in ireland. This doesn't just apply to white people...Black people are not african americans unless they were born in africa so stop refering to yourselfs as such....your american plain and simple.....

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me
"Whiteboy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" and that's OK.

But when I call you, ******, Kike, Towelhead, ******, Camel Jockey,
Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the
ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.
You have Martin Luther King Day.
You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day.
You have Yom Hashoah
You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
You have the NAACP.
You have BET.

If we had WET(White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.
If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
If we had any organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and
then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. Wonder who pays for that?

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you
know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges
in the US, yet if there were "White colleges" that would be a racist

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your
race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid
to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer
shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from
the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud. But, you call me a racist.

Why is it that only whites can be racists?

Author:  twitch42o [ 22 Sep 2006, 21:42 ]
Post subject: 

I think its pretty sad that its okay for african americans to bag on someone elses race/religion/color, but if someone says anything close to the n word its the biggest problem.


BLACK GUY: Yo cracka!
WHITE GUY: Yo nigga!

*white guy gets shot*

Author:  Blade Vanspike [ 23 Sep 2006, 00:03 ]
Post subject: 

The ignorant many destroy it for the intelligent few.

Author:  Vicious Betrayal [ 23 Sep 2006, 00:08 ]
Post subject: 

my god tyrone you are my hero

Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 23 Sep 2006, 07:07 ]
Post subject: 

good point

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 23 Sep 2006, 10:45 ]
Post subject: 

You have no clue how close I was to makeiog a post like this, thankyou for making this post, I 100% agree with this as I am "white" and get alot of s*it.

Author:  Counterfeit [ 23 Sep 2006, 13:06 ]
Post subject: 

Not getting s*it for grants because I'm a white American male.

My dad makes $90k a year, but it might as well be $40k. We're in huge debt and his paycheck is finally some relief.

Author:  Manikstor [ 23 Sep 2006, 16:06 ]
Post subject: 

what about spanish people =)

Author:  BooX [ 23 Sep 2006, 19:17 ]
Post subject: 

Manikstor wrote:
what about spanish people =)

It's not really the same. Wink

Author:  Skit Temujin [ 29 Sep 2006, 16:22 ]
Post subject: 

This has been my PRECISE arguement for a long time. I fully support this. I'm sick of it, as well. I lived in Pensacola, FL for 6 months. 80% all black, 10% all mexican, 5% all cuban, then finally, 5% "other", which was me, asians, and anything else.

I couldn't walk to work without getting screamed at, insulted, laughed at (I wear business attire when I work, and casual when I'm not), ect. ect.

I got into a fight with one guy, and suddenly I could go to jail for a hate crime. I got jumped by a group, and almost went to jail for invading someone's "private property." (I was on the sidewalk, they dragged me into their yard and faced off with me ~~)

f**k supremacy, I think all of these people need to SIT DOWN, and SHUT UP. Live with it, or go to another country, because it isn't fair. Now the tables have turned, and Whites are targeted.

To tell you the truth, I hate any person who says, "Your forefathers beat my forefathers, I hate you." I'll gladly put them out of their misery for such ignorance. Did I hurt you in any way? Did I kill your forefathers? Did I chase your culture with firehoses and unleased pitbulls on them? No. So quit whining when I want to wear a pair of shoes that are a specific brand, because they are BETTER than the "Payless" pieces of crap.

Nike hold together well, I'm not "posing" by wearing them >_>; I need shoes that can hold together when I'm dragging out 200 sheets of iron shrap a day. Those things cut >_>;


In my thorough, unbias'd opinion, I believe the word "******" is used for those of a specific race who are heavilly bias AGAINST another race for "what was done to their ancestors."

I.E., a ****** is ignorant. However, a "black," african american (incorrect term, btw), or anyone of color is NOT considered a ******, because of their skin. They are a ****** for their utter ignorance and racism towards another catagory of people. I.E., a white ******, or what we like to call a skin-head. Those people who lash out at every race that isn't them.

A black ******, someone who makes constant racist remarks towards another race, simply because of what may have happened to their people a hundred years ago.

A mexican ******, someone who refuses to side with anyone of different nationality, simply because they believe they're "weak", or "unaggressive."

I have no problem with anyone, except those under these catagories, simply because it's ignorant, insane, and just stupid. Step up and realize something; We're all human, no matter what color, religion, accent, gender, form, sexual preference, or anything else. Our genomes are ALL the same, whether we like it or not. If I drew DNA from every one of you, our strands would be exactly the same up to 70% of an entire strand.

Ignorance is what seperates us from common family and enemies. I used to hate Christians, because they would press me on my beliefs about science. Well, I don't anymore, because I understand their topics, their beliefs and feel that everyone should live for SOMETHING. Or else why bother living?

And in that, I threw my ignorance away. Why not do the same, people?

One last and final thought. Homosexuals. WHY, dear gawd, WHY do people hate them so much? The topic is the EXACT SAME as racial matter, only this is simple prejudism.

It's ignorance.

I found it hiliarious when a man insulted another man for being homosexual, then went home and took a dump on his wife's chest. He had the nerve to put someone down for their sexual preference, then went home and did something ... Like that.

That's like me telling you murder is wrong, then going home and shooting my kids.

You know if you're homosexual or not, so why would you care what other people feel in the same areas? I do believe the whole arguement went way too far (being the marches, vandalisms, ect.), but who cares if you like men or women? As long as you're happy, it should be fine. If you want to crap on your wife's chest, go do it. If you want to marry another man, go do it.

Let others with their ignorance go rant about it on MySpace or something, cuz it isn't needed in our society, it's stupid, prejudice, and out-right wrong.

"And God said, love thy neighbor," but not the gay guy? That makes no sense. To hell with a man or woman who follows this phrase, then turns with hipocracy against another man or woman.

gg, sit down, n00bs. x3

Author:  BooX [ 29 Sep 2006, 20:01 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Gordon Bortelli [ 30 Sep 2006, 10:09 ]
Post subject: 

Thank you for saying what we all were thinking. I go to a school where it is 100% acceptable for black people to say "n***a" in class, In front of teachers. White kids get beaten up all the time. I got kicked off my Bus because of a Racist Black Bus Driver. On my Bus its ok for me to get a textbook thrown at my head by a black person, but if I throw something back at them, I am racist? Minorities get scholarships because of Race, but my parents work hard their whole life, and have to struggle for me to go to college, but this is fine and dandy because 150 years ago 3% of all whites on the southern states knew someone who owned a slave. I don't have a problem with any race, I think we are all equal, but that would be racist because we wouldnt give any "recogoncicition (Spelling)" to the Minorities that accomplished things. Well I dont see them as minorities, but as Americans. They were born in America, and they are Americans. Why cant we have American Pride month, or even a month devoted to ALL the races, cultures and heritages that have accomplished great things. I think it is all messed up how being equal, isnt Politically Correct.

Author:  Counterfeit [ 30 Sep 2006, 12:36 ]
Post subject: 

Gordon Bortelli wrote:
Thank you for saying what we all were thinking. I go to a school where it is 100% acceptable for black people to say "n***a" in class, In front of teachers. White kids get beaten up all the time. I got kicked off my Bus because of a Racist Black Bus Driver. On my Bus its ok for me to get a textbook thrown at my head by a black person, but if I throw something back at them, I am racist? Minorities get scholarships because of Race, but my parents work hard their whole life, and have to struggle for me to go to college, but this is fine and dandy because 150 years ago 3% of all whites on the southern states knew someone who owned a slave. I don't have a problem with any race, I think we are all equal, but that would be racist because we wouldnt give any "recogoncicition (Spelling)" to the Minorities that accomplished things. Well I dont see them as minorities, but as Americans. They were born in America, and they are Americans. Why cant we have American Pride month, or even a month devoted to ALL the races, cultures and heritages that have accomplished great things. I think it is all messed up how being equal, isnt Politically Correct.

Nigga has become a socially acceptable word nowadays. Change the a into an er and you can't say it. You don't have to censor it anymore since it doesn't mean the same thing nor is used in a negative fashion. ni***er's connotation refers to the inferiority of the slave while nigga, and this is gonna sound so funny me defining it formally, basically refers to a black person as the stereotypical black person. Cheap, eats a ton of chicken, wears bling bling etc. It is still slang so it hasn't been changed in the oxford dictionary yet.

Author:  Gordon Bortelli [ 30 Sep 2006, 14:25 ]
Post subject: 

I am saying, It is a cuss word. It isnt aloud to be used by white people. I hear hispanics, and black people using it. A teacher got called it, and when he mimicked what the kid said, he was charged with a verbal abuse, and lost his teaching job. I don't think our Culture, or Language should be divided by Race.

Author:  hraiser [ 30 Sep 2006, 16:16 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Counterfeit [ 30 Sep 2006, 17:11 ]
Post subject: 

Gordon Bortelli wrote:
I am saying, It is a cuss word. It isnt aloud to be used by white people. I hear hispanics, and black people using it. A teacher got called it, and when he mimicked what the kid said, he was charged with a verbal abuse, and lost his teaching job. I don't think our Culture, or Language should be divided by Race.

It will.

Author:  BooX [ 14 Oct 2006, 19:01 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  hraiser [ 14 Oct 2006, 21:25 ]
Post subject: 


btw why did you bump this?

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 15 Oct 2006, 00:23 ]
Post subject: 

Because its a good point.

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