NukeSilo Community

Bad bad..[Moderated]
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Author:  Xerxes [ 16 Sep 2006, 08:05 ]
Post subject:  Bad bad..[Moderated]


Author:  Jameson [ 16 Sep 2006, 09:43 ]
Post subject: 

The gunspawns where SWATs, btw.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 16 Sep 2006, 10:57 ]
Post subject: 

Snitches die very easily. If Maxwell feels the time is right to make his opinons public, that is his choice. This is violating his choice.

Author:  jackfloyd [ 16 Sep 2006, 11:27 ]
Post subject: 

Can you get much more noisy...? I love Zdrok, But I'm just saying.. you don't evesdrop on ooc and post it in the forums... If that was the case, I could have made a fool out of 500 people.. It's just not right to do that, and post it instantly on the forums..

Do you feel more accepted by Andre because you snitched out Maxwell.. Because if so, you lost a lot more reputation then you have earned in this post..

Author:  Xerxes [ 16 Sep 2006, 11:40 ]
Post subject: 

No. But it's not right to talk behind peoples back, as I said, that's not all.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 16 Sep 2006, 11:42 ]
Post subject: 

Xerxes wrote:
it's not right to talk behind peoples back

Author:  Jameson [ 16 Sep 2006, 12:45 ]
Post subject: 

Maxwell cannot be angry? I fully support him.

Author:  jackfloyd [ 16 Sep 2006, 13:00 ]
Post subject: 

Please lock and delete this topic.. You could definantly pm maxwell and tell him that hes talking behind peoples back.. But your trying to be a hero here by telling people that he did a bad thing..

Author:  Xerxes [ 16 Sep 2006, 13:01 ]
Post subject: 

jackfloyd wrote:
Please lock and delete this topic.. You could definantly pm maxwell and tell him that hes talking behind peoples back.. But your trying to be a hero here by telling people that he did a bad thing..

If thats what you think, no, don't think of me as a hero.

Author:  jackfloyd [ 16 Sep 2006, 13:10 ]
Post subject: 

Can someone please lock these comments concerning both Maxwell and Xerves, I'm sick of this argument.. Its going to explode sooner or later too.. Why don't you just delete this little post of yours and quote everything in this topic, and send it to Maxwell in a pm.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 16 Sep 2006, 13:55 ]
Post subject: 

I have not had my say.

Yes, Xerxes figured me out. I am human. I got angry. I saw the guns on the wall, and I immediately assumed that they were for Andre.

No, I have no hard feelings toward Andre at all. At all. Perhaps I let my guard down for once and chose to use bad grammar, and spoke a sentence that lead people to believe that I was mad at Andre. I realize what a great job Andre is doing. He deserves what he gets.

If people are so concerned about what I have said, I said it because I feel that there are others on this server who work very hard for the community, and do not receive the respect they deserve. I would mind that Xerxes would understand what I just said if he had half a heart.

Author:  Xerxes [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:18 ]
Post subject: 

Oh Sorry, I am a human too then. I can't have the perfect attidude, every one of us have flaws. Then shut the f**k up and try to get everyone to hate me by posting stuff we said in PM to everyone. I have made mistakes too etc.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:29 ]
Post subject: 

You have made one too many. This blackmailing bit is a sin, in my eyes.

Author:  Xerxes [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:33 ]
Post subject: 

Maxwell Murder wrote:
You have made one too many. This blackmailing bit is a sin, in my eyes.

Not to many, name them then.

I never tried to nor blackmailed you.

Author:  James Johab [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:42 ]
Post subject: 

I thought I could put into words how I felt about this, but what it boils down to is this.

Max is one of my good friends.

Xerxes is an insult to scum everywhere.

And Xerxes, what you did was just disgusting.


Author:  Xerxes [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:44 ]
Post subject: 

James Johab wrote:
I thought I could put into words how I felt about this, but what it boils down to is this.

Max is one of my good friends.

Xerxes is an insult to scum everywhere.

And what you did was just disgusting.


Maybe you shouldn't quickly take your friends side without knowing whats going on? What if your friend decides to be an ass to someone who really dosen't deserve it? Just because he is your friend, he is always right? You know, I know plenty of friends who got either scammed or anything else by their best friends or other friends on other games.

You don't know me, I don't know you, don't say stuff you have no idea about.

Now f**k off, honestly. =/

Author:  killa3456 [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:56 ]
Post subject: 

Xerxes wrote:
James Johab wrote:
I thought I could put into words how I felt about this, but what it boils down to is this.

Max is one of my good friends.

Xerxes is an insult to scum everywhere.

And what you did was just disgusting.


Maybe you shouldn't quickly take your friends side without knowing whats going on? What if your friend decides to be an ass to someone who really dosen't deserve it? Just because he is your friend, he is always right? You know, I know plenty of friends who got either scammed or anything else by their best friends or other friends on other games.

You don't know me, I don't know you, don't say stuff you have no idea about.

Now fu** off, honestly. =/

You should heed johabs words. What he speaks is the truth.

Author:  James Johab [ 16 Sep 2006, 14:58 ]
Post subject: 

Ehehe, you want to go there do you? All right, now I'm going to put into words what I wanted to say.

First of all, I know that Max wouldn't betray me (and I don't believe he betrayed Andre), he isn't that kind of person.

Next, never tell me what to do, you don't and never will have that authority.

Now, onto what I really want to say. First of all, even IF someone were to delete your pathetic excuse for a thread-starting post, the people here who have that ability are far more mature than that, AND, you had to hide behind the maturity of those people so that your post would be heard, obviously unknowledgeable that these people had that maturity in them in the first place. It's disgusting to know that you used the goodness of people to keep your post buoyant.

Then, you tried to deface a great person's reputation by posting this, AND, attempted to destroy a friendship between two individuals. You did this by eavesdropping until you could gather alleged evidence against Max. All you ended up doing was opening the floodgate for people to give you a taste of what you've been giving them, only in tenfold and far more truthful.

A betrayal is one of the greatest sins imaginable, and you have committed that act. You remind me of a leech, trying to draw blood from another being. In this case you would be the leech and Max would be the other being, but instead of trying to draw blood you're trying to suck the soul out of an altruistic person by posting this supposed black mark against him.

SO WHAT? He made a da*n mistake, everyone makes them, but it's what we do with them that counts. I'm sure there are people out there who vent about me, and I'm sure some of them are my friends, it happens, I do it, and they do it, it just means we're human. But at the end of the day they're still my friends and I'm still theirs, just because they get mad at me sometimes and would rather vent to someone else about it than throw it in my face doesn't mean they aren't my friends. And sometimes that venting can get out of control if the situation warrants it, and in this case it seems like it did, which was his mistake.

Your mistake was ever deciding to eavesdrop on this, and your next mistake was in trying to tell me to screw off. I can be as wrathful as Max has to be, if not more, and if this isn't a taste of what I can give, then I can certainly bring you more if you haven't had enough yet.

A caveat to you though, you don't want it.


Author:  twitch42o [ 16 Sep 2006, 15:21 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Shadow Jones [ 16 Sep 2006, 16:10 ]
Post subject: 

You know tommy i love how you spy on other peoples conversations and post it on the forums, yo uknow as far as im concerned thats a great f**king way to make friends.

Oh and tommy, Perlov knows, im know him IRL, he f**king knows hes pissed, in my view you have NOTHING on maxwell, so shut the f**k up, im not trying to be mean, but get your facts straight befor you go around makin bullshit threats.

Author:  Mr Zombo [ 16 Sep 2006, 16:52 ]
Post subject: 

James Johab wrote:
I thought I could put into words how I felt about this, but what it boils down to is this.

Max is one of my good friends.

Xerxes is an insult to scum everywhere.

And Xerxes, what you did was just disgusting.


Xerxes learn how to mind your own business

Author:  perlov0 [ 16 Sep 2006, 17:29 ]
Post subject: 

Xerxes, I saw the topic, quoted it in a pm to Maxwell and then moved it to the trashbin as your just trying to start s*it.

Saying that, and that the fact that I don't give a s*it about what he said as it was just a misunderstanding that was all settled up over the pm system, locked.

Edit, unlocked, in case Xerxes still feels he has more points in which he trieds to convince me that I was betrayed. (Which I have no feelings of)

EdItx2: Xerxes please post acknowledging that you know I was the one who moved the topic to the trash can.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 16 Sep 2006, 18:56 ]
Post subject: 

Topic locked due to flaming. Yelling at each other isn't going to solve problems. Unless someone can send me a PM convincing me that this topic isn't flaming, it is staying locked.

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