NukeSilo Community

Stand your ground
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Author:  khatool [ 26 Aug 2006, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Stand your ground

Alright. I have RPed for a long time. A LONG LONG time. For the last two years, I have benn switching servers. Why? Because every server I went to egot shut down. Step Up RP, for example. I joined. I joined it in its time of peril, it was shut down 3 days after I joined.
Then I went to Harbu. Was there for a few months. It was shut down for long periods of time. After one period that was shutdown for a few months, nobody was left. All there is now is AWESOME mods and people woh barely know what RP stands for. So I came to A different server. (Forget its name) It was shutodown also. Why? Becasue everybody was leaving.
I came to Nukesilo. It seems to be being torn apart. Everybody is quitting. I for one, am going to stand my ground. Should it crumble into the dust like Harbu, Ill stay on that little mound of dirt, trying to teach people good RP. I can see the server slowly diminishing. The bad RPers were controlled, but now people are quitting. The bad RPers are starting to overrun the server. I for one will not let them. I am devoted to Nukesilo. Please, dont destroy it.

Author:  perlov0 [ 26 Aug 2006, 21:02 ]
Post subject: 

Agreed, this is why I am the "Rp Viewer" A lot now, trying to have people rping decently

Author:  Donovan James [ 26 Aug 2006, 21:10 ]
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I have been here since October, 2005,(never signed up on forums) Ive seen people come and go.
New roleplayers are pushing old roleplayers out because of their different roleplaying styles.

Admins are bickering over small things. They get pissed off too easy.
And I can tell you that you have no idea what goes on in admin chat.
Ive held my ground for a long time. People need to learn to chill the f**k out.

Author:  Counterfeit [ 26 Aug 2006, 22:20 ]
Post subject: 

I am glad to be apart of this community and have no reason to cut myself off permanently, nor forsee in the future any non-extreme circumstances that would give me a reason to.

Jake Stanley is here to stay.

Author:  deebz [ 26 Aug 2006, 23:57 ]
Post subject: 

I know what you mean. I see all these people threatening to "quit" and then coming back a couple days later. Some of them just want a break, others just want attention.

I have stood my ground and will continue to for the sake of the server, and hopefully others will too.

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 26 Aug 2006, 23:59 ]
Post subject: 

I know i have almsot quit...yes I needed a beak.. but thats besides the point, from now on im going to stand my ground and help others stand theres as well.

Author:  Xerxes [ 27 Aug 2006, 04:06 ]
Post subject: 

I am staying, however I hope things will be better in future.. Confused

With better admins and fake-nicked admins to give all these people who cant RP hard punishments so the rest and theirselves can learn from it, they just keep comming back and back, someone RK's? You have proof? Perm ban. No exception. Maybe a second chance only, no more.. just wrote about this on another thread..

Author:  perlov0 [ 27 Aug 2006, 08:12 ]
Post subject: 

We aren''t allowed to have fake nicks and "play the noob anymore"

Author:  Xerxes [ 27 Aug 2006, 08:30 ]
Post subject: 

perlov0 wrote:
We aren''t allowed to have fake nicks and "play the noob anymore"

No wonder why the server is so messed up, it's very simple. The admins and the owners never get in trouble, never get to see how things are, people often kiss their ass too, they don't know how it is.. they think everything are great..

Author:  perlov0 [ 27 Aug 2006, 08:48 ]
Post subject: 

Its a new rule...

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 27 Aug 2006, 09:27 ]
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Nukesilo has seen worse times, so if people try, Nukesilo can still live.

Author:  Counterfeit [ 27 Aug 2006, 09:31 ]
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An RP like the one that happened last night (involving vampy of all) makes me believe that Nukesilo won't be shut down soon.

Author:  Jameson [ 27 Aug 2006, 09:49 ]
Post subject: 

Xerxes wrote:
perlov0 wrote:
We aren''t allowed to have fake nicks and "play the noob anymore"

No wonder why the server is so messed up, it's very simple. The admins and the owners never get in trouble, never get to see how things are, people often kiss their ass too, they don't know how it is.. they think everything are great..

Drop it.

Author:  CPeanutG [ 27 Aug 2006, 11:51 ]
Post subject: 

Xerxes wrote:
perlov0 wrote:
We aren''t allowed to have fake nicks and "play the noob anymore"

No wonder why the server is so messed up, it's very simple. The admins and the owners never get in trouble, never get to see how things are, people often kiss their ass too, they don't know how it is.. they think everything are great..

perlov0 wrote:
Its a new rule...

Im not killing off Kumiko...

Author:  James Johab [ 27 Aug 2006, 13:11 ]
Post subject: 

I already left once for 4 months after being a cop for about the same amount of time (I think). Will I do it again? Not sure.

Do NOT turn this into a Johab pity thread, that's not what it is.

Author:  Jared Damare [ 27 Aug 2006, 14:06 ]
Post subject: 

James Johab wrote:
I already left once for 4 months after being a cop for about the same amount of time (I think). Will I do it again? Not sure.

Do NOT turn this into a Johab pity thread, that's not what it is.

Jared <3's Johab.

Khatool has the right about the role playing bit though. Not many are that great role players. Leave the guns at home kids. Not many can conjure a desert eagle from their asses.

Author:  BooX [ 27 Aug 2006, 14:20 ]
Post subject: 

Jared Damare wrote:
Leave the guns at home kids. Not many can conjure a desert eagle from their asses.

I loled.

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