NukeSilo Community

Abused again...
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Author:  deadfire [ 23 Jun 2006, 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Abused again...

This has to be the 3rd time that LLLL has deliberatly abused me. This man should not have access to adminship, as he does not use it responsibly. He banned me just moments ago for talking. Yea, TALKING. What was I talking about? I was talking about how I feel about the Mafia, so he BANS me. Yea, THATS f**king COOL.

This dude RKs more then anyone, DMs more then anyone, and bans people without reason, more then anyone.

How can you get BANNED for TALKING in a f**king RP server?

Odds are: A) I'm gonna get banned for this post ... Or B) No one will read it because LLLL will delete it.

So bottom line is, I'm fucked either way, but I KNOW I am not the only one who gets abused by this 16 year old kid... And he thinks his s*it don't stank... Yea... OK...

According to LLLL, just another "mindless borgata"


Last I checked.... GRENADES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE USED BY ANYONE... EVEN ADMINS... It is kinda in the rules... But I guess since I'm mindless, I don't read the rules, huh?


[Please don't delete this, At least let the truth be known...]

Author:  deadfire [ 23 Jun 2006, 21:52 ]
Post subject: 

It may be the best post yet, but it won't get listened to. Because apparently, LLLL is immune to any and all rules to the server. He can kick and ban at will, with no reason at all. Kinda cool huh? Don't you wish you could be just like him? Rolling Eyes

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:04 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL is co-owner of this community. He and Nuker built it from the ground up. He is a valuable member of the community, a very talented and intelligent person, and listens better than almost anybody in the community that I know of. Maybe you feel that you have been wronged, and perhaps you truly were, but I think you should take the time to listen to LLLL, and understand where he is coming from. Some silly act such as what went on in the server is not worth adding more pressure to the community. Take it with a grain of salt. You seem like you really care about this server, its rules, etc. I should also guess that you are a very knowledgable RPer. That makes you a valuable new member in this community. Please try to relax, and try sorting this out with another one of Nukesilo's most valuable members. He will listen.

Author:  Blade Vanspike [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:19 ]
Post subject: 

He is most likely not posting yet because he does not want to say anything out of terms. I am relatively new to the server (compared to the other members) but I have come to realize that LLLL is a true rper and he does not do things out of jest. He was seeing something a different way then you and something happened; I don't know. What I do know is that he is more important to this community then any normal admin. Maybe it would be smart of you, if you get unbanned, to change your name and try again.

Author:  Jameson [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:20 ]
Post subject: 

Okay here we go:

You calm you were talking in ooc, but really you were talking in admin chat and when asked multiple times to stop talking in admin just kept on talking.

Your ban was for 10 minutes..

The nade was used to test the out the new server and its performance when a nade kills people. As your probably do not know our old server use to crash because of a nade killing people, or just crash because one was thrown.

Really you should be worrying about yourself because after what you did today in the server was annoying and you came close to being banned again for being an irrataing rp ruiner. I mean come on im trying to have a meeting and you come in killing my guard and saying your the plumber, not to mention you do this about 5 times. It is to my understanding that if you die you forget about pervious events that took place before your death. So good rp to you TO.

As for being immune to the rules, you dont see owners of companys saying oops i screwed up and fireing themselves do you? No one is perfect, get use to it, it's life.

Author:  Jameson [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:28 ]
Post subject: 

Okay listen up guys, im going to make this a community discussion thread. THIS IS ONLY A ONE TIME DEAL, so dont start posting in other threads in this forum.

Remeber, any flaming will lead to suspensions.

Author:  Spike Siegal [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:30 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
It is to my understanding that if you die you forget about pervious events that took place before your death.

Right you are.

Author:  perlov0 [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:35 ]
Post subject: 

people you really need to stop posting in this forum

And next time don't tamper with evidence please.

Author:  Spike Siegal [ 23 Jun 2006, 22:37 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
Okay listen up guys, im going to make this a community discussion thread. THIS IS ONLY A ONE TIME DEAL, so dont start posting in other threads in this forum.


Author:  DeathonWings [ 24 Jun 2006, 10:32 ]
Post subject: 

Spike that doesn't necessarily mean one-word comments. It pretty much means if you have anything to say [mostly if you were there] then side with one of them...or don't side at all i dunno. Constructive comments at least I suppose.

Author:  Jared Damare [ 24 Jun 2006, 12:53 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
Okay here we go:

You calm you were talking in ooc, but really you were talking in admin chat and when asked multiple times to stop talking in admin just kept on talking.

Your ban was for 10 minutes..

The nade was used to test the out the new server and its performance when a nade kills people. As your probably do not know our old server use to crash because of a nade killing people, or just crash because one was thrown.

Really you should be worrying about yourself because after what you did today in the server was annoying and you came close to being banned again for being an irrataing rp ruiner. I mean come on im trying to have a meeting and you come in killing my guard and saying your the plumber, not to mention you do this about 5 times. It is to my understanding that if you die you forget about pervious events that took place before your death. So good rp to you TO.

As for being immune to the rules, you dont see owners of companys saying oops i screwed up and fireing themselves do you? No one is perfect, get use to it, it's life.

I used to f***in' hate it when some f***in' twat f***in' blew up the f***in' gas tank thing and it'd crash the f***in' server in the middle of a f***in' RP. And that's not exactly "RP"ish.


Author:  [>13Defillbert37<] [ 24 Jun 2006, 18:25 ]
Post subject: 

The nade was used to test the out the new server and its performance when a nade kills people. As your probably do not know our old server use to crash because of a nade killing people, or just crash because one was thrown.
I missed alot of things... To lazy to post my unban request so I can play on the server again. Maybe in a week or so lol

Author:  Orion [ 24 Jun 2006, 22:57 ]
Post subject: 

is deadfire Frank 'Wiggly' Fatone...?

If so... that ban, man... SO deserved it.

Abusing admin chat IS a bannable offense, as LLLL stated.

Constantly harassing the mafia during a private meeting after you have died multiple times could be considered admin harassment (if an admin took it personally) or at the very least ruining RP.

Shouting that you're the plumber, and thus interrupting a private meeting of the upper-echelon mafia members, will probably get you shot.

Which it did. And you deserved it.

He threw the grenade because 1) it was perfect timing and really funny, 2) he was testing the new server's abilities to handle it.

It crashed, obviously... but other than THAT...

You deserved it. Suck it up. Enjoy.

Author:  deadfire [ 27 Jun 2006, 19:57 ]
Post subject: 

Jack, your opinion is obviously baised... Just save us the infatuations... Please.

Author:  Manikstor [ 28 Jun 2006, 19:52 ]
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his owner deal with it...

Author:  Jameson [ 28 Jun 2006, 20:24 ]
Post subject: 

Look, i try to be as fair as i can. When some jackass is flooding admin chat with s*it and i tell them to stop and they dont i get the saying goes "s*it or get off the pot"

Author:  Ryan Zipline Hayter [ 03 Jul 2006, 17:30 ]
Post subject: 

deadfire wrote:
Jack, your opinion is obviously baised... Just save us the infatuations... Please.
I swear to god you diss Jack in any form again i will personally reinstall STEAM. get TSRP again, and come on just to kick your a**.

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 04 Jul 2006, 14:20 ]
Post subject: 

Ryan calm yourslef mate...

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