NukeSilo Community

Nukesilo is Really Dying ='(
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Author:  Manikstor [ 03 Jun 2006, 09:35 ]
Post subject:  Nukesilo is Really Dying ='(

lately i being coming in here checking out the forum, Quietly. When i noticed something for the past few weeks no one has posted anything new besides supernuker/ and other threads like desktop. I say within this month there has being at least 5 post or so and a few of those are from supernuker and other threads that dont make sence.

Since the tsrp server is not changing map, alot of users have not come back or are not coming back because There really isnt much going on here anymore..

Crying or Very sad

im sorry to say but I think Nukesilo Is Dying Crying or Very sad

Author:  DraconicDon [ 03 Jun 2006, 09:58 ]
Post subject: 

if i may quote jared whilst talking to the server "Breath or I f***ing shoot you, b****."

i havent seen much forum activity ether...

Author:  Joey Ju'sac [ 03 Jun 2006, 10:22 ]
Post subject: 

when we change TS:Rp maps its gana get more packed prolly.

Author:  Supernuker [ 03 Jun 2006, 11:41 ]
Post subject: 

Forum activity has dropped off, but we sure aren't dying.

Author:  DraconicDon [ 03 Jun 2006, 14:02 ]
Post subject: 

i would be more active byt my mobo bit the big oe last fryday. next one should be here in under 3 days.

Author:  Blade Vanspike [ 03 Jun 2006, 16:26 ]
Post subject: 

Between PlanetSide and Oblivion, I get on when I'm bored...the only people I've seen on have been Zach and Joe. Nobody really else except a few new people.

Author:  joepicat [ 03 Jun 2006, 22:29 ]
Post subject: 

joe who?

Author:  Jared Damare [ 04 Jun 2006, 00:45 ]
Post subject: 

I got on today at my old house. Nothing was happening except this..."lol, OMFG DM!, lol, complain, complain, complain, dm, complain, beg, et cetera"

Author:  Supernuker [ 04 Jun 2006, 01:03 ]
Post subject: 

when were you on? I was on alot today.

Author:  twitch42o [ 04 Jun 2006, 01:43 ]
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I kiss lots of ass

Author:  twitch42o [ 04 Jun 2006, 01:44 ]
Post subject: 

I mean, but i get my ass kissed alot, i like it Very Happy

Author:  Manikstor [ 04 Jun 2006, 07:07 ]
Post subject: 

well i havent seen alot of players on the nukesilo server, The Tsrp,ns,Zp,css Servers there usually empty and this forum is pretty dead.

any ideas to bring it up..

i say if shaun doesnt get done with the map switch to iburg.
I know supernuker hates that map but i think thats the last resort. Honestly I like Iburg way more than shaunsville and meck, And most people also like iburg way more than shauns or meck.. but i would rather play shauns than meck

Author:  joepicat [ 04 Jun 2006, 09:03 ]
Post subject: 

i say we have like rafle things for differnt games and u can onoly enter if u spend a sufficent amount of time on the server(any of Ns games) or fourms.and make the prizes flashy.this way more people are comming to play besides beiong flamed or complaining as much(not all do,but some)

Author:  Milly [ 04 Jun 2006, 14:46 ]
Post subject: 

Well I do have to say that the population in Nukesilo is running a bit low lately. Every once in a while i see a lot of people but then the next day its back to 0. Its not a lost cause though, in fact I'll probably get on a bit later. Very Happy

Sorry for the inactivity on the forums, while i'm at it, i've been both lazy and busy. No time for forums. xP

Author:  Shadow Jones [ 04 Jun 2006, 14:53 ]
Post subject: 

I wish i could f***ing play teh da*n game but i need to get teh comp fixed >.<

Author:  Jameson [ 04 Jun 2006, 20:09 ]
Post subject: 

Joey Ju'sac wrote:
(Post was deleted)

Maybe people who flame, like yourself, add to the problem?

Author:  SovietWaffle [ 04 Jun 2006, 23:57 ]
Post subject: 

Today was ok for a couple hours on the TSRP Server(Then the server crashed, didn't see what happend after).

We really do need a new map to bring in more people, but if we can't switch soon I say at a minimum we get more MCPD. Everytime I'm on it seems the ratio of cop to gang member is 1 to 4 or more (I can only do so much as an MCMD to keep him alive).

Also, ZP isn't too popular of a game, so it's more of a lottery to determine which server is popular (There is always one full server, and the rest are empty)

Author:  DraconicDon [ 05 Jun 2006, 03:46 ]
Post subject: 

Shadow Jones wrote:
I wish i could f***ing play teh d*** game but i need to get teh comp fixed >.<

it doesnt take seven days to fly a package from california to maine...

Author:  perlov0 [ 05 Jun 2006, 09:24 ]
Post subject: 

SovietWaffle wrote:
I say at a minimum we get more MCPD. Everytime I'm on it seems the ratio of cop to gang member is 1 to 4 or more (I can only do so much as an MCMD to keep him alive).

You want me to hire more people? I get a lot of people wanting in but they are people who, first come into the server knowing nothing about rp, lie about how long they have played and just waste my time.

Author:  Manikstor [ 05 Jun 2006, 13:48 ]
Post subject: 

well whatever u guys are doing its working to keep the players away from forum/server because i would really like it if it was like before also alot of old people left.

Author:  Chupa [ 05 Jun 2006, 14:18 ]
Post subject: 

The very reason i never play TSRP is because its meck. Meck is so old and
its lost its fun. Everytime i go in, i cant stand that atmosphere of the map, its
quiet, boring, and dull. I get in and leave cause i cant handle it. I'll play
the css cause thats always fresh somehow, but with the tsrp server it needs
a new map defently. If you folks dont like iburg or what not, try the classic
RP maps from the old days, such as tsrp_westerminster by greendragon
or Slumsville by Sickboy, they are both really good RP maps that could
get alot going with the new mods the RP community has.

Author:  Shippo Fox [ 05 Jun 2006, 14:31 ]
Post subject: 

I'm starting to play on TSRP a lot again, now that school is almost over I'll have much time to ^.^ I don't see how you guys all dislike Meck, It's the only map for RolePlaying I have ever played and I still enjoy every moment of it, Well, yeahs, I guess I'm around to do stuff. Hi?

Author:  Chupa [ 05 Jun 2006, 14:33 ]
Post subject: 

Yes but its been on meck since it started, and that has been a LONG time.
I have playd lots of other maps, the old communities i was in would have
a map change ever year. Maybe its just you havent been around to experience
other maps, but maybe im wrong. But i defently think we need a new map.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 05 Jun 2006, 14:47 ]
Post subject: 

Slumsvillie is the best RP map, I love that map.

I think we should have two RP servers, one old school and one like the one we have now.

Author:  SovietWaffle [ 05 Jun 2006, 15:06 ]
Post subject: 

perlov0 wrote:
SovietWaffle wrote:
I say at a minimum we get more MCPD. Everytime I'm on it seems the ratio of cop to gang member is 1 to 4 or more (I can only do so much as an MCMD to keep him alive).

You want me to hire more people? I get a lot of people wanting in but they are people who, first come into the server knowing nothing about rp, lie about how long they have played and just waste my time.

Hmm, lemme rephrase that.

More Competent officers. It's just been too much of a disparity in the last few weeks I've been on.

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