NukeSilo Community

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Author:  ssj4goku111 [ 23 Feb 2006, 07:49 ]
Post subject:  C'mon.

I've seen many admins do this. Everytime they get killed, they ask to explain. Only if you REALLY think they DMed you, should you do that. It's very pathetic, and it's an abuse of your powers to do that EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'll probably get in trouble for this, because admins don't like it when they are exposed to doing wrong. BUT IT'S PATHETIC! Obviously the admins don't want to help the server, they just want it for the power and social standing upgrade. I don't think I've seen an admin who is sincere about this server and actually helping it since Cobra. Don't get mad, because I'm speaking out, just do your jobs that you said you would do. Don't be a power-hog, try to make the server better for everyone ELSE, not yourself.

Author:  Jameson [ 23 Feb 2006, 08:45 ]
Post subject: 

Look, Its our jobs to make sure that people aren't dming. If you have a problem with it than go find another server. You'll find that most servers have bull s*it hits and dms constantly. And straight out of the admin rules:

4. Always ask why they killed you or someone else before you kick and ban, wait one minute, if they don't repond then your free to kick/ban.

Author:  Knare [ 23 Feb 2006, 11:38 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
Look, Its our jobs to make sure that people aren't dming. If you have a problem with it than go find another server. You'll find that most servers have bull s*** hits and dms constantly. And straight out of the admin rules:

4. Always ask why they killed you or someone else before you kick and ban, wait one minute, if they don't repond then your free to kick/ban.

Unless they leave which also makes them free game

Author:  Shippo Fox [ 23 Feb 2006, 13:02 ]
Post subject: 

This is why I don't feel like coming back to the server, Just because I'm an admin, "I'm suddenly bad, and don't help the community at all." Seriously, don't mark all admins as bad, I honestly did all I can to help the community, and I get no thanks most of the time. And then I see this, and well, whatever...

Author:  ssj4goku111 [ 23 Feb 2006, 14:34 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
Look, Its our jobs to make sure that people aren't dming. If you have a problem with it than go find another server. You'll find that most servers have bull s*** hits and dms constantly. And straight out of the admin rules:

4. Always ask why they killed you or someone else before you kick and ban, wait one minute, if they don't repond then your free to kick/ban.

BEFORE you kick or ban. Don't ask them every time, because that makes it stupid and hard to role play, if everyone fears killing an admin. I don't mind if someone just comes up and kills you without saying "HIT COMPLETE" or something, that's to stop DMing, but if you're an admin, and you get killed, don't be a little girl about it. Accept the fact that the other person probably has a reason.

I guess I've just realised that no one will listen to me, and all the admins will continue to do this.

Author:  Supernuker [ 23 Feb 2006, 16:31 ]
Post subject: 

I do see this all the time.

I often see admins asking why they were killed whenever they were killed, and then when someone else is killed and they say its a DM they don't even bother to ask.

If admins have to go out and ask why they were killed every time, then they should do it for everyone, not just themselves.

I personally try to ask why they were killed if anyone disputes a kill, or says dm, or if I'm near and it looks like a dm, but noones perfect.

Author:  Maverick [ 23 Feb 2006, 18:24 ]
Post subject: 

Goku hate to bust you're bubble dude but you just came back and you have not changed since you left. You're criticizing admins. I know a lot of admins who rule on this server and im not being a suck up either.

For instance: Shippo, Aero, Nick, Super, Milly, Andre & company.

Author:  kittie [ 23 Feb 2006, 20:52 ]
Post subject: 

I see a few admins Donovan for example who do ask almost constantly for people to explain themselves when they kill people regardless if it was him or not.

I see goku's point in that it causes a powerhaul against players, and I also see Nuker's point about that it should be equal opportunity.

I see it as a good idea for players to explain themselves when they gun someone down in the street, if you;re innocent of wrong doing then you should have no problems with telling the admin why you did it. my reasons are not always noble and are sometimes self serving but I'm never worried about being banned because I always have a good reason even if it is self serving.

The only people who should have a problem with this is the admins who now have to keep asking for reasons behind kills and those dmer fucks who are now suddenly VERY accountable for their actions.

Author:  perlov0 [ 23 Feb 2006, 21:47 ]
Post subject: 

I would ask more but being a cop i understand why i would be killed so i ask if i think there is a possible dm.

Author:  ssj4goku111 [ 23 Feb 2006, 21:48 ]
Post subject: 

Donovan is an admin?

This is unreal.

Absolutely unreal.

Where do you make admin applications at?

You people don't seem to see how concerened I am. This entire server has been messed up, because the admins do whatever they want.

Author:  FalconBK [ 23 Feb 2006, 22:02 ]
Post subject: 

Sign up for admin, to see how hard it is.

But the way you act, I doubt you will get it. Change your attitude.

Author:  twitch42o [ 23 Feb 2006, 22:08 ]
Post subject: 

Admin is a big responsibilty and can put alot of stress on the admins, i appreciate the admins because of this. I have no idea why you would have anything against admins like Falcon or Shippo, Supernuker etc etc but it disappoints me that the admins dont get the credit they deserve in the first place. The admins on the server work to make it a better place for everyone to enjoy. I respect these admins and you should too. Just a small small few of the admins need a little tiny bit of work. Dont bag on them.

Dont hate the playa, hate the game..... lol

Author:  Jameson [ 23 Feb 2006, 22:24 ]
Post subject: 

twitch42o wrote:
Admin is a big responsibilty and can put alot of stress on the admins, i appreciate the admins because of this. I have no idea why you would have anything against admins like Falcon or Shippo, Supernuker etc etc but it disappoints me that the admins dont get the credit they deserve in the first place. The admins on the server work to make it a better place for everyone to enjoy. I respect these admins and you should too. Just a small small few of the admins need a little tiny bit of work. Dont bag on them.

Dont hate the playa, hate the game..... lol

see no one recognizes me :\

Author:  Supernuker [ 24 Feb 2006, 00:11 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
twitch42o wrote:
Admin is a big responsibilty and can put alot of stress on the admins, i appreciate the admins because of this. I have no idea why you would have anything against admins like Falcon or Shippo, Supernuker etc etc but it disappoints me that the admins dont get the credit they deserve in the first place. The admins on the server work to make it a better place for everyone to enjoy. I respect these admins and you should too. Just a small small few of the admins need a little tiny bit of work. Dont bag on them.

Dont hate the playa, hate the game..... lol

see no one recognizes me :\

I think it may be cause you curse/yell alot and you come across as very mean/strict.

Author:  Jameson [ 24 Feb 2006, 00:16 ]
Post subject: 

w/e i dont care

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 24 Feb 2006, 00:53 ]
Post subject: 

I love you Jameson ^_^

Author:  twitch42o [ 24 Feb 2006, 02:13 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
twitch42o wrote:
Admin is a big responsibilty and can put alot of stress on the admins, i appreciate the admins because of this. I have no idea why you would have anything against admins like Falcon or Shippo, Supernuker etc etc but it disappoints me that the admins dont get the credit they deserve in the first place. The admins on the server work to make it a better place for everyone to enjoy. I respect these admins and you should too. Just a small small few of the admins need a little tiny bit of work. Dont bag on them.

Dont hate the playa, hate the game..... lol

see no one recognizes me :\

Nah dont worry you're an awesome admin as well.

Author:  CPeanutG [ 24 Feb 2006, 02:25 ]
Post subject: 

twitch42o wrote:
LLLL wrote:
see no one recognizes me :\

Nah dont worry you're an awesome admin as well.

What he said.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 24 Feb 2006, 03:08 ]
Post subject: 

no its just sad cuz alot of the admins die by actual RP, but they feel they have some indestructable shield around them so they hassle you about why they were killed

when you try to explain they just disagree and usually kick you

but I have to say it, alot of the admins arent aware of most of the RP because they're so pent-up about other stuff or not dying that they dont realize why they were killed


lets say someone has a hit...they perform the hit and the admin is dead on the groun...suddenly the admin SMSs the hitman saying "wy did you kill me?" then you say "it was a hit" then they say "well you didnt tell me" BANNED!

Author:  Knare [ 24 Feb 2006, 07:54 ]
Post subject: 

Vash-The-Stampede wrote:
no its just sad cuz alot of the admins die by actual RP, but they feel they have some indestructable shield around them so they hassle you about why they were killed

when you try to explain they just disagree and usually kick you

but I have to say it, alot of the admins arent aware of most of the RP because they're so pent-up about other stuff or not dying that they dont realize why they were killed


lets say someone has a hit...they perform the hit and the admin is dead on the groun...suddenly the admin SMSs the hitman saying "wy did you kill me?" then you say "it was a hit" then they say "well you didnt tell me" BANNED!

*cough* happened to me *cough*

And LLLL, I <3 you wayyyyyy more than static could ever

Author:  Jameson [ 24 Feb 2006, 08:43 ]
Post subject: 

thanks everyone

Author:  James Johab [ 24 Feb 2006, 09:38 ]
Post subject: 

Look, Goku/Jim/Silver, what they do is necessary. It's to promote good RP and to help the server, even if you don't see it that way. And I've noticed many times when the admins don't ask for people to explain kills, they're trying to use their best judgement. Now, I'm not always a fan of the admins, but those problems were just misunderstandings and my own silly grudges. But that's not why I'm posting. Look, Silver, I do like you but this post wasn't a good idea. We're all just used to the idea of the admins accepting that our kills are always legitimate, and having to explain many kills seems ridiculous. But until we can all learn to work together, put aside grudges, and learn to let things go, this is a necessary thing. It's just something you have to deal with. I'm sure that the admins don't always enjoy having to ask people to explain their kills every time. The admins are only human, let's give them a break huh? They're allowed to make mistakes too. Being an admin is an extreme amount of responsibility, and I'd like to thank all of the admins for doing their jobs. I can understand how being underappreciated makes you feel.

Author:  Supernuker [ 24 Feb 2006, 16:51 ]
Post subject: 

Vash-The-Stampede wrote:
suddenly the admin SMSs the hitman saying "wy did you kill me?" then you say "it was a hit" then they say "well you didnt tell me" BANNED!

Abuse anyone?

If I'm wrong find in the rules where it says they have to tell you "hit complete" or its bannable

You should say it, but techinally you don't have to.

Author:  ssj4goku111 [ 25 Feb 2006, 08:27 ]
Post subject: 

James Johab wrote:
Look, Goku/Jim/Silver, what they do is necessary. It's to promote good RP and to help the server, even if you don't see it that way. And I've noticed many times when the admins don't ask for people to explain kills, they're trying to use their best judgement. Now, I'm not always a fan of the admins, but those problems were just misunderstandings and my own silly grudges. But that's not why I'm posting. Look, Silver, I do like you but this post wasn't a good idea. We're all just used to the idea of the admins accepting that our kills are always legitimate, and having to explain many kills seems ridiculous. But until we can all learn to work together, put aside grudges, and learn to let things go, this is a necessary thing. It's just something you have to deal with. I'm sure that the admins don't always enjoy having to ask people to explain their kills every time. The admins are only human, let's give them a break huh? They're allowed to make mistakes too. Being an admin is an extreme amount of responsibility, and I'd like to thank all of the admins for doing their jobs. I can understand how being underappreciated makes you feel.

The thing about that, is like Nuker said, admins will ask everytime for themselves being killed, but when someone else is killed, and even shout DM! they won't do anything about it.

To make it easier: It would be better if everytime someone said "DM!" an admin would immediatly(sp) respond. If an admin gets killed, every 3 times or so, they can ask why. Just like a normal person should be able to. Admins tend to only use their power for personal gain. Like when Luke was an admin. Please, admins, don't , like everyone, say how much you want to help the community, so you can get your powers, and never worry about being DMed again. How selfish.

Author:  Shippo Fox [ 25 Feb 2006, 09:43 ]
Post subject: 

It is kind of hard to 'do anything about it' when people are shouting DM, DM, DM!!! over OOC while others are saying "No, no, no it wasn't!!!" Over OOC too. If you say it though admins chat then we Do something about it, but itÂ’s too hard to tell whatÂ’s going on when people yell about it over OOC.

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