NukeSilo Community

Its been Good.
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Author:  Akhiv [ 20 Jan 2006, 23:17 ]
Post subject:  Its been Good.

Ive Decided My time has come, Im resigning From My position on nukesilo staff.

Ive Had a great time guys, but with my Job, I really dont have the Time to play, and don't feel I can truly fill my position as Senior Staff.

Ive been Pestered alot for money that I have been trying to pull together, but I really can't afford, the reaction of disappointment with everything that I have been able to pull together in the past has also Hurt me. I dont believe I've ever gotten a "thank you." I dont want to have to disappoint anyone here again.

Thanks to everyone for their support.

Best Regards,
Rob Godwin - Akhiv Vasilli

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 20 Jan 2006, 23:20 ]
Post subject: 

Akhiv worked his rear off for this community, donating a huge amount of $250 to the servers, as well as donating his time to carry out his admining duties. I really respected Akhiv, may he live long and prosper.

Fun knowing you Akhiv, will miss,

Author:  dead poetic [ 20 Jan 2006, 23:21 ]
Post subject: 

Later man.
Best wishes.

Author:  FalconBK [ 20 Jan 2006, 23:25 ]
Post subject: 

God dammit.

f**k! WHY?!?!?!

I sense a leaving chain coming...

This sucks.

Sucks alot.

You should have gotten the thanks you deserved. Ima cry now

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 20 Jan 2006, 23:26 ]
Post subject: 

Good luck on your future conquests. Will keep in touch.

<3 Jaques

Author:  brandon7219 [ 20 Jan 2006, 23:56 ]
Post subject: 

well akhiv i thank you for donating all that!
And it's been fun playin with ya, Good Luck in life.

Author:  Manikstor [ 21 Jan 2006, 07:45 ]
Post subject: 

even thou i did not know u, good luck on what u gonna do, and ur decsion!!!

Best regards!

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 21 Jan 2006, 07:48 ]
Post subject: 

You are a great administrator, a great RPer, and a great friend. Best of luck to you sir.

Thank you,

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 21 Jan 2006, 09:34 ]
Post subject: 

Akhiv, from the time you where a bank guard to now, you always have been fun.

Ciao, and may life treat you well.

Author:  Jared Damare [ 21 Jan 2006, 11:24 ]
Post subject: 

Well, I haven't really hung out with you, and now I regret it. It's been nice knowing you (however little). Ta-ta...

Author:  Jameson [ 21 Jan 2006, 13:18 ]
Post subject: 

NO!! Crying or Very sad

Author:  Knare [ 21 Jan 2006, 19:16 ]
Post subject: 

Crying or Very sad Two in one day! I cant take it!

Author:  Milly [ 22 Jan 2006, 01:05 ]
Post subject: 

I didn't know you very well or anything, nor did i see you on the server often, but I give you the best of wishes because of the times when i did see you. From what i've heard and some i've seen, you've done a great job. Farewell, and best of luck.

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