NukeSilo Community

Quite an interesting read about "The Royalists RP"
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Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 08 Jan 2006, 19:56 ]
Post subject:  Quite an interesting read about "The Royalists RP"

Well I went onto the Royalists website, and saw King had made a post that he scripted carmod and ropemod entirely by himself. Here is proof:


Now that seems kind of impossible as someone very new to scripting could script two extremely complicated plugins. So I PM'ed king about this, and while waiting for a responce I xfire'd Napolean (The server own of the Royalists). None of the following has been edited at all:

XDestroyer12: Hello
Napoleon: hello
XDestroyer12: So I hear King has scripted a Carmod and a Ropemod all by himself
XDestroyer12: That's quite an acomplishemnt for somoene that came to me a few weeks ago asking how to code
Napoleon: yes it is
Napoleon: unfortunattly i dont know how to
Napoleon: yi wish i did though
XDestroyer12: You think I am being serious?
XDestroyer12: I think he just stole em
Napoleon: ok are you stupid
XDestroyer12: Nope
Napoleon: yi saw him make them you asshole
Napoleon: f**king jack ass
Napoleon: i bet there better than anything youve ever made
Napoleon: bitch
XDestroyer12: Are you 12?
XDestroyer12: slash high?
Napoleon: no
Napoleon: buyt your naem says your 12
Napoleon: what a stupid name
Napoleon: 12
Napoleon: get outa here
Napoleon: fag
Napoleon: bitch
Napoleon: moron
XDestroyer12: lol
Napoleon: destroyer sack a s*it
XDestroyer12: sec i am gonna go post this on nukesilo forums
Napoleon: fucker
XDestroyer12: and see how mature the leader of the royalists is
Napoleon: ok go i dont care
Napoleon: ygo head least im not a f**king loser like you
XDestroyer12: Are you sure you aren't drunk sir?
XDestroyer12: In a bad mood possibly?
Napoleon: ok wait
Napoleon: wait
Napoleon: what do you rp in real life
Napoleon: sir?
Napoleon: wtf is wrong with you
XDestroyer12: Are you a mam? My mistake mam.
Napoleon: >???
XDestroyer12: Apologies.
Napoleon: ok you suck at come backs
Napoleon: who helps you with them
Napoleon: nuker
Napoleon: ?
Napoleon: buy the way
Napoleon: im done talking to you
XDestroyer12: Come backs? Since you do not want to be called sir I thought you were a mam.
Napoleon: no im man not sir
Napoleon: sirs are for pussy like you
Napoleon: thats right sit down
<master124 stopped playing The Specialists>
<This user is now offline>
<This user is now offline>

Halfway through this conversation, I recieved a PM from King saying he didn't script the two plugins entirely by himself, but instead got help from some other people. I accept this as the truth and thank King for his honesty upon request, however the PM was recieved too late to stop Napoleaon, formly known on Nukesilo as Blade.

I questioned Blade if he was drunk/high/angry, and he seemed to deny all those, so I must assume that Blade is normally like this, and I would advise extremely caution when dealing with people like him.

It raises some concern about the health of the Royalist RP server, and I do not wish to investigate.

Thank you for reading this,
~Dest Romano

Author:  Tracer's Defense [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:13 ]
Post subject: 

This is a flagrant example of flaming. If Dest is permitted to post such garbage as this without any consequences, it'll reflect poorly on THIS server, and not the Royalists.

As a member of TR, I do not understand why Dest would go out of his way to flame that community. Firstly, evidence is faulty; There is a problem with the carmod which he made which causes the item to be dropped, and last I checked no other carmod has ropes yet. As Dest is not a plug-in tester for TR, it is unfair for him to make such assumptions without any real proof.

Secondly, TR has done nothing in any way to aggravate Dest nor NS; so Why?

I ask that his post be deleted, and that he at least be suspended for this.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:22 ]
Post subject: 

Interestingly enough, most of what Tracer posted also applies to what Blade said in his converstaion to me. (Going out of way to flame, ect)

Tracer's Defense wrote:
TR has done nothing in any way to aggravate Dest nor NS; so Why?

I had no problem with the Royalists and even considered playing on there once or twice, but then I got flamed on XFire by the Server Owner, he did not even try to explain to me why King had posted that, instead he posted with such things as "fag", "bitch", and "moron".

Tracer's Defense wrote:
evidence is faulty; There is a problem with the carmod which he made which causes the item to be dropped, and last I checked no other carmod has ropes yet. As Dest is not a plug-in tester for TR, it is unfair for him to make such assumptions without any real proof

And Tracer said it was not fair to me to make assumptions without fair proof, but the picture I posted clearly displays that King said he made the two plugins.

There are some wonderful people on TR, and I may have said a bit too much, but the Server Owner blantantly flaming me instead of reasoning with me is a bit much.

Author:  FalconBK [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:23 ]
Post subject: 

Tracer's Defense wrote:
Secondly, TR has done nothing in any way to aggravate Dest

He thought his car mod was stolen(Dest made it first)(Also..I didnt figure out if king still did steal it)

That would piss me off.

Also, he asked the owner about it and he just flamed him.

That would piss anyone off.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:25 ]
Post subject: 

Actually Falcon, I am not concerened about my version of Carmod being stolen as the source code will not be released, except mabye isf Nuker is interested.

What I was concerned about was that mabye King took Steven's version of Carmod and copied it, as the source code to that was released.

Author:  Tracer's Defense [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:29 ]
Post subject: 

I can not and will not account for Blade's actions, he may or may not chose to do so.

As for your comment on king saying he claimed to have made carmod - he doesn't. Read it again:

[quote="king"] Finally after workign on it for a bit now i made my OWN!!! carmod and ropemod. [quote]

I think it's safe to say that King accentuated the My Own part for a reason, wouldn't it? He is saying that he made his own version, not that he made it in general.

Please, take your time and actually read before you make a post like that.

Socairse agus Suigh Sios, Dest.

Author:  FalconBK [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:30 ]
Post subject: 

King said my OWN!!!. Not my own VERSION. He implyed that it was all his making.

Author:  Flavor [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:31 ]
Post subject: 

Wow. Okay, I said I would'nt post anymore until I came back, but this has pissed me off pretty bad to read. I would'nt have posted though, if it wasnt for the genius response tracer made. Tracer, Dest hasn't said a SINGLE insulting thing to TR, Nor has he said anything insulting to you. It seems to me, your a perfect example of someone who will stand up for anyone if it has to do with their honor as well, no matter how wrong they are. Dest posting what happened his can not reflect poorly on NukeSilo in any way possible, because of the mere fact he said nothing insulting to the owner of TR. When reading this, Its obvious to see whos the bigger man, and which of the two is a better server. Removing this thread would be an insult to everyone's freedom of speech (to a degree) and NukeSilo. He has not broken any rules.

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:33 ]
Post subject: 

Even so Tracer, Blade/Napoleaon did not take even the slightest bit of time to explain to me King had help.

If I do get suspedend from the forums, I also request Nuker to get Blade suspended from Xfire, as he has massive amounts more of flamage then I did in this post.

Author:  aerocow [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:40 ]
Post subject: 

I see two sides of flaming here, not only Dest, I say don't suspend Dest, but maybe delete the post. Although this post has reflected very much on how I feel about King and The Royalists TS:RP, it makes me think TR is pathetic. Why in the first place is Blade saying "Did you get your comebacks from nuker" I mean where the f**k did that come from. I feel that Dest posted this so he can show you people how flaming and aggrivating these kind of people can be, not to flame. I say keep the post, don't suspend Dest.

Author:  Supernuker [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:40 ]
Post subject: 

I agree, the only flamming I see here is tracer.

Tracer, next time if you have a problem with a post, its what the report feature is there for.

Author:  Flavor [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:43 ]
Post subject: 

Now, Lets go through the facts here.

1. King first said he made them.

2.Napolean said he WATCHED him make them.

3.But then King said he had help.

4.Napolean said nothing about help.

5.Napolean spammed the most swears and immature things in a single conversation than I've ever seen in my life.

6.King was honest and did'nt lie when Dest questioned him.

7.Dest did'nt insult him in a single way. Without a single swear.

8.Napolean set himself up because he didn't like being called Sir.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:43 ]
Post subject: 

That was blade?

When I knew Blade and he was my bank manager, he never acted like that. Man, what happened? And he started his own RP, wow I never knew this.

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 08 Jan 2006, 20:48 ]
Post subject: 

Pretty sure it was Blade...

Author:  USN SEAL [ 08 Jan 2006, 21:04 ]
Post subject: 

Alot intrests you dests!
A certaintly Intresting read.

quite an intresting read.

Author:  Milly [ 08 Jan 2006, 22:35 ]
Post subject: 

Wow, just wow. I have to say that if the owner of a server talks like that to everybody, then he's pretty much screwed.

Author:  Jameson [ 08 Jan 2006, 23:24 ]
Post subject: 

Taking about someone elses rp server is not flaming.

An example of flaming is: Bob you are the f**king gayest bitch ever you whore faced looser.

This is not flaming one bit. Only a convo about people not telling the whole truth and people being jerks when only a simple question is asked.

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 08 Jan 2006, 23:27 ]
Post subject: 

LLLL wrote:
Taking about someone elses rp server is not flaming.

An example of flaming is: Bob you are the f**king gayest bitch ever you whore faced looser.

This is not flaming one bit. Only a convo about people not telling the whole truth and people being jerks when only a simple question is asked.
Quoted for truth.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 09 Jan 2006, 00:24 ]
Post subject: 

actually I think it was very immature of Dest to go around poking and asking questions, its their community let them do what they want

you have no reason to make a post here accusing another community of stealing SOMEONE ELSES carmod

even if it is true this is no place for any of that

this is nukesilo, not stupidgossipsilo

Author:  Jameson [ 09 Jan 2006, 00:28 ]
Post subject: 

maybe so, i wasent talking about that but its still not flaming.

Author:  USN SEAL [ 09 Jan 2006, 00:53 ]
Post subject: 

Vash-The-Stampede wrote:
actually I think it was very immature of Dest to go around poking and asking questions, its their community let them do what they want

you have no reason to make a post here accusing another community of stealing SOMEONE ELSES carmod

even if it is true this is no place for any of that

this is nukesilo, not stupidgossipsilo

Lol That is True Not To offend anyone.

Author:  Flavor [ 09 Jan 2006, 02:16 ]
Post subject: 

This thread has pissed off a lot of people. Perhaps it requires a locking to end the drama?

Author:  USN SEAL [ 09 Jan 2006, 02:27 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Jason Jaques [ 09 Jan 2006, 02:54 ]
Post subject: 

I third that.

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