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The Xbox 360
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Author:  PyroManiac [ 21 Nov 2005, 21:38 ]
Post subject:  The Xbox 360

Are you buying it...cuz i know i am...

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 21 Nov 2005, 21:50 ]
Post subject: 

PS3 is gonna pwn it...

Author:  FalconBK [ 21 Nov 2005, 22:00 ]
Post subject: 

Woot, im buying it.

Author:  kr3w [ 21 Nov 2005, 22:07 ]
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i tried out call of duty on it. SO crazy.

Author:  II-Sniper [ 21 Nov 2005, 22:59 ]
Post subject: 

Now imagine saving your money for PS3, that will have much better technology.

Owned much? I think so.

Vote X-Box 360, the next gen. Sega Dreamcast!

Author:  Somasu [ 21 Nov 2005, 23:54 ]
Post subject: 

you wish sniper,freakin xbox360 heck yeah im buying

aint nobody gona pay $500 for a s*it ps3 and the only advantage it will have against the 360 is the blue tooth s*it.I'm not going to pay $500 for a high def dvd player when they're already prety damned high def as it is

Author:  Supernuker [ 22 Nov 2005, 00:08 ]
Post subject: 

Xbox 360 is crap

/me writes down somasu on the enemy of nukers list right under falconbk.

Author:  MrSoda [ 22 Nov 2005, 04:09 ]
Post subject: 

ooh buuuuuurn. i want the xbox 360 but my uncle works at sony so he can hook me up with a ps3 cheap...

Author:  Cobra [ 22 Nov 2005, 09:28 ]
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ok uyea but how many are you getting yours today... im not, and i ordered mine 3 months ago.

Author:  Dudeman277 [ 22 Nov 2005, 17:48 ]
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PS3 will pwn everything.

Xbox 360 is trash.

Author:  Akhiv [ 23 Nov 2005, 11:53 ]
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I got it, now im sick as hell cause i waited in the line

Author:  Jared Damare [ 23 Nov 2005, 12:27 ]
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Hope you feel better. You lucky and unlucky at the same time lol. My friend preordered his in July and he still didn't get his. He's getting it second or third shipment.

Author:  zaser [ 23 Nov 2005, 15:44 ]
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PS3 All the way Smile

Author:  schecky [ 23 Nov 2005, 19:19 ]
Post subject: 

I read an article on how the PS3 will actually NOT be anywhere near as good as the 360 as far as performance and visuals. It has 8x more raw power, but won't be able to utilize it.

Author:  II-Sniper [ 23 Nov 2005, 19:21 ]
Post subject: 

We don't count X-Box Fanboys as credible information. Whoever said that, obviously has issues.

Author:  Jesse [ 24 Nov 2005, 03:33 ]
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Nintendo ftw.

Author:  dead poetic [ 24 Nov 2005, 07:28 ]
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i got a pc and thats better than xbox...and my comp isnt even that good
but i do think the ps3 will be alot better

Author:  chemfy [ 24 Nov 2005, 08:26 ]
Post subject: 

There should be a third choise as... "I don't support game consoles! PC FTW!!" Then I could choose one...

Author:  G-STRIKER [ 30 Nov 2005, 20:27 ]
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I am waiting for ps3 man it will pwn xbox360 yea!!
Very Happy

Author:  crazyman9990 [ 30 Nov 2005, 20:44 ]
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i say the pc kills all but comparing ps3 to xbox 360 xbox owns it

Author:  Somasu [ 30 Nov 2005, 21:07 ]
Post subject: 

i just got an e-mail,mine is comeing in in 2 days.I'll give you a full shitty review of COD2 and.NFL2k6

Author:  Katamari [ 10 Dec 2005, 23:43 ]
Post subject: 

II-Sniper wrote:
We don't count X-Box Fanboys as credible information. Whoever said that, obviously has issues.

lmfao sony fanboys are so much worse

Author:  Donovan James [ 10 Dec 2005, 23:44 ]
Post subject: 

oh really? i dont think so

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 11 Dec 2005, 01:44 ]
Post subject: 

Nintendo Revolutions Bitchs.

Author:  Somasu [ 11 Dec 2005, 10:14 ]
Post subject: 

finnaly got my sexbox and i absolutely love it,i'm so glad i got it befor i went left america.I havent had much time to play it though,i'm trying to live it up the last days i have in america (9 days left)

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