NukeSilo Community

Not been as active.
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Author:  blakeroberts88 [ 09 Nov 2005, 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Not been as active.

Yea I know I haven't been as active as much in Nukesilo... The past few weeks have been pretty busy. School, wrestling, boxing, my car, etc... Once I stop being so da*n busy, I'll get back to being active again. Sorry for anyone who missed me.

Author:  Pirogoeth [ 09 Nov 2005, 20:52 ]
Post subject: 

you were gone?

Author:  timmah [ 09 Nov 2005, 20:54 ]
Post subject: 

Owch lol. At least I missed you hehe. Thanks again for the Hvy. Wep License. Too bad cops still arrest me for having the weapon holstered on me with the license...

Author:  Dr. Dre [ 09 Nov 2005, 21:00 ]
Post subject: 

Welcome back!

Author:  crazyman9990 [ 09 Nov 2005, 21:11 ]
Post subject: 

welcome back robert are you still bd admin

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 09 Nov 2005, 23:02 ]
Post subject: 

Of course i missed you xD

Author:  [LG] Destroyer12 [ 10 Nov 2005, 14:33 ]
Post subject: 

Your a cop, everyone misses you.

Author:  Blade [ 10 Nov 2005, 18:24 ]
Post subject:  blade

blake your the gayest idiot, fucker ever and i don't give a f**k that your back ethier... in fact everyone in the nukesilo community is GAY except king his the cooliest out of you all. plus nuker your a faggot man i hate your gay ass voice and you period. In my own opinion i think this is the most rp server in the whole rp community cuase all you guys do is fight for power its just gay then you take it out on inocent rpers. anyways thats all i have to say welcome back blake and nick your a piece of s*it bye!.

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 10 Nov 2005, 18:53 ]
Post subject: 

Second retarded post i've seen by him, i'm feeling a ban coming on strong...

Author:  Blade [ 10 Nov 2005, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  blade

really jacque you feel it you idiot shut up man your gay period. plus your the most 2nd retarted person on earth .. fucker

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:00 ]
Post subject: 

Hey man, im not the one breaking the rules, spelling horribly, and you dont know who i am.


Author:  Blade [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:03 ]
Post subject: 

ok i dont type good but i know your still a fag and the second most retarted person on this earth. f**king idiot

Author:  Donovan James [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:12 ]
Post subject: 

Blade wrote:
ok i dont type good but i know your still a fag and the second most retarted person on this earth. fu** idiot

Leave them alone you da*n troll

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:16 ]
Post subject: 

You don't type good, you dont know what the word, "PUNCTUATION" means, you are calling me retarded when i'm pointing out the facts, and defending the people that make sence (NOT YOU).

Author:  Blade [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:23 ]
Post subject:  blade

ok ok jacques i no man you cant take the pain im sry but im not a huge geek like you . let me just show you how you sound "YOUR stupid and you dont know how to spell wah wah wah im so gay" thats how you sound
jacques and denovan i wont leave them alone you f**king fag.

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:25 ]
Post subject: 

Blade, just go die. Your a pathetic person who goes around and mindlessly insults people for no reason.

Go do it somewhere else.

Author:  blakeroberts88 [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:31 ]
Post subject: 

I know that isn't Blade.

Author:  Jason Jaques [ 10 Nov 2005, 19:32 ]
Post subject: 

You sure? Haven't seen him post in a while till now. And also, how does he know who everyone is?

Author:  TÆM |<A> Fusion [ 11 Nov 2005, 01:29 ]
Post subject: 

cool..... hey you wrestle too!?

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