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A Clockwork Orange - Yea or Nay?
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Author:  Mycenae [ 22 Sep 2005, 08:13 ]
Post subject:  A Clockwork Orange - Yea or Nay?

I just watched the movie, and it was very good, albeit strange. I heard there's a book too so I might check that out.

It's rated R for language, violence, and a few lewd scenes, but it's a good movie on morality, choice, and the constant battle between state and church.

What do you think about it?

EDIT - It's a 1970's film, more or less filmed in the same time period as Soylent Green, so the look of the movie is awfully old. It's still a good movie IMO though.


Author:  IEMC [ 22 Sep 2005, 13:58 ]
Post subject: 

Thats scary, because my bro just started the book.

I read a few pages... hard to understand.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 22 Sep 2005, 14:15 ]
Post subject: 

my all-time favorite movie ever

i watched it every day after school for an entire year, i actually memorized every scene and my cellphone ringtone is the 9th Sympthony 4th Movement by Betthoven when he is strapped to the chair watching nazi rallys and marches

that movie defines technical brilliance, never again will another movie be like that one

overall it is probably the greatest movie ever

i study Kubrick and im buying a $200 book about his life, and it includes a film splice from the movie 2001: A Space Oddeysey

i can write a whole book about what A Clockwork orange means, but you guys probably wouldnt care to hear it

the movie defines violence, totalitarianism, and mankind

examples: when Alex is in the hospital and the member of parliament is talking about how things went wrong and hes sorry, notice how he is feeding alex with a fork while he is talking...this relates to how in totalitarian states and countries the dictactors and propaganda feed lies and information to the youth of those societies

Im sure most of you will hate this movie, but plz watch it and give us your remarks on it

Viddy well, little brotha, viddy well

Author:  S34L [ 22 Sep 2005, 14:40 ]
Post subject: 

Dude you are way to into it Sounds pretty cool tho.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 22 Sep 2005, 16:39 ]
Post subject: 

cuz i study film and i wanna be a director

hell, im 16 and im already in the movie business so back off man Cool

just climbing the ladder man, one step at a time

Author:  S34L [ 22 Sep 2005, 17:34 ]
Post subject: 

f**k fame...f**k Fortune...Join the Military...Have fun!

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 22 Sep 2005, 17:44 ]
Post subject: 

oh sure, i love being some pawn in a game run by idiots

i love having death and destruction as my main fortay

i love dying in some place i would hate to be in

i love dying with people around me i dotn even know

i love killing many nameless and innocent people

i love getting a GREAT pay whi8le im being stuck in some distant land while my legs might be blown off and be paralyzed for the rest of my life


btw im not looking for either fame nor fortune, i just want to create art and visual style as a director

Author:  S34L [ 22 Sep 2005, 17:52 ]
Post subject: 

I want to join the Navy SEALs becuase i want to save my brothern And help tehm fight! Im not going to stop intill they Prevail. I will join so I can have that extra shot to kill a terrorists wiht his sight's on my Men. Vash Art's Good for you but i am drivin by war.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 22 Sep 2005, 17:59 ]
Post subject: 

if i could choose i would rather be a SWAT team member

more rewarding to me

and the training is like 1/100 of what Seals training is

plus i dont like dealing with bio-chemical plant raids and s*it

just good ol' take down the crazy guy with the gun or whatever

Author:  S34L [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:06 ]
Post subject: 

I cant friggin wait fro SEAL training!!!

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:09 ]
Post subject: 

i hear alot of rumors of what they do

so what really goes on in training? like i hera du have to stay underwater for a longtime

Author:  S34L [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:11 ]
Post subject: 

Drown Proofing...Oh my god dude i think they Drown you. I really think you are chained under water or tied up and you have to get out.

its called drwon Proffing.


Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:14 ]
Post subject: 

when do they teach you how to turn into seals and swim away?

Author:  Supernuker [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:14 ]
Post subject: 

S34L wrote:
Drown Proofing...Oh my god dude i think they Drown you. I really think you are chained under water or tied up and you have to get out.

its called drwon Proffing.


Thats one test you can't fail.

Author:  S34L [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:17 ]
Post subject: 

Oh yea. Its actually simple i think they Bind Your hand's and Leg's And you kind of Jump Up and float back down. I did that once. I was in my pool and I handCuffed myself and Bound my leg's together then jumped in. I was like I wasnt to smart. But im hear today. its a funny story the way i leanred to swim. I kinda jus tfell in my pool and jsut started to swim around the perimiter. BORN A US NAVY SEAL.

Author:  Supernuker [ 22 Sep 2005, 18:26 ]
Post subject: 

If was to join the forces, I would have to join the air force.

Author:  Mycenae [ 23 Sep 2005, 08:14 ]
Post subject: 

I love how this thread just derailed from Clockwork Orange to the military.

I guess that's my pentinence for derailing that thread about abuse.

Author:  S34L [ 23 Sep 2005, 13:45 ]
Post subject: 

Supernuker wrote:
If was to join the forces, I would have to join the air force.

Air Force is kind of Combined with the navy. The navy use's the airforce for Heli-Coptor's and other plane's While the airforce uses the Navy For the Aircraft Carrier Ship's where the SEALs Hang out.

Author:  Supernuker [ 23 Sep 2005, 16:18 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 24 Sep 2005, 00:06 ]
Post subject: 

actually the navy has created its own airforce pretty much

there is usually an airforce modified version of a plan and a navy modified version

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