NukeSilo Community

Story Thread
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Author:  FalconBK [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:21 ]
Post subject:  Story Thread

This is the thead where you posts crazy storys. (Take lukes dougnut one for example)

I was walking up this hill to get a pail of water™, then this hot chick in a convertible came up to me and said "Zomg noes haxxor" I was all like WTF?

Later, I went through the forest. I saw winnie the pooh. He was all like "Zomg noes haxxor" an i was like d00d right on! and we shared a honey stick.

Once I got home my mom was all like "dood" and I was all like "dood" and she was all like "you forgot the water" i was like "nuh uh". I was all like GRRRR

So I went to the hospital to study crap. Some womans water broke and the janitor was like "Hawt Dawg" so I shot him in the face.

Moral of this story is : DIE!

Author:  IEMC [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:22 ]
Post subject: 

IEMC wrote:
This one time, i ate this really big dohnut, then i needed to go to the bathroom. SO i went and it turns out i had diahrea. So i went, it was messy but i got it all cleaned up.

After thet i went on TSRP and pwned these noobs breaking into my apt. Then i went to admin hideout and this guy owned my right back.

SO i was like "RK BITCH" and he was like "BITE ME WHORE" then we duked it out and then i left cus i was all pissed. Then i went to the store and bought a pellet gun.

Then i went back to the TSRP server and was leik "Im gonna pop you holms" and he was like "nuh uhh i live in Iowa" so then i was like "OMFG YOU NOOB" then i went to bed cus i was like tired and s***.

A couple days later i went and looked in my frigerator cus im poor and got no food so i went to a diaper clinic and bought some creem cheese.

I smeared it on my body and went swimming. I got this big ol' cramp so i thought i was pregnent then i got a birth control box and ate it then i got a pregnancy test and it turns out i was pregnant so i went back to the diaper clinis to pick up a tooth brush.

TO make a long story short, alter that day i found out i wasnt pregnant and it was jsut the dohgnut coming out my wrong hole. Then i got back on tsrp andfound the same noob and banzored him. Then nuker was leik "OMFG what was taht?!" and i was like he called me a noob and i was like k and he was like k and then we danced.

Author:  Vash-The-Stampede [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:22 ]
Post subject: 

I went to the store, I saw Luke bathing an old, bald, and naked man

I left the store

Author:  IEMC [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:24 ]
Post subject: 

I like cheetos btw

Author:  FalconBK [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:34 ]
Post subject: 

How the Grinch stole christmas™

This is a sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad story.

The grinch was a happy fella', he liked candy and unicorns. One day while walking to the store smoking a joint and crack, he noticed a lemon. It was having a party.

At first he thought it was the drugs talking. But happend. The lime came!!

The lime is what we humans call 'a bully'. Mean, He freaking pwned the lemon. The grinch was sad.

After 5 years in a work shop the grinch built him self a super bong.

It was 500 ft wide, and 2000 ft tall.

It was amighty fine bong. One time he was sooooooooooo high he saw santa. He took out his axe and mauled santa with it. Santa was all "You ho-ho-ho". The grinch took all the presents and santa's sleigh.

After killing and raping all the reindeer he ate the bodys. Then he shot a nuke at the town and blew it up.

Thats how the grinch stole christmas™

Author:  IEMC [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:35 ]
Post subject: 

Where vash came from:

It all started in a library... *trails off*

Author:  FalconBK [ 25 Aug 2005, 21:43 ]
Post subject: 

The Iraq with special guest Vash.

Vash hated war. If there was a war he hated it. If there was hate he hated it. He liked to light himself on fire and streak. Getting tired of this he joined the army.

Then Gulf War 2 started. He went there and cried. Cried like a baby. After fighting the evil monkeys from Iran, he called Iraq 'Quagmire'.

Every morning vash would say 'Hello Quadmire'

Quagmire responded 'Giggity, Giggity, Giggity'.

Vash was launched insto space by a super probe with jet rockets. It was huge.

He landed on the planet 'Noob'. Vash being a excellant gamer was scared. So scared he cried. The noobs were everywhere. Armed with his drumstick of vanilla he fended them off.

He then had a baby with a tree and name it 'A baby of vash and a tree'

It became the king of Noob. Then it was assasinated by someone on a grassy knoll shooting into a theater.

The end.

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