NukeSilo Community

RolePlaying tips.
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Author:  Crimson13 [ 30 Sep 2013, 16:24 ]
Post subject:  RolePlaying tips.

Lesson One

How not to get kicked within the first five minutes.
-RP Means Role-playing. Therefore, do not simply walk down the street and murder people. Why?!?!? You may ask yourself, that is so much fun! But the reason is quite easy, it does not happen in RL.
-RL Means Real-life. Therefore, things are done in almost an exact (As close as we can get it) manner. Thus, you have money, hunger, health, and even items (cigs, lighters, drugs, phones, etc.). So the last thing you want to do is DM.
-DM means to Death-match. Therefore, you will not just kill people over and over because is does not happen in RL or in RP. If you do finally kill someone, however, be sure it is done in rp fashion.

What is a good RP Fashion?
-Good rp is done when you best immitate RL experiences that can't be obtained normally. Such as running a gang that is organized and well respected. But at the same time crude and illegal.
-You will find that if you follow RL, you will then fall into a good RP setting. Thus, jobs and money come into play.

How can I communicate with others?
-In the game, OOC means Out of character. And states whatever you say after that to everyone in the game. It is out-of-character because in RL, you cannot communicate with everyone across a town simultaineously.
*Example: You hit enter, and type," hey". This message is only said to those in the vacinity around you.
*Example: You hit enter, and type, "ooc This server owns!". This message is then seen by everyone in the server as, ((yourname: This server owns!))
-Then there are the Yell and whisper options. These are simply done like this.
*You hit enter, type, "shout freeze!". The statement is then sent to an even larger vacinity than when you just hit enter and typed.
*You hit enter, and type, "quiet Lets get em". This statement is then sent to a very small vacinity, you must be practically touching the person for them to hear you.
-Remember, ooc is not used for RPing, and should be limited greatly. Seeing as how the server is for role-playing and forums is for chatting.
-If you use ooc for part of your rp, and a person doesnt notice and something goes wrong, you are held at fault.

How do I get a job?
-Jobs are assigned by admins or job admins. The job admins are most often leaders of an organization. We also require that you make a post on the forums, using the given format.
-Many people are against posting on the forums, mostly because they believe it is slow and boring. The truth being, it takes no more than 5-10 minutes to register and make a complete application.
-Once you acquire a job, you must then conduct yourself in a manner befitting a person of that social status and position. You will also recieve the keys and items you will need to serve this job.

How can I RP my job?
-To begin, you may want to try to stay in the area of your field for the majority of the time. Ex: MCMD (Mecklenburg Medical department) Employees will need to stay in the MCMD, so that they may help people in need.
-Secondly, you need to remember your position, do not disrespect or question those with higher ranking than you, be in in the diner, or in the U.S.A Army. You could lose your job, and get a bad reputation just as it is in RL.
-Finally, you will need to conduct yourself in the manner of your job, as I said before. A Head doctor at the MCMD is unlikely to rob the diner. A police officer is unlikely to be smokin'crack or cigerettes in the PD.

Alright, now you have a job, money rollin' in. You can now focus on the important technical things about RP. Good luck in lesson two!


Lesson Two

Well, you've made it this far. So you must care about RPing right. This lesson is about Commands, and their proper use. Also items, and their proper use. Hope you learn something new!

What are commands?-Commands are quite simple. They are things you say that are linked to actions and results.
*Example: You hit enter, and type, "shout I love pie!". Th result of that is you yell that phrase.

How do I open doors?
-First, you must have a key to open a door to most buildings and rooms, unless they are for public use. If you do have the key to you door, all you must do is type, "/usedoor". Keys are usually given with jobs You must be looking at the door inself, not merely area where the door goes. Therefore, you must have your crossairs or your center of your screen on part of the door when entering the command.
-There are also illegal methods of opening doors, these methods I will leave for you to discover.

How do I get items?
-Well, you may purchase items from business such as the 7-11, by using the "/buy" command. Or, from other players. Also, you may recieve items from an admin, so that you may do your job more efficiently.
*Example: While standing infront of the employee in the 7-11; You hit enter, and type, "/buy". A menu then comes up on the left side offering you a multiple options. These options may appear as,

1.Buy an item
2.Examine items

0.Close menu

Where can I see what items I have?-It is very simple. When you recieve an item, it is place in your inventory. To view this inventory, all you must do is type "/items". You then use the coresponding numbers to find your way through the menu.

How do I use my items?-After typing, "/items", all you must do is enter the number corresponding with the item, then enter the number corresponding with the menu option. Meaning when the menu comes up, press 1.use or 2. drop. Whatever the numbers correspond with.

When should I use items?-Items are still a relatively recent addition to TSRP. These are used to better stability in an RP server. So, you should not choose to smoke weed in front of a cop, or to abuse your items.
*Example: If you are a cop, you should not simply cuff or tazer someone for no reason, that is abusing your powers and items.
-If you choose to abuser items, you may lose them, your job, or possibly/unlikely be banned.

What if it takes too long to type a command?
-Easy. Goto console (often reached by pressing ~), then enter with the quotes but without the <>, bind <key> "say /command"
*Example: you hit ~, and type, bind z "say /usedoor" and hit enter. From now on, when you press "z", the command will be issued, just as if you had typed it. This saves a great deal of time.
-The bind can be used for all other commands as well, such as /cuff, /tazer, /buy, /items.

What if I forget the commands?

-Very easy. Type, "/commands", while in-game to view a list of all the commands.

Congratulations, you have finished Lesson Two of your RP training. Lesson Three will be about server/forums information and their use. Good luck in Lesson Three!


Lesson Three

Basic Information about Forums, admins, and other important information.

What are forums?
-Forums can be defined as the following: The areas where individual discussions take place as a listing of topics. The primary significance of forums for a TSRP server is to Create a community.

Why would you need a community?
- A community allows people to know what goes on in the server and out. It keeps the participants informed on current events.
-A community forms short or long lasting friendships. This can help you become known to the Rp world, so you don't get perma'd the first time you kill someone.
-Also, people who know each other are less likely to insult, ridicule, argue, and kill each other. All of this ruins rp, when people flood ooc and such with the previously mentioned.

Why would we ask you to apply on a forums for a job?
*Note: Not all servers require forum applications, and some use a mixture of in-game and forum apps.

-Most often, when a person joins a server they are there for just a moment, ie, pubs. Pubs are those who are new to the server, and have no history or respect. These guys are likely targets of DM as soon as they get on a server, they will be discussed later.
-We use forum job applications to get to know a person, their qualifications, history, attitude, and more. We then use this information to make a discission on whether to hire you or not.

Why wouldn't you get hired?
-The most common reason people don't get a job is the importance of a job, ie. the police force. Depending on the map the server runs this could be called many different variations; MCPD, SVPD, NVPD. These positions have great responsibilities, and powers such as cuffs, tazers, and sometimes restrain. The powers could be abused just as admin could if given to an irresponsible person. By using forum apps, we more than cut the possibility of an abuser in half.
-If you have a bad history or have insulted the organization before.
-Known for DMing/RKing.
-Character type not allowed in the organization, ie Yakuza don't allow women in because of tradition.

What are admins?
-Admins are those who regulate, control, and safeguard the server. They prevent DM, abuse of position, give jobs, kick/ban, and mostly just keep the rp in good shape.
-When is it ok to insult an admin? It is never ok to insult or disrespect an admin, depending on the server. By insulting an admin you insult the server, its owners, sponsers, and others affiliated. Thus, it is almost never permitted.

How to get unbanned if you have been.

*Note: Not all servers have an unban option available.
-The forums will most likely have an area where you may post to be unbanned,remember to follow the correct format and give proper reasoning, not insults.

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