NukeSilo Community

[Closed] Zachary 'Slippy' Vivalldi
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Author:  Slippy [ 23 Jul 2009, 15:11 ]
Post subject:  [Closed] Zachary 'Slippy' Vivalldi

Your Nickname: Zachary 'Slippy' Vivalldi (At the time I was banned it was Brobot v1.2)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21853374
The Server your banned on: Nukesilo TSRP
The Admin who banned you: Valerie 'Peany' Tuque
Why you were banned: Well, we were all bored, so I decided to act like a robot. Specifically the one from Southpark. So, Peany was AFK infront of the Yakuza Warehouse, and shot her thinking I could get away with it with only 3 of us on the server. Which really wasn't my brightest move. Anyways, she returns, and bans me for 2 hours. Turns out that was my maximum amount of bans, and I am now permanantly banned.
Why you should get unbanned: I think I should get unbanned because I meant no harm of it. I wasn't really ruining any RP, just trying to have fun. And I'd like another chance in engaging the act of role play amongst my friends on the Nukesilo TSRP server. Thank you. :>

Author:  perlov0 [ 23 Jul 2009, 23:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: [New[ Zachary 'Slippy' Vivalldi

I'll unban you, but don't do anything stupid again.

Next time you're banned, you won't be unbanned due to your extensive ban history.

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