NukeSilo Community

[CLOSED]Gregory's Unban Request
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Author:  Gregoru3746 [ 23 Jun 2009, 16:24 ]
Post subject:  [CLOSED]Gregory's Unban Request

Your Nickname: Gregory "Swift" Brost
Your SteamID: 0:1:19845991
The Server your banned on: NukeSilo RP
The Admin who banned you: Jameson
Why you were banned: Dming I think, it was a LONG time ago
Why you should get unbanned: Because its been almost 6 months since i have played in that server; I think have learned my lesson, and because yeah, it was 6 months ago.

Author:  Crimson13 [ 23 Jun 2009, 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gregory's Unban Request

I have reviewed your request and have decided to give you another chance. But be aware that you are near the max bans allowed on our server. If you hit that max, it will take a lot of persuasion on your part to convince us to unban you again.

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