NukeSilo Community

Courtroom Map?
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Author:  James_Vincetti [ 19 Mar 2009, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Courtroom Map?

I could make you guys an epic courtroom map if you want. :D

Author:  Wake [ 19 Mar 2009, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

Nah, we can just use the mayor's office or something.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 19 Mar 2009, 17:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I say go for it, Vincetti. There is never anything wrong with having another map added to our resources, especially for this purpose. If you do this, I might even be able to find a way to compensate your character for it on the TSRP server.

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 19 Mar 2009, 17:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

Maxwell Murder wrote:
I say go for it, Vincetti. There is never anything wrong with having another map added to our resources, especially for this purpose. If you do this, I might even be able to find a way to compensate your character for it on the TSRP server.

Already on it.

EDIT: Peany, if you would be so nice to make a 'Nuke City Courtroom' or 'Nuke City Justice League' image in a .wad I would love ya. :)

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 19 Mar 2009, 22:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

For spawning should I create a street that you spawn out on and the courtroom is in front of you?

Author:  TankMcCannon [ 19 Mar 2009, 22:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I would say the entrance of a court room no street but just a room leading to the court room.

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 19 Mar 2009, 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I mean, the street would be detailed. :)

Author:  johndelgado [ 20 Mar 2009, 01:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

this may or may not lead to dm's but perhaps have like an outer place with steps and such...ya know likein the big courtrooms where there are pillars and stuff. Could also lead to some RP situations where smeone pulls a gun to assassinate someone and then runs or something? I dunno, just a crazy sleep-deprived opinion. Also if we are gonna do that coalition thingy might be that the bus could take us to the courtroom? Or even without the coalition

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 20 Mar 2009, 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I agree with Delgado. We need a street and some surroundings for a nice "A Time to Kill" type threatening situations, like protests and gunmen and such.

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 20 Mar 2009, 15:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I was thinking of making a hall outside the courtroom, a door on the right when leaving the courtroom (the room itself) that leads to a parking lot. Behind the jury would be a wide window and a building would be placed on the other side of the parking lot for epic sniper assassinations, shooting through the window and killing the jury/judge/whoever.

Delago, the collumms would take some time to make...But, anything could happen.

Author:  Ryoma [ 20 Mar 2009, 16:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

You should use the metal detectors from lobby and place them at the main entrance into the court house.

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 20 Mar 2009, 16:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

Ryoma wrote:
You should use the metal detectors from lobby and place them at the main entrance into the court house.

Hehe, I already thought of that and is added.

Author:  Kami O' Joe [ 20 Mar 2009, 17:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

how would people get weapons so they could assasinate people? If it's a different map, then you'd need gunspawns and a gunshop. Unless I'm mistaken of course.

Author:  gordanfisherman [ 20 Mar 2009, 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

If it was going to happen, to make sure they wouldn't get banned or anything, I suppose they would have to talk to an admin to clear the assassination RP. They could then give them a weapon. I think that everyone that will be involved in the trials will be already hand picked because they can RP, so the admins wouldn't have to worry about every noob getting on asking for a gun to kill people.

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 20 Mar 2009, 17:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

gordanfisherman wrote:
If it was going to happen, to make sure they wouldn't get banned or anything, I suppose they would have to talk to an admin to clear the assassination RP. They could then give them a weapon. I think that everyone that will be involved in the trials will be already hand picked because they can RP, so the admins wouldn't have to worry about every noob getting on asking for a gun to kill people.

I was thinking assassinations would be admin only. And, yea Kami I was thinking of adding an admin room (see previous sentence) that lead up to the roof of the building to be able to shoot off of. And the gun detector would be cool anyway.

EDIT: Well, I took Nirvanna's metal detectors...and I can't get TS_Lobby's technical coding for it. So, they're un-functioning at the moment.
EDIT2:I was going to compile an alpha map, got some errors, fixed them, got more, and it says those brushes aren't even on the f**king map.
EDIT3:Fixed errors, found leaks.
EDIT4:Did a quick fix for the leaks, now for some reason you spawn in the void when running that map.

Author:  khatool [ 21 Mar 2009, 09:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

An apartment building across the street from the courtroom would be cool. With one apartment, at the very top, with a balcony facing towards the courthouse.
In this apartment would be some assassination type guns, a silenced pistol, a sniper rifle, and maybe an MP5.
Only good RPers would be granted access to this apartment.

Author:  Cobra [ 21 Mar 2009, 09:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

khatool wrote:
An apartment building across the street from the courtroom would be cool. With one apartment, at the very top, with a balcony facing towards the courthouse.
In this apartment would be some assassination type guns, a silenced pistol, a sniper rifle, and maybe an MP5.
Only good RPers would be granted access to this apartment.

Perhaps instead of an apartment building it could be a book depository?

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 21 Mar 2009, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

Any sort of place with a lot of rooms would be clutch, because that forces the police to have to search for the shooter if they didn't actually see the person.

Author:  khatool [ 21 Mar 2009, 10:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

MY idea of a perfect court map has many different areas for many different kinds of RPs, and multiple ways a smart himtan can assassinate. Also, the more teamwork these methods might require, the better.

I drew up my ideal courtroom map using MS paint (New computer, no photoshop yet) and hope that, even though you are already quitea long ways into production, you consider a few elements.


Now of course, the back door from the alleyway would be locked, as would many of the rooms, but it leaves an oppurtunity.

The easiest method to get in would be through the main entrance, but there would of course, be a metal detector, and the cops would frisk you, etc, so the odds of bringing a gun in is very minimal.

Then of course the little hole in one of the bathroom stalls, where one could put a gun, is the best way to get a weapon, but of course you couldnt be transfered ammo, and you heavily rely on a team member.

Then again, a smart security team would gaurd that alley, and round and round it goes!

There are many different ways one could infiltrate this courtroom, I cant even predict some of them, but the best way would probably be to have a guy on the inside.

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 21 Mar 2009, 16:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

No need for all those extra rooms...This is what I was planning.


The Secure Door would have metal detectors, while Real Doors would require keys, and the Special Door would be more of an 'Admin Door' and would either perform assassinations themselves or would let someone in. Assassinations would have to be rare and not every court trial.

Author:  TankMcCannon [ 21 Mar 2009, 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

If the person is suppose to be executed, where are we going to do it? In the Nuke City?

Author:  Wake [ 21 Mar 2009, 17:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

Put a firing range, you know with a post and some sandbags for the firing squad.

Author:  khatool [ 22 Mar 2009, 09:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I believe that having all those extra rooms provide much more room for RPs, and would give assassination a chance besides a "special door" which, no offense, seems a little lame.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 22 Mar 2009, 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?

I agree with Khatool, and I like his layout.

Author:  Fatboy3227 [ 22 Mar 2009, 13:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Courtroom Map?


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