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Not today...
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Author:  Bloodstruck7 [ 17 Feb 2009, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Not today...

Tristan looked down annoyed as his phone signaled he had just received another text message.
"Who the hell keeps texting me" he said aloud to himself. He looked down at his phone and saw the name: Jared J Hill. He remembered vaguely that man, he had held him at gun point for insulting him and asked him for one thousand dollars. He smiled to himself and looked into the SMS. "You'll recieve my money in hell, you punk. Meet me at the gunshop in two hours." Tristan smiled wider and went upstairs to grab an AK47. He then went immediatley to the gunshop and sat on the bench having some supper for the next two hours.

Two hours later he saw Jared heading over. Tristan cracked his neck and Jared cracked his knuckles.
" You son of a b****, no guns, only fists, the old fashioned way." said Jared menacingly. Tristan nodded his head in agreement and was about to say something when he was cut short. Jared had dived into him head first and knocked the wind out of him. He quickly recieved a punch to the stomach and chest, but retaliated with a quick one to Jared's ear. Jared rolled off him and panted.
"H-how are you not hurt?" He said nervously.
"The magic of Kevlar mother f***er. Too bad you don't have any." Jared backed up a few steps as Tristan pulled an AK47 out from under the bench. He fired three shots, all three ripping threw Jared's skull. Skull fragmentation's and bits of brain flew onto the hotel doors and wall. Tristan kept on firing until his clip was empty. The result was a very screwed up image of what used to be a person. Tristan grinned and started running as he heard sirens in the distance. He didn't bother picking up the gun casings and felt very pleased with himself.
"Thank God for guns..."

Author:  Praphet [ 18 Feb 2009, 09:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

((Cheating bastard. lol))

Author:  Bloodstruck7 [ 18 Feb 2009, 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

(( Exactly what he said. Heh. ))

Author:  Eric [ 20 Feb 2009, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

((Kevlar doesn't make punches not hurt, you'd still feel the impact...unless you had ballistic plates in it (unlikely for a common street thug) and he punched those.) And it's not a "clip" learn the difference between a magazine and a clip. Otherwise, decent story))

Author:  Praphet [ 21 Feb 2009, 08:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

((And lo, the /k/nazi cometh. Butchea, I haven't seen many ceramic body armor pieces on mobsters lately. Just the same, why does anyone care too much about the difference between a 'Clip' and a Magazine? It's always a magazine to me, but the minor difference seems to be all anyone dwells on whenever the read anything. Sort of like the safety on a Glock-- is it worth pointing out? I mean, it's TSRP, folks. I'm just happy when nobody picks up a pair of AK47's and does a cartwheel while they shoot it out with the cops... but then again, I've yet to consult /k/ on that one, either.))

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 21 Feb 2009, 12:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

(( Well, we do strive for utter realism here. We want nothing but the good stuff, the meat; trim the fat. But, you are right in being upset with us, Praphet, because we certainly aren't being nice about it. I mean I pointed out a simple timing error on a person's "application", which should have been corrected, but I wasn't very nice about it. So let's all just try to do our part in making this a better, more enjoyable experience for everyone. ))

Author:  Eric [ 21 Feb 2009, 12:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Praphet wrote:
((And lo, the /k/nazi cometh. Butchea, I haven't seen many ceramic body armor pieces on mobsters lately. Just the same, why does anyone care too much about the difference between a 'Clip' and a Magazine? It's always a magazine to me, but the minor difference seems to be all anyone dwells on whenever the read anything. Sort of like the safety on a Glock-- is it worth pointing out? I mean, it's TSRP, folks. I'm just happy when nobody picks up a pair of AK47's and does a cartwheel while they shoot it out with the cops... but then again, I've yet to consult /k/ on that one, either.))

((/k/ nazi? I've been to 4chan like once in my life, I just know my stuff. If I was really from /k/ those posts would have been way less polite. Yes the kevlar thing does matter in RP because if I punch someone I don't want them to be like "lololololI haz t3h k3vl4r, I don't f33lz teh pain!11!1!1". The glock thing, not so much but it might save you some time in an actual rp so you don't have to /me taking the nonexistent safety off.))

Author:  Praphet [ 21 Feb 2009, 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Yeah, I know watcha mean. I just give folks a hard time when they correct me, :), tends to work out in lessening criticism. If you were really from /k/, you'd have stopped dead in TSRP when you saw a Deagle.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 21 Feb 2009, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Generally, criticism is a good thing, though we may not like it.

Author:  Mikhail Zhukov [ 22 Feb 2009, 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

((praphet, you should start using a silenced deagle for your hits, its pretty intimidating when you see a hand cannon with a silencer longer than the barrel))

Author:  Wake [ 22 Feb 2009, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Mikhail Zhukov wrote:
((praphet, you should start using a silenced deagle for your hits, its pretty intimidating when you see a hand cannon with a silencer longer than the barrel))

(( Ever seen a silenced AK47 or shotgun? ))

Author:  Eric [ 22 Feb 2009, 21:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

((Silenced shotguns do exist but silencers for shotguns don't work as well as a rifle or pistol silencer))

((As for AKs, AK silencers aren't absurdly long))

Author:  Wake [ 23 Feb 2009, 05:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Eric wrote:
((Silenced shotguns do exist but silencers for shotguns don't work as well as a rifle or pistol silencer))

((As for AKs, AK silencers aren't absurdly long))

((But they're big.))



Author:  Bloodstruck7 [ 23 Feb 2009, 17:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

(( lol No country for old men....))

Author:  Praphet [ 25 Feb 2009, 19:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

((I like my gunshots loud, for some reason. And usually, I like me some practical weapons. Preferably, if I were to kill someone with something cool, it'd be some sort of Magnum revolver, or a nice (unsilenced, f**king' Bardem) shotgun. These random-ass alien-looking guns don't do anything for me, for some reason; about the only 'new' weapon I take a liking to is the G36C, which somehow found a way to look bad-ass, and only a few assault rifles really look bad-ass. Although, the AK47 is one of them, I gotta admit.))

Author:  Wake [ 26 Feb 2009, 05:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Praphet wrote:
((I like my gunshots loud, for some reason. And usually, I like me some practical weapons. Preferably, if I were to kill someone with something cool, it'd be some sort of Magnum revolver, or a nice (unsilenced, f**king' Bardem) shotgun. These random-ass alien-looking guns don't do anything for me, for some reason; about the only 'new' weapon I take a liking to is the G36C, which somehow found a way to look bad-ass, and only a few assault rifles really look bad-ass. Although, the AK47 is one of them, I gotta admit.))

Author:  Praphet [ 26 Feb 2009, 14:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

//Sawed off shotguns, overused? WEEABOO? Dare I venture against my own defense of the short-barrelled beauty, though; unmodified hunting shotguns are much more my style.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 27 Feb 2009, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

//I like your style, but for me: sawed-off shotguns 'til I die.

Author:  Praphet [ 27 Feb 2009, 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Maxwell Murder wrote:
//I like your style, but for me: sawed-off shotguns 'til I die.

//Yeah, my only bias toward long barrels is that, even deep south down here, sawing the barrel down past a tiny length is actually illegal ,for some odd reason and I get used to only seeing the typical full-length hunting apparel; I guess the only time you'd want to saw something down would be for easy concealability, and the Po-Leese don't approve.

Author:  perlov0 [ 27 Feb 2009, 20:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

// it allows the bullets to leave with a greater muzzel velocity, however with less accuracy, and that's another reason sawed off's are illegal, as well as the increased concealability

Author:  Eric [ 27 Feb 2009, 22:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

perlov0 wrote:
// it allows the bullets to leave with a greater muzzel velocity, however with less accuracy, and that's another reason sawed off's are illegal, as well as the increased concealability

//Uh shorter barrel = slower muzzle velocity. The thing sawed offs do better is the buckshot spreads out faster because of the shorter barrel. Sawed offs are illegal because of the concealability and because they are connected with gangsters due to the media; the government doesn't ban guns for function (look at the inane firearms laws of my home state California).

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 27 Feb 2009, 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

//You know more about this than I do Eric, so why does a shorter barrel decrease muzzle velocity? I would have thought otherwise, and I'm interested to hear more about it.

Author:  Bloodstruck7 [ 27 Feb 2009, 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

// Why did my post turn into a debate about guns. Why not someone elses...

Author:  Eric [ 01 Mar 2009, 23:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Maxwell Murder wrote:
//You know more about this than I do Eric, so why does a shorter barrel decrease muzzle velocity? I would have thought otherwise, and I'm interested to hear more about it.

//To a point you are right, there is a point where the barrel would be so long it causes unnecessary drag and slows the shot down (though gun manufacturers tend to know what's up and don't design barrels that long, you can catch of glimpse of this phenomenon in Paintball where people have 18+ in barrels and need to turn their input pressure way up to counteract the barrel drag). However, there does need to be enough length for the shot to accelerate. Remember a bullet works by the gases behind it pushing it out the barrel. Obviously to accelerate the bullet the gas needs to be behind it. As soon as the bullet leaves the barrel the gas dissipates into the air, obviously no longer accelerating the bullet. So the barrel needs to be long enough to keep the gas behind the bullet until the bullet reaches its maximum velocity but not so long that it slows the bullet down by creating drag. Sawing off the barrel would remove the length the bullet is accelerating in, thereby causing a slower muzzle velocity.

A helpful analogy might be to picture a car accelerating to its maximum speed. Let's say a certain car needs 100 feet of road to achieve its top speed (yes I am aware that is a really short distance, it's just an example). Let's say at the end of the 100 feet of road is dirt or something that no longer allows the car to accelerate. So after the car accelerates along the 100 ft of road, it reaches its maximum velocity just as the road ends, similar to how a bullet needs the barrel length to accelerate. Now cut the road to 50 ft. The car, having half as much road to accelerate on, would reach a much slower velocity before running out of surface to accelerate, just as the bullet leaves the shorter barrel slower.

I'm sure you didn't need the second explanation as everyone on this forum for the most part is quite intelligent but I felt proud of myself for thinking that up so I decided to include it :)

And sorry for the thread jack, if anyone has any other questions about firearms/ballistics I'd be more than happy to answer any questions through PMs.

Author:  Supernuker [ 02 Mar 2009, 01:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Not today...

Eric wrote:
everyone on this forum for the most part is quite intelligent

//Ignorance is bliss.

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