NukeSilo Community

Application for leader.
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Author:  RoronoaZorro94 [ 11 Apr 2009, 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Application for leader.

In-game name:Yuri Yamamoto.


What will you do as the leader for the Yakuza?:I will get more pepole to join the Yakuza because I feel like I am the only one. I will invite those who is good rpers and I wanna make big epic rpers moments.

What do you know about The Yakuza?:Yakuzas origin can be followed far back as to the year 1612, when men known as kabuki-mono (the crazy ones), got known by the local authorities. Their odd clothing style, distinctive haircuts, bad behavior, beautiful tattoos and carrying long sword did that they got everybody's attention, fast. Kabuki-mono had a bad habit to harass and terrorize everyone in their surroundings. They could go as far as cutting down people for pure pleasure. Kabuki-mono was distinctive samurais that gave their band of robbers’ scary name and spoke in vigorous slang. Something that was remarkable, though, was their loyalty to each other. They protected each other regardless against menace, even if it meant to go against their own family. Kabuki-mono had been the shoguns samurais. But, because of sometime of peace, they were forced into unemployment. They were known as master less samurais, aka ronins. They began to wander around in Japan as band of robbers, pillaging villages and smaller cities. The modern yakuza didn’t appear until the middle of the 17th century. Their members were bakuto (gamblers) and tekiya (street vendors). These names of the members are still used today. It has however been added several categories of yakuza. This will be described further on. The Yakuza are believed to be one of the largest organized crime factions in the world and have been around longer than the mafia. For the Yakuza it doesn't matter which country you come from or from which class of society you belong to, Yakuza members must be willing to die for their boss.
//I wrote it for myself because I have study The Yakuza. Oops forgot to say that they where Tattoo experts and everyone have a tattoo on themselves in the Yakuza.

Why should we give you the job:Because I think I know the most about the Yakuza here and I am the only one left in the Yakuza exept Tony Ventino but he is inactive. If you give the job to me I geranti that it will come more pepole to the yakuza and it will become more big epic rpers moments.

Why do you wanna become the Leader?:Because I think that there is no one left in the Yakuza and I wanna make a change to that. I want to make big epic rpers moments too and I heard that Tristian(Yakuza Leader now) are going to the mafia beside he is inactive and I dont think that Tristian get so many to the Yakuza.

What will your applications format be?:
In-game Name:

Steam ID:

Character Age:

Character Background/history:

How Long have you RP'd?:

What you offer to the Yakuza:

Why you want to Join:

Other servers You've Played On/TSRP Experience:

Anything Else (OOC or IC) That you Think is Relevent:
//I think this is a good one and I am sure that many is going to like it.

What would you do, to fix more pepole to The Yakuza?:I am active and I will help those new comers and tell them that Yakuza need more members. I am going to make big epic rpers moments that makes pepole wanna join the Yakuza.

Anything else?(OOC):Well that's it Thank you for reading my Application. I will do everything that I can. And forget about the other application this is much better. I will not dm or anything else like that or do a bad rp(I have seen Tristian done it).

Author:  Mikhail Zhukov [ 11 Apr 2009, 19:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

i vouch for him, he IS the only yakuza i ever see on the server

Author:  kman120 [ 11 Apr 2009, 20:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

i vote for zoro

Author:  Zurrag [ 11 Apr 2009, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

I already asked Perlov, he said Tristan has 1 week before he replaces him.

Author:  magefromhell [ 12 Apr 2009, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

i vote for zoro, he would be great as leader

Author:  Terrible Torin [ 12 Apr 2009, 10:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

i vote for him, he helped me out a lot as a noob to the server

Author:  gordanfisherman [ 12 Apr 2009, 13:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

As there is not an official poll out for the new leader, maybe it will just be an admin's choice without consideration of the community, but I would like to give Zurrag my vote of confidence.

Author:  Gregor [ 12 Apr 2009, 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

gordanfisherman wrote:
As there is not an official poll out for the new leader, maybe it will just be an admin's choice without consideration of the community, but I would like to give Zurrag my vote of confidence.

Same, Zurrag has alot of experience with this server and he already manages Applications for Tristan anyways. No offense Zorro

Author:  perlov0 [ 12 Apr 2009, 15:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for leader.

Useless topic, I'll find a new leader when I see fit.

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