NukeSilo Community

The Long-Awaited Mafia Application Format
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Author:  Eric [ 04 Jan 2009, 14:33 ]
Post subject:  The Long-Awaited Mafia Application Format

Ok Shadow asked me to do this a week ago and then I promptly left town on vacation and forgot about it. Lucky for you all I remembered just now so here is the Mafia App Format. Follow this and you too can terrorize the neighborhood with all the other cool kids.

First some ground rules:
1. An IC RP to get into the mob is infinitely better than any application, which is why that was the only way we hired people for a while. Anyone can put the right answers in on forums but RP skill can only really be seen in game.
---As a side note to this, yes in game interviews are better, but don't metagame and walk up to me or Shadow or Kyon and just be like "Hey I know you're in t3h mafiaz0rs, can i haz job?" Chances are your character doesn't know we are the Mafia, much less the 3 highest ranking members in it, so don't pull that crap. Plus if you were just a random civilian, chances are you won't WANT to meet a hardened criminal. RP finding out who we are or at least have some sort of history/back story thought up that would make sense for you to become a criminal
2. Do not, do not, DO NOT post this app and then spend 2 hours in the bar demanding Shadow, or me, or Kyon to look at your app. We will look at it when we have time so calm down and be patient. Being impatient will make you look like a dumbass.
3. Put thought into the application. Don't scribble out the bare minimum in 5 minutes. Actually think about your character's motives and things like that for joining.
4. The 3 people who can accept these and hire you are Kyon, Shadow, and myself. Shadow can veto myself or Kyon so he's the guy you really are out to impress. (If there are more RHMs out there, feel free to let me know and I'll edit this)

Now onto the format. Please follow this closely and don't be stupid when filling it out. The whole application is IC except for the obviously ooc parts (like Steam ID and how long you've been playing for).

[b]Steam ID:[/b]

[b]Character Age:[/b]
[b]Character Background/History/How you know about the Mafia:[/b]
[b]What you offer:[/b]
[b]Why you want to Join:[/b]

[b]Other Servers You've Played On/TSRP Experience:[/b]
[b]Anything Else (OOC or IC) That you Think is Relevent:[/b]

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