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Gordan Fisherman's App
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Author:  gordanfisherman [ 06 Mar 2009, 16:11 ]
Post subject:  Gordan Fisherman's App

Name: G-MAN

RP Name: Gordan Fisherman

Steam ID: Steam_0:0:6116879

Have you been a medical person before: Yes

If Yes, Where, When: A year ago on #Noobi-Heaven RP I was a Physician, couple months ago on Harbu Ware (can't remember what the title was), and on Chris's RP I was a Chief Physician.

How long have you been roleplaying: Upwards of 2 years now.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Everyday excluding Mondays and Wednesdays. I will mostly be on around 6-10 p.m. EST -5. I am in college though and if I have an exam or test on the following day I won't be able to play that night.

Why I should select you for the job: I really enjoy RP and will pursue the best RP situation possible. As I said I have been role-playing for 2+ years now and have a vast experience in thinking on the spot and continuing situations that could just be ended in the rejection to serve someone medical treatment. Also I can bring a realism to the RP as I am currently enrolled at Vanderbilts Medical University, which aids enormously when diagnosing and solving problems.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a medical professional successfully: First off I will act my rank properly, I won't undermine a higher ranked Medical Worker and will follow orders. With that said providing I am hired as a lower ranked medical trainee first, I will most likely spend the majority of my working time behind the counter so people can come and be treated. If I started out as a Paramedic type I will patrol the streets and if things continue as the trend is set currently I will be called to a crime scene rather frequently. Once there I will diagnose the problem (most likely a gun shot wound which is described below).

Describe to me how you would deal with a gun shot wound: It would depend where the gunshot wound was located. If it was near a major artery the only choice I would have is to try and cessate the bleeding, stabilize, then quickly transport him to the surgical wing to surgically remove the shot. However if he was shot somewhere that would not threaten his life to remove the bullet (e.g. a shot in the forearm) I would remove the bullet immediately to stop the possibility of an infection. Then we would continue to cessate the bleeding and provide pain medications to make him as comfortable as possible.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone calling you to the scene of a crime to treat a person(s): If I was in the surgery room in the middle of a life or death situation I would have to pass the call on to someone else. But if I could afford to leave the patient, I would stay on the phone with the dispatcher while I drive to the scene. I would need to access information such as where the scene is located, if the situation was under control or if it was still dangerous, and what kind of injury the person(s) I will be treating had received. Once there if the situation was over I would access the situation and handle the problem described above (providing it was a gunshot wound). However if it was still a live situation then if for example an officer was down, I would figure have to go retrieve him with the help of some fellow officers as long as he wasn't in the line of fire. If he was in the line of fire I would have the officers try to end negotiations quickly so we could try and retrieve the officer before it was too late. And if it was a hostage that was injured I would try and persuade the officers to convince the criminal to let a medic in to assess the situation and try to save the hostages life.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone that is mentally unstable: If the patient was dangerous to himself I would have to put him under anesthesia untill I could constrain him. If he was going to hurt himself he would most likely hurt other people in the process so it would be neccessary to put him under control. I would then give him a psychological test to assess what the problem is.

Any other comments: I will do anything to further the rp even if it includes the job that the majority will refuse to do.

Author:  Praphet [ 06 Mar 2009, 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gordan Fisherman's App

Nice app!

Author:  gordanfisherman [ 06 Mar 2009, 17:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gordan Fisherman's App

Thank You, yours set the bar though

Author:  Praphet [ 06 Mar 2009, 18:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gordan Fisherman's App

Only because I make my EPenis bigger with each post.

Author:  Crimson13 [ 06 Mar 2009, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gordan Fisherman's App

App. Status: ACCEPTED

See me in-game.

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