NukeSilo Community

Sullivan Briar NCMD Application
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Author:  Praphet [ 05 Mar 2009, 19:29 ]
Post subject:  Sullivan Briar NCMD Application

Name: Praphet

RP Name: Sullivan Jefferson Briar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5105894

Have you been a medical person before: Yes, on several servers.

If Yes, Where, When: X-Factor, and HWRP both saw me as Doctors in their lifetime; X-Factor, as a lead surgeon, and HWRP as an operating physician. I was on another, far less notable server, whose name I cannot recall; I left due to the main purpose of the Medical Staff being "hey im at 38hp can u let me on the bed kthxbai"

How long have you been roleplaying: Upwards of 4 years, almost 5.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Late on Weekdays, most every night, and irregularly on Weekends.

Why I should select you for the job: I am suited to the roleplaying environment, and I plan to staff the Hospital.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a medical professional successfully: I would seek to treat and stabilize patients as quickly and efficiently as possible. I would never go above my realistic medical expertise(No back-alley brain surgeries involving paper-clips and chewing gum, or 5-minute heart transplants).

Describe to me how you would deal with a gun shot wound: I would keep pressure on the wound, apply pain relief, and immediately move the victim to a more stable environment, where sterile tools would be available. If necessary, I would extract the bullet, and I would cauterize the wound as best I could. I would keep the patient in observation until I can be sure they're fine, then have them stitched up, and rebandaged.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone calling you to the scene of a crime to treat a person(s): I would try to move the wounded person away from any imminent danger if at all possible, probably with Police assistance, and immediately try to stabilize the patient in the field. Afterward, I would bring them to the clinic, to be properly treated and observed.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone that is mentally unstable: If violent, I would call the Police; It's not my job to tackle schizophrenics, just to treat them. I can do that with them sedated and in handcuffs.

Any other comments: Understanding that the NCMD is wildly understaffed at the moment, I want to just be clear that I probably won't be able to realistically play by the book in the server; I will do my best to do my part in saving lives and treating the wounded, but I likely won't be able to do physicals and examine swollen toes on those who desire that sort of thing. Unless it's MRSA.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 05 Mar 2009, 22:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sullivan Briar NCMD Application

How many characters do you have? s*it, haha. That was brilliant RP at the diner, earlier today, by the way. It's too bad you can't do the NCMD and SWAT at the same time, because they could stand to learn a thing or two from you.

Author:  Praphet [ 06 Mar 2009, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sullivan Briar NCMD Application

Thanks. Yeah, haha, well I'm leaning toward non-violence; as much as I like shooting people in the face, I think the trigger-happy Cops 'n Robbers have enough of that for one hundred fold the RP community's active population. Thus, I seek to profit off of their mutual annihilation; treat gunshot wounds!

Author:  Crimson13 [ 06 Mar 2009, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Sullivan Briar NCMD Application

App. Status: ACCEPTED

See me in-game.

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