NukeSilo Community

J. S. Benway app
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Author:  Benway [ 11 Nov 2008, 21:42 ]
Post subject:  J. S. Benway app

Name: Benway

RP Name: J. S. Benway

Have you been in the MD before: Yes, but not on this server

If Yes, Where, When: a year or so ago

How long have you been roleplaying: about two years

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Any day after 4:00 PM

Why I should select you for the job: Because I am an experienced doctor with much knowledge of how to take care of patients.

Tell me How you will RP your job as medical professional successfully: I would always be on call, and would make myself available to all who need help. I would also like to conduct research on drug addicts and the mentally insane.

Describe to me how you would deal with a gun shot wound: I would remove the bullet, sew the patient up, and keep them in bed until their condition improves. That is, of course, if everything goes well. I used to have a practice in Tangiers, and once had to perform such a surgery using a rusty sardine can for a scalpel. The patient went into cardiac arrest, and I was able to revive his pulse by opening up his chest cavity and massaging his heart with a plunger. I'm sure the medical department in Nuke City will prove to be a much more sanitary working environment.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone that is mentally unstable: I would lock them up in a nice room, pump them full of anti-psychotics, and study them thoroughly.

Any other comments: There is hardly ever anyone around to provide medical attention when it is needed. I hope that I will be given the opportunity to change that.

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