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Jamon Tyler MCMD App (Dr. Wolf 'Dogman' Bishop)
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Author:  Jamon Tyler [ 23 Oct 2008, 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Jamon Tyler MCMD App (Dr. Wolf 'Dogman' Bishop)

Name: Justin K.

RP Name: Dr Wolf 'Dogman' Bishop (nighttime) / Jamon Tyler (Daytime)

Steam ID: 0:0:7465186

Have you been in the MD before: Yes

If Yes, Where, When: Various servers. I believe Prodigy gaming was one server. I was MD on a lot of different servers. Never held a position higher than MD Assistant Director

How long have you been roleplaying: Over 3 1/2 years. I have been on and off for quite some time. When i am required to role-play i do so with the highest quality.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Every weekday and sometimes the weekends. Mostly after 3pm and not after 12 am.

Why I should select you for the job: I have been roleplaying a doctor, but i am not a doctor. I feel that i have the experience and knowledge for a medical based job and i can contribute to any rp situation. I obey all of the server rules and i have been playing on Nuke for some time now.

Tell me how you will RP your job as medical professional successfully:
It depends on the situation. I would always be prepared for any situation and i would address the injured civilian politely and figure out what the problem is. I will set up an example. Let's say i saw an injured man laying on the street screaming for a doctor: First, i would address the man and ask the generic and rhetorical question, "Are you alright sir?". Then, he would most likely say "I have a bullet wound", or something along those lines. I would escort him to the sidewalk or to a safe location and see what the exact damage is. If the damage is severe then i would call for an ambulance to escort him to the hospital. If the wound is only minor and the person is overdramatic, i would take him the hospital for a quick check up or patch him up on the street (if he had a cut or bruise). Most of the time, the "healing" would take place in the hospital of course.

Describe to me how you would deal with a gun shot wound: I listed it above but i will summarize shortly. I would immediately try and stop the bleeding until the man is stable enough to be put in an ambulance and taken to the hospital (or "carried" to the hospital). Then i would call over another doctor, or if i was the only attending doctor at the time, i would inject the patient with morphine or give him a pain killer, and then remove the bullet. Then i would stitch him up and let him rest until he could be released.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone that is mentally unstable: I would try and calm the civilian down. IF the civilian was resistant, i would be forced to call the police to handle the situation accordingly. If the police tell me that he needs to be taken the hospital, then i would ask for the police to restrain him and i would escort him to the MD to be checked on.

Any other comments:
Not really. I am willing to RP an in-game interview however.

Author:  Crimson13 [ 23 Oct 2008, 22:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jamon Tyler MCMD App (Dr. Wolf 'Dogman' Bishop)

App. status: Accepted

See me in-game for an interview.

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