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Matthew Bland CIA App
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Author:  Zurrag [ 11 Feb 2008, 20:14 ]
Post subject:  Matthew Bland CIA App

Name:Matthew Bland
RP Name: Matthew Bland (i couldnt think of a good one, and what better way to RP then to use a real name :P)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7730333
Have you been a officer before:yes
If Yes, Where, When:on the Topaz RP server, for about a month befor it went to hell.. so like october?
How long have you been roleplaying: about 8 months, a full year if you count my DOD realism experince, and about 2 years if you count all rolepaying games where you actualy have to make your own dialog.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active:every weekday from 330 central to about 6 central, and on the weekends, 330 central to when ever I decide to go to bed.
Why I should select you for the job: I think you should select me for the job becuase I love to RP, I love law enforcment, I love spying, and fell that I am reliable.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a CIA successfully: Well, I will try to be secretive about exactly what i am doing, as a CIA agent would, I will try to use decite and stealth to my advantage and try to not bring atenttion to my self unless it it called for, I will be subtle but forceful if I have to be
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: I would not try to interfere with the police unless they really needed it, I would be sure to follow the criminal and see where they go to hideout, and observe how much firepower they have at thier disposal and make decisions accordingly.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would report him to the police, I would tail him and keep in contact with the police to help them find the perpatrator if he tries to flee.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would try to determine if this person was part of a gang, or the mafia, or just a sumple drug dealer, I would be sure to report him to the police, and would only use force if he is firing on innocent people.
Any other comments: I am very interested in things of this nature, I would love to be a CIA agent in RL and I am going to join the army and become a MP next year when I gradute.
Also, since I am the mayors personal gaurd, I help out in the casino, I think it would be a very good position to have a CIA agent in, to keep an eye on things in the Casino and report/stop any illegal activity.

Author:  [Vital]Genesis [ 06 Mar 2008, 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Matthew Bland CIA App

Accepted. See me ingame.

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