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Noah Calson's CIA Application
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Author:  NovaVenta [ 30 Jan 2008, 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Noah Calson's CIA Application

RP Name:Noah Calson
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10289261
Have you been a officer before: Yes I have
If Yes, Where, When: XCCP in havoc9. Officer in Owned clan hazard tsrp, Improvision tsrp, HXnetworks, justrp, real rp. Thats about all I can recall but I know there is a few more servers I just forgot
How long have you been roleplaying: 1 year roughly
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Mostly everyday of the week.
Why I should select you for the job: Because I am a skilled law enforcement worker and a good rper.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I would listen to crime reports not rush cuff, and or revenge cuff. I would negiotiate out robberys / hostage situations. And listen to witnesse's victims and so called criminals sides of storys.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: I would first go to the crime scence then radio in for backup. Then I would wait for backup to arrive. Then I would negiotiate with them because they have the 7/11 clerk hostage. I would ask them for demands such as 1,000 dollers I would give them 1,000 dollers. If they didnt want to come out and they were planning on dieing I would position a sniper on the roof and have them get a clear shot and take them out. If they did want to make it out alive I would answer their demands then if they let the hostage out I would get the hostage to a safe place then have a officer search the hostage. Then I would try to get the hostage taker to surrender. If they fired a deadly shot at one of the officers I would have the officers shot the hostage taker and take him out. Then rush in and clear the scence and then close the 7/11 for a while because their was just a shooting there.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would tell them to freeze. Then I would arrest them and tell them that they cracked the diner window or broke it then fine them and let them off with warning. If they declined the fine I would send them off to jail then release them after his/her jail time is up.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would first tell them to drop their weapon or weapon(s) then arrest them tell them what did wrong ask them for a licence then fine them if they have a licence and let them off with a warning if they didnt have a licence I would send them to jail them and tell them to get a licence. Then release them after his/her jail time is up
Any other comments: No

Author:  [Vital]Genesis [ 30 Jan 2008, 16:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Noah Calson's CIA Application

ACCEPTED. See me ingame.

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