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SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe
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Author:  Brain [ 06 Mar 2009, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe

I have a comment to be made about this officer. His RP skills... are quite... horrible... Here is my story....

I am sitting in the 7/11 buying some CCards and opening them. Along comes Amber Simone. I step away so she can buy, and she ends up robbing the joint. She didn't realize I was still in there, as I was in the corner. This cop comes to the robbery. I knew I could stop her myself, so I pulled out my knife, while he watched me, and the gates were still up. The gates come down. He kicks in the window to start the RP... He JUMPS through the window, as she runs through the door and runs away, she made away with 220 dollars, mind you, while he comes in and tazes ME, putting me into jail while she got off. I don't know what kind of RP this is, but, I am not fond of it. The way he even acted. I got put in for 10 days for having a knife out in public. Now, I am not here to rant against him. I am here to request he be trained PROPERLY. Just thought I'd write it as I served out my sentence.

Well.. thats it.

Author:  Wake [ 06 Mar 2009, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe

// Well, seeming as you were armed he might have thought you as a suspect in the robbery. But jumping through the window is bad, he should have negotiated first.

Author:  Brain [ 06 Mar 2009, 15:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe

// its not even that.. haha.. Its more about, the one who was robbing ran, I am more than ok to serve my time, but, you don't just let the robber run.

Author:  Wake [ 06 Mar 2009, 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe

// Even if he did tazer and cuff you, his tazer would still be recharging while he chased Amber.

Author:  Brain [ 06 Mar 2009, 16:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe

// he didn't even go after her.

Author:  Kami O' Joe [ 09 Mar 2009, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: SWAT Officer Kami O' Joe

//Sorry if I accidentaly arrested you, but from my position and with all I heard when I arrived, I saw but two people inside the 7/11 at the time of the robbery. I'm posting this a couple days after the matter, and as such can barely remember it. I do remember kicking in the window and going inside...I think it was because we had shouted for yall to give up, get on the ground, etc.

You both seemed to be surrendering, neither of you were armed (though you did have a knife out for a second), thus I felt I could go in with tazer at the ready to arrest both of you (I had no idea who was robbing, who was helping, who was a suspect, etc.). I didnt just waltz in, I believe I broke the window to start the robbery (bad habit I admit), and when I saw both of you crouch I thought "Oh, they're actually giving in...that's nice of them". As I stepped into the window Amber took off through the other window, and I was out of reach/taze range. I did, however, have a fellow officer right next to the window she jumped out time to tell him to get her so I (maybe foolishly) hoped that he would chase her, he seemed to be in the best spot to do so. I sayed behind to deal with you because I did not want to risk loosing both suspects because I was busy chasing one.

As to arresting you, you had a weapon out and you were inside a building during a robbery. Not to mention that I had no idea who was robbing and who wasn't, maybe you were Amber's accomplice, and she/he decided to ditch you. So I played it safe and detained all suspects, and because you didnt seem to be able to offer any proof in your defense I felt that I would be better off jailing you. I tazed you because I'd noticed you had a knife out before and wished to play it safe. Sorry if I've forgotten anything, sorry if I've caused you undue stress. But hey, you got me back when you threw a knife into my back as I was walking into the PD with a prisoner in tow. :D
And my RP skills are not horrible I'm the person who walked into the warehouse because I heard they were selling cookie, knowing that I would probably be kidnapped, because I wanted to have a fun RP.

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