NukeSilo Community

New SWAT Training
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Author:  Silvia [ 30 Dec 2008, 02:06 ]
Post subject:  New SWAT Training

Well guys I thought it would be a good idea if we got down some good textbook SWAT training which should include hostage rescue, room clearing, and other training activities. I think a few of us should decide on day/time to have a little time to work on some stuff.

I remember most robberies ending up in the criminal being shot and killed so we should work on apprehending the robber without lethal actions.

Good Ideas and plans??

Author:  Wake [ 30 Dec 2008, 08:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

In real life, SWAT uses tear gas, stingers, and better flashbangs than the one we have. They also use less lethal shotguns and baton launchers, things we don't have in TS. This makes it close to impossible to actually get the suspect alive.

Author:  Supernuker [ 30 Dec 2008, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

Its actually easier than you make out wake, the main problem is that people don't seem to try anymore. I already am working on training programs for my SWAT team.

Author:  Silvia [ 30 Dec 2008, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

Well the swat flashbangs are actually very effective

Yeah I wish more people were playing still but ill sure it'll get better soon. Whats going on with the crime orgs ? Not really causing any commotion or anything....
But what were some of your ideas nuker ???

Also I see we don't have a team leader and am very interested.

Author:  Wake [ 30 Dec 2008, 20:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

Normal flashbangs suck.

Author:  Supernuker [ 30 Dec 2008, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

When me and my assistant find someone who will do well as a team lead we will promote them, not before then.

And we are still working out training details, and I'm not going post swats tactics in the forums.

Author:  Mortnerj23 [ 05 Mar 2009, 17:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

That map "blackwater" is pretty useful, me and Delgado, Kami and Jack Johnson trained there last night, we had fun, had laughs but most important learned to tricks of the trade.

Author:  Kami O' Joe [ 06 Mar 2009, 14:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

Aye, it was a good map and good training. Though we could probably fit in some team work drills, like room clearing with fellow SWAT and regular PD units. Maybe make some guidelines for clearing a room: like if you're on one side of a doorway and your partner's on the otherside, where do you both go when you breach? I would imagine that person on the left side hugs the left wall and the person on the right side hugs the right wall once you get inside, but that's just an example.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 06 Mar 2009, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

That seems to make sense if you're using the "slice the pie" entry tactic. Otherwise, I would think that the two officers might criss-cross upon entry.

Author:  Nervegas [ 07 Mar 2009, 15:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: New SWAT Training

Well almost all tactical entries are going to be what max refers to as slicing the pie, each member takes a sector and it is his responsibility to clear his sector. With a residential structure however, multiple entry points, and staying as a group sweeping each room individually works well. But on ts, slicing the pie is going to be used almost exclusively. Hugging walls is not necessary, just moving quick, and overwhelming the enemy is what is needed.

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