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caffeine's SWAT Application
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Author:  caffeine [ 09 Mar 2008, 12:39 ]
Post subject:  caffeine's SWAT Application

caffeine. If you want my name instead of my nickname, let me know. I feel that anybody who knows my real name is required to know why my name is like that.

RP Name:
Victor Miller

Steam ID:

Have you been a SWAT Officer before:

If Yes, Where, When:
Little servers in November to December 2006, such as "Random RP Server". However, the server lacked activity, and applications for SWAT were too easy-going.

What can you contribute with?
I'm completely eager to be involved with teamwork (Ventrilo). I'm fairly familiar with how SWAT works, and I think I should bring it out on TSRP.

How long have you been roleplaying:
This is my first TSRP server. I started in late November 2007. Took a few breaks in between.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active:
Sunday, for sure.
Weekdays, evening hours.

Why I should select you for the job:
I have played in the regular police department in TSRP for a long, long time. If I total up my entire time of TSRP law enforcement in all servers to this one, I would be more than a level one officer - a lot more.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a SWAT Officer successfully:
My experience in the police department in TSRP goes a long way back.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:
When assistance from SWAT is requested and approved, it's all teamwork.
However, if I'm the only one on, it's always better to assume the worst than to risk being caught outgunned. Than means I have to assume the robber is armed. So I have my whatever gun I'm holding, pointed at the robber, and I'm only a little bit exposed. I'm half-hiding behind a wall or something. If he is unarmed, I would tell him to turn around, hands on head, and on his knees (assuming it's a man o: ).
If he is armed, he is to be ordered to drop his weapons and do the turn around drill. If he shoots, and people are in danger, the threat needs to be eliminated. So it's one shot at him. If he RPs well, he would stop shooting or at least act injured. If it's one of those crapRPers, I have two choices. Flash him out, and rush at him. The other choice is to have him gunned out.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:
First, I need clarification on this one. If SWAT is to be responsible for enforcing minor misdemeanors like vandalism, then I'll have to chase them down. First, if the person is co-operative, it's just a simple $100 fine. If it's not, it's *zap*, cuff, and a fine/jail for both vandalism and resistance.
If I'm not, I'd still give it a shot, unless an officer has it covered.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:
Guns are dangerous. Having it in public is even worse. I would identify myself as an enforcer, with my gun out. The person is ordered to have the gun away, be it holster or a drop. If the gun goes in my direction, it's a *zap*. But the chances, when it's in public, of threatening someone who isn't necessarily in my direction is pretty big. It would most likely be a *zap*. Since there are the crapRPers running around the server lately, I'd have to recover the gun. Depending on licenses, fines, etc., the gun might be returned or confiscated.

Any other comments:
Why am I so bold in applying for this when I'm only a level one officer? It's not about IC accomplishments - it's about what I've done in all TSRP servers. The reason I went for regular police was because I haven't played TSRP for the entire months of January and February. I needed to warm up. I had to shake my noobish enforcement mistakes off (like the in-and-out thing...) so that I can screw up less in SWAT.

Author:  Orion [ 09 Mar 2008, 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: caffeine's SWAT Application

Let's hope that you don't screw up at all in SWAT. Your application is pending and will be decided by an in-game, IC interview. Meet with me at the PD.

Author:  Orion [ 09 Mar 2008, 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: caffeine's SWAT Application

Upon failing the interview, you have been denied. Get some more experience with the regular PD before you apply again (if you want to, that is).

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