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MacCay's Application
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Author:  Orion [ 23 Feb 2008, 20:46 ]
Post subject:  MacCay's Application

Name: If this is truly necessary I can send it in a PM.

RP Name: Andrew MacCay (formerly Jack McArthur)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2669221

Have you been a SWAT Officer before:


If Yes, Where, When:

Excuse me if I can't give you specifics, I took a break from TSRP for about a year. I'm not sure if I was in SWAT back on Mecklenburg, but I've had previous experience with SWAT in multiple other servers (some you probably wouldn't recognize :P).

What can you contribute with?

A level-headed, calm approach to any difficult task. A good shot, and a steady hand. Plus, I also have a sense of justice, and blowing up a small-time crook for emptying the register at the 7/11 is worse than letting the guy get away in my mind (not that SWAT should be dealing with small-time crime anyways, and at least not on a regular basis).

How long have you been roleplaying:

Approximately 2 years, if you don't include my year long break.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active:

Every day, between 4 and 11 PM CST on week days (sometimes I'll have other things going on, like scrims, etc.) and any reasonable time on the week ends.

Why I should select you for the job:

I have sufficient RP experience, I have good judgement, and my priorities are in line.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a SWAT Officer successfully:

The SWAT team aren't cops with a different title. They are an elite force, called in to play only when the situation demands it. Therefore, I will not run around NC like some whacko cop. If there is a hostage situation, however, I'll be on the scene in a heartbeat. Negotiating with words or lead, I'll see to it that justice is served.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:

If there are regular police online, I'd leave it to them unless they specifically asked for SWAT assistance. If none were on, I would head to the scene and negotiate with the criminal. If negotiation fails... well, you can probably guess what happens then. I'd try to not kill the criminal(s), though. :P

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:

Again, I'd leave it to the regular police if they were available. If none were available, and there were no more important matters to take care of, I would act in the stead of a police officer.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:

This is a slightly different situation. I would keep my distance, but get close enough so that I don't have to shout at them. Shouting might anger them. I would first ask why they are wielding the weapon, then ask whether or not they have a license. If they have no valid reason, I would act according to the NC laws. Same thing if they had no license. If they have both a reason and a license, I would ask them to holster their weapon, and be on my way. However, knowing they have a weapon on their person, I would keep an eye out for them, and be careful around them.

Any other comments:

Jon Laten: // The SWATs pretty much understaffed anyway

Author:  Cziko [ 23 Feb 2008, 21:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: MacCay's Application

Hired :D

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